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Everything posted by TheCountryMedic

  1. Lets remember people, its tv........
  2. Definately suspened and if found guilty..yeah fire the person..sounds tough, but theres no place for thiefs in our profession. we got enough to deal with, besides someone stealing.
  3. Check with your locaL SCOUT COUNCIL.
  4. We're all volunteers out here. Very few but we're still holding out.
  5. Being from the country ahs some advanatages but not all the time. Long ride times to the er or major trauma centers, but it can be done thru flight services. I like what we can learn from the city medics, but working out here, gives a better perspective on things. We really do try and conform to the professionals, no matter if their in the city or out here in the country. Peace TheCountryMedic )
  6. Our system in our town right now in Vol. but times are changing and we might have to go to paid soon. Everyone working the day shift, so there might be a plan in the near future to go paid, but right now, there is 3 of us answering the call for 2000 here in our town. Peace.....
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