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  • Birthday 03/31/1963

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  1. I look at it this way. What's done is done now lets educate him to prevent him doing this again and possibly hurting himself or others not tear him down. He'll resent you for that and do whatever he wants. I'm not going to say " hey buddy good job". I'm going to say " you had good intentions but this is the proper way to do it". Then he'll know he can look for and accept help from someone who will listen. Is this a forum to trash those who respect and want to do what we do or are we here to advise with our experience and help each other out. I pray that all is well for that patient but one thing I'm sure off is that patient was happy to have someone with him during a serious situation and provide some comfort knowing he wasn't alone. You can't change the past but you can prevent it from happening again.
  2. Wow. I think they were rather hard on you. Your hearts in the right place and you just wanted some guidence. Your young, your hearts racing and you just want to help others. Thats where we all start when we enter this field. Rather then going over your do's and don'ts I recommend you move on from first responder and take an EMT course. This way you'll have all the answers your looking for and be more prepared. I know the scanner thing is very exciting but believe me you need to pace yourself and not run out to everything you here. Your only 1 person and I don't want you to possibly get into something that you can get hurt. I was lucky to have a couple of senior guys on the job help me out when I first began and I've always made it a point to do the same for others. So keep the faith, stay cool and educate yourself, not just by books but with expirenced partners. Good Luck and if I can help let me know.
  3. OK lets have things your way. Let's have doctors in the ambulance. Then we won't need medic's, and while your at it tell the next guy who wants to learn CPR to be a doctor or stay out of the field. To you unless you have a PHD your useless. Yeah the system is messed up. But the people who want to help others should be congatulated not put down because there not at the top of the ems chain. I don't know why your in the field. I'm sure you complain about all the bs calls we get or how your world isn't touchy-feely. The real world. We live in the real world. Wake up. Save your Sci-Fi bs for TV. Everything I'm talking about here is actually happening. I know it's not just about me but I'm in the field your bashing and I have a problem with that. If you want to say you don't like EMT'S say it, but save all that other garbage about us not being useful. Or go somewhere else. This is called EMTCITY. End of story. I'm out of this revolving discussion. I'm more mad at myself for debating with you. "Emt's as people", what do you think we are aliens.
  4. You guys just don't get what I'm saying. I'm not bashing medics. I know they can do much more than I can. Just like a doctor can do so much more then they can. But for someone to say to me go back to school EMT's are useless. That I resent. I'm a EMT for 20yrs now and I love it. You can say all you want that I'm not doing anything for the patient and I'll say you dead wrong. I've seen a lot of good outcome because of what I know and i've been able to help alot of people. Sure I'm limitted to what I can do as a tech,but what I can do I do the best I can. The best compliment I ever got was from a medic co-worker. No one can ever say to me that I don't pull my own weight. So save that BS about the patient would have been fine for someone who hates there job cause I don't. And the way you sound it seems anyone under the title of doctor is useless to you. Fine doc get in an ambulance and do it yourself.
  5. Thanks I appreciate that. I'll be a little more patient with my writing. If I offended you at all I also apologize. You know this is the kind of conversations I was looking forward to in this site. Work related, and friendly. I like hearing war stories. It shows people like, not going to mention but he thinks EMT's are useless, what type of calls we get and how we handle it. So the truth comes out. To you we're just ambulance drivers. I guess you didn't work in a place where EMT's made a difference. I do and the babies I delivered and cardiac arrest That I brought to the hospital breathing would agree. I've got no problem staying as an EMT. Sure I'd like to be a medic. I'd also like to be a doctor. But I'm not and I don't let that stop me from doing the best I can in what I love doing.
  6. ok first off i said book smart goes hand in hand with experience. second no I'm not paying attention to proper spelling, I did't realize I had teachers reading my writings. next I have no problems with medics. I've had bad medics in NY as well as NJ. I've also had bad techs. My point was the ones with more field experience as well as book smarts I found to 1) work better with others 2) have a better handle on the task at hand. As far as my name or where I work that's non of your business. I entered into this forum to help others as well as my self. Initially I may have come out a little harsh but's that's because I got a little defensive at how some people were bashing others. I not here to say I'm a better tech than anyone. I'm here to voice my opinion and get some honest feedback with out being attacked. You think I'm stupid with my grammer and spelling. Go ahead, I'm not here out wit or spell you. I love my Job. I love working with people and making them at ease with the job. Sure we get alot of bs. So what every job has it's bs. You want to be a doctor, more power to you. I like being a EMT and I don't consider my job useless. Yeah I was also at 911 And the 1993 Bombing too. Go ahead slam me all you want if it makes you feel important. "I corrected his spelling, I told him he was wrong." Wopy do!! And tskstorm that family crack was uncalled for. What you think there's no shitty providers out there, als or bls. Get more experience then talk to me.
  7. I'm sorry to say but you'll be the guy who calls a 10-13 (help) because the guy you gave narcan to awoke and now what's to beat your a.. because you took his high away. Or you stood on the scene to long to do all your protocalls on this gun shot victim and the shooter returns. i have alot of respect for medic's but some stay and play on scene too dam loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. We on the other hand give it the best presumptive diagnosis we can and get the hell out. Don't people walk before they run? Kinda makes sence doesn't it? BLS ALWAYS BEFORE ALS,NURSE,DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEARN, GET GOOD AT IT , THEN MOVEON. SKIPPING WILL HURT YOU. AND BUDDY PLEASE "ANGRY" THAT'S KINDA DISRESPECTING EMT'S
  8. I've seen too many what I like to call as Harvard Medics, there book smart but common scents,street smarts is out the window. To me doctors , nurses all work in controlled enviroments. Plus does't a doctor have to do some yrs residence work and get signed off by another established doctor. The pt's are coming to you. You decide if you see them now or they wait. If there a problem security handles it. In the street your now in the pt's turf. Talking down to them could cause a dangerous situation. It's just you and your partner. Your a psyc doctor, trauma doctor, medical doctor and labor and delivery in one. You deal with whatever is thrown at you. You can"t pass it on to another tech. I also see alot of 20 yr old medic who think that emt's are all stupid. Yet they have less then 6 months as a EMT and fell there season profesionnals because there medics now. Yeah maybe 3 years is along time but look at this, Was it 3 years in a high volume system or a 2 to 3 call a day system. My first time stepping into an ambulace was working 911. I never volley'd, never did transport. First call of my career was a shooting to the face in the south bronx. See what I mean.
  9. Hi, I'm on the Job. There are a lot of cutbacks going on with us. Several units have been reassigned to other areas of the city and the private hospitals are being offered to run more units to cover those areas. The medic program is currently on hold but no talk about us losing it. You can go to the FDNY website and type in EMS for an application. I'm pretty sure we're on a hiring freeze right now but we do have a high turnover rate so that can change. I'm on the job 17 yrs and constantly seeing new faces. We don't have a residence requirement so you don't have to worry about moving into the city. Personally I feel you should have at least 3 yrs being an EMT before becoming a medic. If your hired with us as an EMT the medic program is free. 10 month's just school. Something to think about. Any other questions fell free to send me a message.
  10. Not to sound funny (well a little) but I had similar symptoms once and felt better after a good bowel movement.
  11. In the calls i've been on with medics I've noticed that they usually only give narcan if the pt's resiratory rate is too low,and then start out in low doses to prevent the od pt from waking up violent due to losing there high. Also when too much is given stand back the projectil vomiting is coming.
  12. I apologise. Well the pt was found to have suffered a ponds bleed. It seems since the pt never went to the hospital he probably had uncontrolled hypertention. The pt stroked out over night and vidals just went back to normal after the stroke. Due to the location of the bleed is why both pupils were constricted. A medic that responded actually went over the pt with me on scene to explain the possible ponds bleed. I had suspected stroke due to pt's alcohol abuse and lack of medical attention. The diagnosis was confirmed at the hospital with a ct scan. Unfortunaetly this pt will be on life support for the rest of his life.
  13. Yeah I got that the first time....I guess your one of those people? , don't no what trismus means, no vomit, pt breath smells of alcohol. Pt bedroom messy but nothing unusual. Since you and I are the only night owls would you like to know the findings.
  14. First off why the first responders have him on 2 liters nasal instead of 10 to 15 lpm nonrebreather is an issue by itself. Next you have to speak up if you feel somethings wrong. If you get called into court blaming it on your partner won't save your a.. The pt is an adult and another adult cannot sign a rma-ama without a power of attorney. That doctor can't tell you anything without the pt approval, and your guys AMS. Call medical control or a supervisor if you have a problem with a call. That's what there their for. I don't care if you partner had 20 yrs on the job and you had 1 day, don't be intimidated. I've found that if you speak up and show your not just there for show your partners will respect you more. Those that don't like it won't want to work with you making you life easier. Skells like working with skells. They eventually become unemployeed. You know he's going to have to lie thru his teeth on that report. Written the way it happened will have you both looking for a new career. good luck, your concern shows you have pride in your work. Don't let anyone take that away!!!
  15. so since I know the outcome I should say it then making this ems discussion???
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