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Everything posted by heather_21_2006

  1. My Fire Chief was killed thursday night in a four wheeler wreck. He hit a cow about a half mile from his house. I was one of the first responders on scene. Please pray for our dept and his wife Cheryl. Streetman Fire Dept.
  2. Chief Robert Knight, of Teague VFD, was killed Saturday night fighting a structure fire when a brick wall fell on him. He was flown from the scene to a hospital in Tyler, Tx where he later passed during emergency surgery. He will be greatly missed and will never be forgotten. He was an amazing leader and teacher. He shared his vast knowledge with anyone who was willing to learn. He lives on in our heart and prayers. His family is in our prayers. Thank you God for giving us the brief moment that your angel walked with us. R.I.P Brother Knight Unit number 900. Streetman VFD
  3. haha thats cute. lol tell that nurse that she needs to get a clue.
  4. Haha right. Stupid people make the world go round!
  5. I never skipped out on any of the skills or things that I felt that I needed to go over in class. I read my book and passed all my test in 15 to 20 minutes, I was the top in my class, in a class of 23. So if being in class could of helped me anymore than that I guess I would have stayed for it. Trust me the paramedic class I will not skip out on. That stuff is just a little harder than the Basic class. I plan on going on to medical school after I get my medic anyway. Well have a good day. Thank you for the concern on me skipping important parts of school. But it obviously didn't hurt.
  6. I found class to be really easy. In fact I would skip out on class alot of the time. I agree that would be an interseting study.
  7. I couldn't agree more firemedic05
  8. Haven't started it. I just had a baby in october. So I think I will wait till she is a little older before I start back to school.
  9. I used to be an ER tech, and a few of the nurses I worked with had a bad attitude towards EMT's when I first started there. But after I had a few "discussions" with them about what we do from the time we get on scene to the time we give report in the er is alot more than what they think. I would love it if er nurses and nurses in general had to spend time in an ambulance, just like we all have to spend time in the ER before we get to go take our test.
  10. I was one of the last groups of people to take the paper test this past spring. I would of rather taken the computer test.
  11. If it was me, (and I have done this) stop if no one has. Only to get important info to give to the dispatcher i.e. # of pts, # of vehicles, and if they are out of the vehicle or if they are trapped. I wouldn't do anything other than that. Too many people on a scene is just asking for someone else to get hurt.
  12. I was soooo nervous taking my NREMT-B test. But once I got to the testing site, I realized just about everyone else was too. Once we got in and sat down I relaxed a bit and started the test when they told us to. I started filling in the little bubbles on the scantron and got to the end of my test went back through the test just to make sure I didn't miss anything, go up and took my test to the front. The test proctors looked at me with a very puzzled look on their faces and said "your done?!?!" I said yes, why??? They looked at the timer they had started when we all opened our tests and it had only been 45 minutes. I told them I was done, they looked at me and said "yeah, we will see you back in a few weeks." Well my results finally came in and oh yes I passed with a 98!
  13. Seems to me like the nurses now a days should be required to ride on ambulances, so that maybe they would be able to understand just a SMALL part of what EMT's actually do. MAybe then they would treat EMT's with more respect, and know that we know what the hell we are talking about.
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