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Everything posted by Mark3743

  1. 43.You have ever had to leave a patient's room before you begin to laugh uncontrollably... I think that is my personal favorite! :twisted: Yes I have!! :twisted:
  2. Possible CVA/TIA, I would realy like to know vitals esp B/P, and this is an obvious transport with O2 and an als intercept.
  3. Any previous med hx? Medications? What does she mean, "I don't feel right?' Pain? Recent falls? Illness? there are a whole lot of questions to ask here and how are the vitals?
  4. Any reccomendations on alternatives to GCS?? I don't see too many TBI where I work!
  5. Any possibility of Hepatitus? The enlargement of the liver leads me to ask about Jaundice or yellowing of the eyes?
  6. I am reading all this and am impressed with the depth of knowledge I am seeing in this thread, however I do have to make one comment. The GCS score seems to be important in a small category of pts such as those with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), but for most of the pt's GCS just doesn't seem that important. I would have to agree that a total GCS score of less than 8 is nesscary before anyone really is going to care at the recieving hospital, But that kind of a score requires severe motor impairment and that is the more important finding!! I also think that the GCS should be revised so as to be able to assign a zero score. Our PCR requires a GCS score and I am tired of explaining to a lawyer or manager why this person scored a three and had been dead for two days and a pt alive and seriously injured scored no better.
  7. No documents found!! :lol:/
  8. I did too!! The person below me hates midgets. :twisted:
  9. Nope, I never miss a meal! The person below me, hates broccoli!
  10. I have SBC DSL and they have their own version of a browser. I like it alot, tabbed browsing, yahoo messenger built in and several other nice feature that I have never seen elsewhere.
  11. I did!
  12. I would prefer an ambulance, but given your situation up there it is better than waiting for a taxicab! :shock:
  13. Thanks to whoever posted about Deism.com, I think I will enjoy checking it out! I believe there has too have been/is some kind of adaptation or evolution occurring but I am more than a little skeptical about the genesis version of events. So I come firmly down on the side of evolution.
  14. Would have been nice if you had put a Yes, share it because I would like to at least try!
  15. I still don't like that you don't do 5:1 if you don't intubate them! I understand that they (AHA/RED CROSS ) are trying to make CPR as simple as possible but 50:1 just seems a little hard to swallow. N.B. I have not read the JEMS article!
  16. I am an EMT who works as a BLS first responder and don't have online medical control, the protocols all basically tell me to call a medic for any beyond basic emt skills. We have to call a paramedic level rig for all transports (we keep one on the property at all times) I would like to have online medical control but I am not sure it would matter in the long run due to all transports are ALS.
  17. I took a job and got some experience before attempting P school, I think it is a lot more necessary than I first thought. I would recommend that you get a good solid year or more of full time experience before you think of P school. If you are a part time volunteer then make it several years of experience. Find a job or volunteer position where you get to work around a medic, not just BLS level providers. I didn't think I needed experience because i already had a college degree, boy was I stupid, it is a very different kind of thinking required in EMS, experience is the only way to learn it, BTW you will learn a little humility as well :oops: Hope this is what you were looking for,
  18. I would have left after you were told by the other unit they will handle. I don't know the crews involved but it seems like you may have stepped on a few toes. S**T HAPPENS! :oops:
  19. Your welcome, where are you from anyway? Country or state is as specific as you need to be, I am in Connecticut, USA.
  20. I don't like driving either! I'm glad I work in a company that does not require me to drive an ambulance. I will however, have to drive (perhaps even frequently) at some point in my career as an EMT or Paramedic. I will because it is part of the job I have chosen. You on the other hand may be just fine as long as someone else you work with is willing to drive. (a possibility) You say that you ". .do not relish the prospect of driving a two ton. . ambulance. ." Is this deal breaker for you? If I told you that you had to do it, would you give up on the idea of being an EMT? Or is it something that you don't want to do but could if given training/ experience? Just some things to think about. Let me know if you want to discuss this further.
  21. I hope you get as much out of this career as you would wish for! I am a 45 year old male that is just getting back into EMS after leaving the field in the late 80's. Yes sometimes you will see an age/gender bias. Getting back into this field has got me back into to the gym for the first time in MANY years. Lifting can and will be tough sometimes but don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! This is a tough career in many ways. Many of the jobs are with commercial paid services of variable quality, but as a newbie that may be where you end up. I don't know where you live but check with your local FD and they may know about opportunities to volunteer. Where I live CT, they are always screaming for more volunteers. I can understand and empathize with how you feel, but it can and is a rewarding career in many ways. Take Care and Stay Safe,
  22. In the past it just seemed that people with shaved heads were always a "little off the beaten path" if you understand what I mean. In the last couple of years it has become more popular and that no longer seems to be the case. Many people would probably still agree with my first sentence tho! I have learned to judge people on more than that but it a lesson I still have to relearn sometimes. I don't know that I would ever shave my head tho :shock:
  23. We have several AED's and they have pads only. I have seen medics use either one but we use a outside service for our transports, so I guess I should just say PADS!
  24. Having taken a research course or two, I don't care what the research says!! :twisted: I firmly believe the full moon makes a difference.
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