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  1. Went on a frequent urination call and upon arriving onscene we are advised by the pt that he feels he has to pee but can only dribble. He tells us he called 911 because he does not think he can make it to the hospital without peeing enroute. I gave him a urinal. The guy, unbuckled the stretcher, stood up, dropped his pants to his ankles, and sat his naked ass on the bench seat right next to me. If only they made an autoclave that is big enough to fit a truck inside of I would be so happy. I did not sit on that bench for at leat 2 shifts.
  2. You might be an EMT if you have woken up with a Resusci Anne on your crotch :oops:
  3. And that would not bother me.... It is when the skilled nursing facility that the patient is staying at calls is what bugs the piss out of me. I do not mind at all going on a call for elevated BP just because the patient was lonely and wanted someone to talk to. It is when an RN wakes a patient up to take them to the ER via Ambulance at 0300 to have the doc say "Yeah, everything looks good" when it could easily wait until the morning.
  4. An 0300 call for a traumatic injury that turns out to be a wound check is not a little bit on the side of BS?
  5. damn spell checker... and he was presenting like an aortic dissection... it would have been irresponsible to not have treated it as such
  6. not all palliative care is BS, just some of it
  7. Ok this pt was not alert enough to give much info, ya'll got about as much as we did. This Pt was suffering from kidney stones. The hypotension was a vasovagal reaction to the pain. Also, we only gave him about a litter of fluid, the ER Doc continued the fluids and had the third back hung. We thought he was an aortic dissection also, but the CT told otherwise.
  8. This job is exciting at first and it is a lot of fun, but after a little wile the excitement and the nerves will wear off. You will no longer be nervous on the BS Palliative care calls and the Drama Alerts. You will never forget the face of the Wife of the first person who you work on who dies. As you mature you will move from the excitement to the reward of a ROSC or the smile on the face of a husband who's wife fell down and all you did was come and help his wife into her chair with a smile. Through the bad management, BS calls, pissy drunks, angry pts, and all the other bad that prevails in this business this is the second greatest job in the world (firefighting is the greatest). And if you are cut out for it, and you do have to be cut out for it, you will not regret your career path.
  9. close, not the aorta or the reproductive system, no coment on the kidneys
  10. You are dispatched from quarters for a Difficulty Breathing with chest pain call Upon arrival you find BLS FD onscene and the Pt lying across the bed on his back with his knees drawn up slightly. He was found by his home healthcare nurse and has a history of prostate cancer. FD advises you that the Pt took 4 baby aspirin prior to arrival. Upon questioning the pt the pt states he has a tearing sensation in his back and no chest pain or difficulty breathing. upon assessment you find CAAOX3 Skin- pale, cool, Dry HEENT- PERRL 0 JVD Trach- Midline Chest- BBS= Clear Abd- Soft and tenderx4 No distension slightly rigid Back- unremarkable Pelvis- Stable Ring Ext- PMSx4 ROM- Good No Neuro deficits noted O2 Sats- 94% Cap Refill- poor B/P- 84/42 HR- 150 RR- 22 Pt does not know what year it is or month, he states he does not want to go to the hospital. Upon telling him he will die without going to the hospital he agrees to go. He is place in tredelenburg and 2 large bore IVs are started in the truck and ran wide open, a 12 lead is performed - unremarkable- accucheck is WNL pt BP improves to 98/50 enroute to hospital. In the ER his BP does not increase above 100 systolic despite 2 liters of fluid starting on the 3rd and trendelenburg A CT scan is ordered what did it show?
  11. Slide
  12. A LOT of volunteers do that... I volunteer with a department in Florida and there are some people there that even though I am one of 3 EMTs on the department, some guys with no formal training will jump in front of you and start working a pt and calling all the shots because they have a higher rank. Do not let them cut you off, make them respect you by not being squirly on scene and showing the idiots on your department who is the boss. If you are an EMT and the other members of the department are not, YOU are in charge of that PT until another EMT arrives or a Paramedic arrives. Take control of the Pt and keep it by showing confidence and a little good ego
  13. Me: How long have you been a paramedic? Partner: 19 years Me: WOW that is longer than I have been alive...I bet you feel old!
  14. EEEWWWWW THE COT!!!!! nobody would ever lay down on those things if they knew what had been on them gag
  15. I don' think they sould not send somebody... I just think after the fact they need to be required to take a class to teach them about EMS and what 911 is for and not for
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