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Everything posted by Chrisclark

  1. ^ I was not talking about your case. In general, it helps some people cope. It is kind of like how all of my grandparents are crazy about veiwings at funerals. Personaly, I dont want to look at wax faces, it is freaky to me, not comforting. But some people need that. Honestly, I am an organ donor. If I am brain dead. Keep me alive and use my organs. Organs can only last about 24 hours after the heart stops beating. If ROSC can be acheived, won't the organs last longer?
  2. Anything that bleeds for 12 hours can indicate clotting problems. He had had a stent so he was on was at least on aspirin, if not coumadin. If it was really 40 degrees then the was probably dehydrated. The average male does not drink enough water, combine the blood loss, dehydration, hx, and if I remember correctly chest pains? (correct me if I am wrong) I would have called EMS. I mean a twelve lead and some fluids on that one would have been nice? Right?
  3. Some people really need that period of goodbye.
  4. Yeah, everything is smaller now, and it is only going to get smaller. However, ion our current system the average medic does not have the training to operate an x-ray.
  5. I have heard of an EMT-B program in the Chicago area that only takes 2 weeks. It can be done.
  6. I would have done the same thing if I was in your situation. I mean for all you know the guy could have dropped dead any second and you needed to cover your ass, unfortunately.
  7. Ha ha ha....very funny :roll: but very true......(as I trail off in pointless though of bunnyrabits and lampshades becaue I am so very tired)....
  8. I don't think a basic can start an IV anywhere
  9. Last time I checked IV starts were not allowed by basics in Florida.
  10. Better yet, go out and buy some cigars that come in metal tubes like a Romeo y Julieta or however it is spelled. Get a couple of Churchills that come in metal tubes. They are waterproof and somewhat durable and are 7 inches long. You can also carry as many, or as few as you need to. Plus you have some great cigars too.
  11. That sucks..... At my old job we had bannana trees in our break area. In October and September they were ready to eat
  12. Ride alongs :roll:
  13. Course not She has problems calling 911. When I was in high school she would call my cousin, who is a nurse in Louisiana. And if she can't get ahold of anyone, she just sits there and says "I wonder what I am going to do." At least if she calls me I can tell her to call 911, call 911 for her, tell her to take her nitro, drive over there, calm her down. That kind of stuff. Her of her husband do not trust doctors. Her husband died on the side of the road sitting on a curb because he would not have a valve replacement.
  14. ^ My grandmother is much more likely too call me if she is having chest pain than to call 911. If 911 would send a doctor, she would still probably call my cell phone. Honestly, I would rather have her call me than anyone else.
  15. ^ When I was a lifeguard I peed in the water all the time and so did every other lifeguard. Yeah, think about that one next time you are swimming.
  16. Volkmann's contracture is a deformity of the hand, fingers, and wrist caused by injury to the muscles of the forearm. ok Lactic Acidemia
  17. Honestly, almost every call has at least one curveball in it wether it be BS or a bariatric pt or a really stupid suicide attempt or even a person with a bodypart stuck in a really strange place. There are a lot of calls that you want to laugh a lot more than for a bariatric call. When I was in 9th grade I was one of those calls. The day before I accidentally locked a push button file cabinet. The school janitor had to come in and bust the lock off of the filling cabinet. The next day, I had forgotten that the lock button had been removed. I began to play with the lock button only to realize that it was missing and my thumb was now stuck in the hole that was left. I decided that the best course of action was to pull it out forcefully. I severed an artery in my thumb. It started squirting blood everywhere. The school nurse could not slow the bleeding. You know what happens next.
  18. I am one of the first people in my family to be born in America and my family comes from Poland... Translation: I wear a size 48-50 jacket and size 36 pants thanks to my triangle shaped family. It is sa freaking hard to find stuff that fits without looking stupid.
  19. Ya'll are so mean to firemonkeys! We have feelings too
  20. I have always used lifepacks. They are what I know and love. I am not the medical director, so I will continue to use whatever the hell they give me.
  21. Chrisclark


    ^ sounds like somebody needs a spanking
  22. what's next?
  23. ^ I know what you are saying about the south. I did not know what an LPN was intill a few years ago. All people in the south hear is nurse.
  24. Headache that causes temporary period of confusion accompanied with speech and language problems. It is typically initiated by a minor head injury and is more common in children. Here is a hard one, It is rare: ragged red fiber myopathy
  25. ^ classic Kind of like when I was in COLLEGE BIOLOGY a girl in the back of the class raised her hand and asked what copulation was.
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