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    sleeping, finding places to sleep

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  1. :occasion4: :)/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ :occasion4: :D/ WOOHOO!!! Party at Lone's House! I'll bring the crawfish! Happy Birthday Lone-tastic! -Brandi
  2. I'm soooo sorry I missed your Birthday little Kiwi Man! Here's some late Birthday Love! :occasion7: :occasion7: :occasion7: :occasion7: :occasion7: :occasion7: :occasion7: :occasion7:
  3. If all men were this honest right up front! -Brandi
  4. HAHAHAHAHA....sorry for the loud laughter, but I used to work for Acadian. Of course their web site makes them look wonderful! But seriously, how many places do you know of have to offer HUGE sign on bonuses and make you sign a 2 YEAR COMMITMENT? You will be spanked, spanked and spanked again and before it's all said and done, you will take on the "beaten wife syndrome" and actually think you deserve it. They, of course, have their finer points...excellent training and top of the line equipment. But, you will be nothing but a pulse and will be treated as such.
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :blob2: :blob3: :blob4: :blob5: :occasion1: :occasion2: :occasion4: :occasion6: :occasion7:
  6. This one looks like it could be nasty. I'll be hunkered down here at the hospital as part of the skeleton crew. All you folks keep your fingers crossed and maybe say a little prayer for us! We still have construction going on from the destruction 3 years ago. I used to never get worried but now I start to feel that ol' hurricane panic when they start heading toward us. We have a pretty good plan here at my service so hopefully we'll do what we have to do. Have I mentioned I HATE Hurricanes?
  7. I had one of those wonderful experiences today that I just wanted to share. My middle school age son's school sends email announcements weekly to notify parents of upcoming school functions and what-not. I received an email from them about a week ago that there was going to be a "HERO DAY" lunch. Students were asked to invite one person in their life that they considered to be a hero. I secretly covet moments like this..moments that my son can be proud of me...moments were he can strut around an say "My MOM is a PARAMEDIC!". So, needless to say, I've been waiting everyday for a week for my son to ask me to come to lunch with him. Finally today I broke down and said "hey Bubba..i see that there is a hero lunch at your school...." to which he promptly replied "Yeah, I'm bringing my dad." SLAP..SLAP...SLAP....SLAP...that's what I felt across my face! HIS DAD?!?!?!? His dad that is a crane operator and has never paid a dime of child support?!?!? His dad that forgets his birthday and then throws a HUGE bash for the 2 year old son that he has with his new wife?!?!?!? HOLY GOD!!!!! Upset...YEAH..HECK YEAH! But, I smiled and said "Cool, that should be fun." Anyway..thanks for letting me say all of this in here, since I would never say it to my son. Ranting is good for the soul.
  8. Lone, don't hide it anymore..you are really George Carlin moonlighting as a dispatcher. It's so obvious....
  9. Boy Beep..i've been in your shoes. I was an emt-basic at the time working with the biggest jerk that ever lived. My supervisor also apologized to me before they put me with him with a "So, hope this works out..you seem to get along with anyone.." Kind of thing. I agree with AK on the documentation...keep a little notepad in your pocket and write in the bad boy like a 13 year old girl with angst! Man, you have my sympathies. I know what it's like to dread going to work because your partner is a bouche dag (switch em'). Hopefully his employment with ya'll is as short as the amount of time it takes him to make a first impression!
  10. count me in...how fun!
  11. parabrandi


    We got one for Thanksgiving a few years ago and it was not so good. The meat was really oily and gamey and the stuffing was like that insulation that you can get blown into your walls...(yes, i have tasted it...so there). You don't get much deeper south than where i live...and yeah i'm cajun (wanna' make something of it?) So take my advice and avoid this little southern creation..have a fried turkey instead, they are the bomb!
  12. totally take the kids..no big deal. then they get to eat snacks and watch tv in the ER while dad gets treatment and the world keeps on spinnin'. We deal with this general situation pretty often in this neck of the woods....poor families, no vehicles, etc.
  13. water
  14. i think i laughed so hard i may have blown some of my guts out.......
  15. [/font:c7896a4282] HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (to my favorite Canadian!) Hope this year is the best one yet! XOXOXO, Brandi
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