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Everything posted by dblueyes

  1. That was hysterical. Even called the hubby over to watch it. Thanks for the laugh.
  2. Congratulations!!!!!!!! :occasion5:
  3. I agree.....you need to call your school. Would it be possible to call your instructor ? Maybe he/she can help you out as well. Study study study. I am 'the friend' of 'itty bitty' and my exam cut me off at 72. I think it took me about 43 minutes from the time I sat down until I was out in the waiting area. Go with your gut instict when answering questions and don't second guess! I too was told that since my scores in class were very high that I wouldn't have a problem with NREMT....in some respects it's true. Good luck and let us know how you do!
  4. Jo..... It is Jo right? lol I'm not sure who you are, but saw you passed NR. Yeah right.....hey....congrats on passing. I knew you would! See, that's called positive thinking....say it with me...positive thinking. You know I am kidding you. But in all seriousness.....I had no doubt you would pass. Lots of hard work has paid off, and even tho our plans have been somewhat sidelined....it's only a temporary postponement. Who knows, when you come back, we may end up working together afterall. I might be able to put in a good word for ya, who knows! lol Things WILL work out.....and you know that I am never more than a click of a button away. I'll raise my glass to you in your honor this weekend. Maybe throw out some kudos from the stage :wink: Again congratulations.....you did an awesome job.......(you must of had one HELL of a study partner!!!!!! LMAO) "VAL" (had to get that in one more time!)
  5. Hey everyone! I just wanted to pass along the good news! I took NR on Saturday. The test shut down after I answered question 72 and it took me by complete surprise! Monday morning I logged on and found out that I had PASSED the exam!!!!!!! That same night, I got a phone call from a company I had applied to 3 weeks earlier and by all indications, I have the job!!!!!! I go Wednesday night to talk over all of the details. I am estatic!!!!!! I can't wait to get out into the 'real world' for some hands on experience. Let the fun begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~Denise~~~
  6. This guy his hysterical! Lots of fun to read. I have his book as well...once I got it I literally couldn't put it down!
  7. Congratulations on passing the exam!! Way to go!!!! Now let the real fun begin! Good luck to you!
  8. I just finished my EMT-B class this week. Cost included all of the books and workbooks and was $555. The drive was not bad at all....maybe 5 minutes from my house. The paramedic program I am looking into is $2800 and that also includes books and workbooks. The hospital where it is at is only 10 minutes from my house. There is another medic program that is offered locally, but the cost for it is around $6000 and does NOT include books and materials.
  9. Hello. I am one month away from finishing my EMT-B coursework. WHOO HOO!! lol I have gone to this site countless times to help me prepare for an exam. It is really good... www.emtb.com A friend also told me of this one. I have no first hand experience with it, but she said it was good as well. www.emt-national-training.com Hope this helps you out a little! Good luck with classes and let us know how they go! ~~Denise~~
  10. I have been reading your blog for awhile now and I have to say it is captivating. You make us feel like we are there with you, and it draws us in. You've been on my favorites list for awhile! Good luck with percepting.....I'm sure you'll do great! Keep posting! I look forward to your upcoming entries. Best wishes! ~~Denise~~
  11. 23
  12. Hello and welcome to all of you!!!!! Denise
  13. My fine is $320......not as bad as I thought it could be. lol
  14. That was too funny! Thanks for the laugh...I needed it. ~~Denise~~
  15. "An angel on his shoulder"~~~indeed!!!!!! What a fantastic story!
  16. Thanks to everyone who has posted so far! I am going out tomorrow and getting the A & P book. I agree with you...that is a great place to start. I can't tell you all how excited I am about this! I just thought it would be a big waste of my time to just do nothing until classes start in a month, when I could be doing something constructive. Thanks again for all of your help. I do have one other question. Where do you usually go to find items such as the pocket mask, etc? I am trying to think of any stores around here, but I am not having much luck. I live in Canton, Ohio by the way. So any help with this is appreciated as well. Looking forward to getting to know the City better. From what I have seen so far, I absolutely love it here. The information is great....I literally can't stop reading once I come here! This is a great place.
  17. That is really neat! I couldn't figure it out....but as soon as hubby looked at it, he explained it. LOL
  18. Hello. Let me introduce myself first...my name is Denise and I am new to the City. I am currently an audiologist, however, I am starting my EMT-B classes on Feb. 6th. The classes that were scheduled for this month were cancelled due to not enough people being registered. So now I have to wait another month before starting. I am extremely excited about beginning this new career and can't wait to actually start. Here is my question....since I have another month before classes begin, is there any books or information I could start reading now? I have been visiting the City and reading the forums a lot....I love all the information here. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!!
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