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Everything posted by Bunni

  1. As I posted earlier I failed at my first try. I passed class, in the top 5, with a 96%. I knew the information (still do). How to answer the NREMT questions.....that was something I had to brush up on. I found two books that were a great help. They were based on the NREMT test, not the class. They both offer tips and practice tests. I didn't know if I could post the titles of the books online. If you would like them let me know.
  2. [/font:96a78b9f84] I have read a lot of posts about the computer test ending early. I can say that the first time I took the test, 120 questions, I failed. I suffer from some of the worst test anxiety. I was not all that suprised. I took the test again Tuesday. I was extremely worried when the computer kicked me off after aproximtly 50 questions. Just logged on to find out I passed. Yea!!! I guess the point of this post is.....don't panic, don't give up, and it appears that the less questions you are given, the more likely it is you passed.
  3. Thank you for the links.
  4. Rankin.... You sound as if you are in the first stages of burn out. Please Run...do not walk to a counselor , make sure they work with first responders. If you try to go at this alone you may not get yourself back. Getting help is NOT being weak. Sharing your emotions is NOT whining. I make these statements as a fellow first responder and Crisis Counselor. Get help, do not put it off. If not for you (though that should be reason enough) than for your little girl. You are worth the effort.
  5. Good Luck
  6. Love it, Thankx
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