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Everything posted by FireMedic47

  1. First off awesome stories i gave a few chuckles. Im sure i have a few of my own as well. 2004 my partner and I get called to the residence of an elderly male in his 80's with a lower GI bleed. Mind you this was about the 3rd time in a week we were at this residence. This elderly "gentleman" was a miserable old fart to say the least to make matters better...So when I asked him what his problem was today he replies to me "I'm Bleeding from my rectum you idiot." This gent was also pretty hard of hearing so he continues to tell me about his bleeding rectum so everytimehe said "rectum" i followed promptly with "Damn near killed'em!" and kept a straight face but my partner had to pull the truck over from laughin so hard. This old fart musta said rectum at LEAST 20 times on the way to the hospital and everytime i replied he would say "what you say?"I would just say somethin different to make it a comical section. :roll:
  2. I agree totally!
  3. by no means would i want to jeapordize my patient but when i know i have a patent line after flushing 2-10 cc saline flushes through with no infiltration or difficulties, and the Blood sugar is 11 mg/dL.......Im satisfied that if it is flushing without problems or infiltration then it will work just as well as a second IV. It was kind of a mixed scenerio for me when it happened because with an EMT partner, and no backup anywhere closeby, priority was to fix the problem that presented as quickly as possible before it got worse. The patient was darn near buying a tube and probably indicated for an airway, i chose to see if the D50 would help before the patient bought a Tube and then had to wake up. Luckily i chose right treatment path because the patient improved to a GCS of 13 from an initial 3..... I know every medic here treats a situation differently and im not trying to argue with anyone. I love to debate medical issues and things of such nature, thats why i believe i will like this place! Thanks for all the insight!!! PLus i like to add
  4. Well since i consider myself a redneck.....figured i would share this one with you..........Next time your in need of calling off a shift, tell them you have rectal glaucoma.............which interprits "I cant see my a$$ comming to work today"
  5. Hey all im new here but wanted to say great forum!!!!! Tons of useful and pertinent info!!!!! One of my strong points is bringin EMS off road. I am big time into ATV'ing and stress so much to all the guys i ride with about knowing at least the basics when it comes to first aid/cpr on the trails. I am looking to get something for rural responses for both Fire and EMS such as a Polaris Ranger. I think that access is an important factor with patient care and right now access to some of the places I ride with multiple others is near impossible to get to except on ATV or a serious All terrain vehicle. Does anyone currently have such a vehicle they use???
  6. Hey all Im a newbie here but not a newbie to EMS.......In my 4 years as a medic i have never heard of this rule. I wouldn't agree with this rule either. A job that i once worked required a blood draw of one gray top tube with a suspected diabetic patient. Many times I have started an 18 gauge in the AC to have it hit a valve, so my theory to this is, if you can't aspirate it back because your teflon catheter is occlude by a valve that only allows foreward flow through the catheter...do you call it a bad line? I ve always given D50 Slow IVP with a finger over the cathether so i would feel any infiltration. I think it is an unneccessary rule to aspirate 3 times.
  7. I definately would have obtained a 12 lead if it were available. Intermittent right sided chest pain.......load of stuff comes into mind. Pleural effusion but you said had a normal xr.........possibly Angina with some of the PMH you described.
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