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Everything posted by scratrat

  1. Sorry to everyone else....I just couldn't believe what I read. Sorry again.
  2. Refer to the manual. You will need the code from the factory and a preset way of pressing of buttons to access that menu. I don't remember the default, but if you call the complany they can tell you. You can change the BP cycle, default leads, default alarms, etc etc.
  3. First, the word is consent. And obviously YOU need to reread those definitions. None of the aforementioned text implies consent. Second, if someone is "hemodynamically unstable" which, by definition, may or may not include altered mentation, has a "tachy arrythmia", and they do not have a DNR, you are just going to fire away without telling the patient? wow....................... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  4. And let us not forget "Never underestimate stupid people in large groups"
  5. How about a 12 lead ECG instead of blindly administering a medication and HOPING it works?
  6. Well, lets see here. 1./ So what you are saying is the pt cannot decide what treatments they want? You do know what assault and battery is right? I hope so, because if you ever touched my family member in the manner in which you speak, rest assured you'll be doing jail time. When my pt's tell me no to a procedure, I rationally EXPLAIN it to them, including pros and cons, if they still refuse, it is their RIGHT to do so. 2./ Make a decision and HOPE it's the right one? Are you retarded? I hope you never say that in court. 3./ That may be unstable, but that still doesn't give you implied consent. Finally, please tell me that, judging from your screen name, you are only a firefighter and not a paramedic? Please tell me you only play with hose and not with pt's lives????
  7. Personally, if given a choice of Versed or Etomidate, I'm taking Etomidate. Versed bottoms your BP, and I've seen too many patients where 10 mg wouldn't even slightly sedate them. Etomidate works faster, and doesn't cause the hypotension that versed does. It doesn't last very long, but once they're intubated I would use valium to keep them that way. But to facilitate the tube, I'd rather have Etomidate.
  8. I guess more of you would find this comical if you knew Monoc or have ever worked there, as some of us unfortunates have...... This is because they have closed down over 10 ALS rigs in a year..
  9. I can't take credit for this, but it is funny as hell!! To be sung (roughly) to the tune of "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" one anda two anda.... 9-1-1 rings are you listening, At MONOC no one's listening... Having chest pain tonight? Oh what a fright! Living there in Vince's Wonderland Gone away are the medics What's to say, it's pathetic. No medics tonight, The budgets too tight. Living there in Vince's Wonderland. In the ghetto while you're having chest pain, the medics are on the unemployment line. You'll say I need Nitro,we'll say "no man", But you can have Bayer Aspirin anytime... Later on while you have rales, Call 9-1-1, you'll get voicemail. No CPAP for you, You'll have to turn blue. Living there in Vince's Wonderland.
  10. Terri, Wanna hear something funny? That's the place I used to work for! There's my old director.....hahahahaha.
  11. I've done it plenty of times. Sometimes, it's the only way you get through. But I only do it below 30 mph. And I use the siren sometimes, but if it confuses them, I'll trun it off.
  12. I never stop unless it's a crew I know and it looks like they need help. I hate when people stop at my scenes. "I'm a nurse, I can help!" Please god, don't. It never fails. They are ALWAYS either a nursing home "nurse" or the ICU nurse. Neither of which is helpful on an MVC.
  13. You refer to yourself in the third person? :shock:
  14. Me too. HOWEVER, I would never cut off someones underwear or a womens bra unless it was restricting the airway. Or if I absolutely knew an injury was underneath that I just had to see. Other than that, I would have stopped there. No need to cut off underwear and bras. Not to mention the fact that he falsified legal documents by not documenting the third morphine dose. That's also a federal offense I would think.
  15. I have to agree with the previous poster about telling the truth. It is probably gone from his record since he was 17 at the time UNLESS he was convicted after his 18th birthday. If I were you, as a friend, I'd have a LONG talk about how bad he may have screwed up, and enforce that this CANNOT and WILL NOT happen again. If he seriously wants to pursue this career, he needs to smarten up if he hasn't already. If he gets a job, and this happens again, not only will he get fired, but most states will permanetly revoke his EMT license/certification.
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHA! My bad!! :oops:
  17. Could I steal this if I give you credit for it? That is so awesome!!!! I think I snotted coffee right out of my nose! I guess coming from up North to the South, I should be leary about this huh? y'all....
  18. Please tell me you are joking? You honestly believe that your protocols are ALWAYS the best? Wow. Just wow....
  19. HAHAHA. That's funny...
  20. First of all, get some good sleep the night before. Second, show up to work AT LEAST 20 minutes early to show some enthusiasm. Third, if it's a good FTO, and good EMT/Medic (whichever), they will understand that you are new. My advice, pay attention to what you are doing. If they ask a question, give the simple answer. Don't try to impress them with extras, cause you'll only end up screwing it up. And finally, just learn something. That includes asking questions. If you're unsure, ask. I would be inclined to pass the person or doesn't know and asks so they can learn from it, rather than the person who thinks they know it all, and needs no direction. Oh, and have fun!!! It's a rewarding career if you let it be!!!!
  21. Asys, I gotta tell ya.......you're a hoot!!! I love reading your posts. How long do you actually sit on it before you reply? Piss myself laughing everytime..... And thanks, I'll stay out of Ohio too....
  22. OMG! Dude.......a little over the top, but wow. My point exactly. When I was still a volunteer EMT, before I knew better, I always took the time to throw on my jumpsuit. At least I looked somewhat presentable. And while we are on that topic, let's not forget to mention the professionals who show up half dressed too. There have been plenty of times that I've been working with someone , as a full time paid paramedic, where they couldn't tie their shoes, polish their boots once in awhile, tuck their shirts in for God's sake, etc, etc. I do have to agree you Asys, I wouldn't want someone in pajamas treating my family either. Even before I was a provider, I would notice things like that. If someone showed up in pajamas, my first thought would be, "wow, what a joke. Are these people serious?" I'm sorry, but if you can't take the time to look somewhat presentable, please don't come. Even if it's me laying there, I don't want to look up and see pajamas.
  23. Shouldn't take any longer than 2-3 minutes start to finish. The ones' I've dealt with anyway. You basically have the power device that plugs directly into the wall of the ambulance, the tube goingfrom the device to the pt, the mask, a PEEP valve that goes on the mask, or some don't have that valve if it's an adjustable machine, and then the strap. That's all there is to it. I recently moved down south and have been presented with a new device. I have never used it yet in the field, but I have put in together in training. The one I had up where I used to work, I could put that together in under 2 minutes.
  24. VENTMEDIC : Again, thanks for the great posts. I am not sure how many different devices there are for pre-hospital use. I can tell you I've used two different types. Both were CPAP though and not BiPAP. 1./ Had a set valve to deliver 10 mmHg PEEP and always delivered 100% FiO2. 2./ Can set anywhere from 0-?? mmHG PEEP. We are instructed not to exceed 10. Also, you can adjust the FiO2 from 0-100%. I guess it's all medical director dependant.
  25. Does amio cause it or they're usually on it?? Never took notice to that before, although this one was not on it.
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