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Everything posted by scratrat

  1. Draw up 9 cc's NSS into a 10 cc syringe. Add your 1 mL of MS. This makes the concentration 1 mg/mL. Easy to view and easier to push slowly. Does nothing for the comfort of the pt. Just ease of figuring out the dose. And if you use carpujets, just revove the end that you normally would connect to the pt. It can be drawn out into the 10cc syringe this way.
  2. Hey, AJ, grow some nads! Just leave already!! I'm never going back!! Except for maybe a Junuzi's sub on Atlantic Ave. God I miss those. And WaWa's too.... Anyway, having come from that system to Florida's I can argue some. That it is hospital based, does not necessarily make it better in terms of QA. Our medical director here is very much involved. (County based and employed, well PRN anyway. Now I'm a federal slob..haha). He stays abreast of new technologies and is all for us using it, if he feels it's necessary. The system in NJ needs to scraped and started brand new from day one. They need to just start over. Regionalization is the only way to help. Working up there, lets see, every municipality has it's own 911 system. They answer the call. Those dispatchers would call if they felt a medic unit was necessary, which most of the time it was not but whatever. Then we were dispatched. Then we had to figure out what channel they operate on. Was it on the 800 mHz system, which they only allowed the medics to access a few years AFTER the squads were on it. Or was it the VHF repeater. Or was it, guess and hope someone on the ambulance would answer you. Every time I responded to a cluster MVC with multiple agencies and vollies bagocking on the radio, I always played the same song over the radio system. Maybe you'll recognize it. "Voices. Voices. A thousand thousand voices." So let's start with that. Regionalized dispacth for each and every county. For the smaller counties, maybe they'll combine and work as one. Next, EMS needs to regionalized. Every county (same thing - small ones maybe two) needs to have regionalized units. I've grown kind of fond of the system here. It's an EMT and a medic, sometimes two medics depending on staffing, but never just two EMTs. Maybe throw in a chase vehicle or two for added support during traumas or something. Down here, the fire departments are sometimes ALS so we can grab a fire medic if need be. The thing I don't like about this system, is that your skills diminish. Otherwise, every single truck is ALS with at least one medic. EVERY patient gets a medic. So that unknown medical call that is now a code, doesn't have to wait an additional 15 minutes for an ALS unit. (Yeah, cause I've never been dispatched to that... ) Every thing would be regionalized. EVERY city/town pays for the service equally (oh well to those smaller communities - deal with it). Or I guess I play fair, maybe it should per cap. Whatever. Next, going back to skills diminishing. EVERY single employee is retested every 6 months (maybe yearly depending on call volume.) This includes EMT's. Give scenarios suited to their licensure. EMT's do BLS, medics obviously do BOTH. If you can't pass, bye bye. This needs to be overseen by DOH so medical directors can't circumvent anything. Make the test come from DOH if needed or something like that. Every medic needs to successful tube XYZ amount of people in 6 months. If need, you have to go do 8 hours in the OR and tube some people (preferably a trauma center or something so it's realistic to the street.) The two tiered system needs to go and regionalization is it. It's the only fix. It's not fair to the EMS and it's definately not fair to patients. I could tell stories for days about people waiting for an ALS unit with someone acutely ill, and they suffered. That's another discussion, but still. It needs to stop. And the only way it will stop, is regionalization. The region is responsible for EVERYTHING. Transports, 911 transports, interfacilty, back to nursing homes (my favorite passtime), air transport, EVERYTHING. Even better! Three regions, three employers and that's it! South, central and north. Each one covers the entire area from BLS transports to ALS to air. That way, the little bumscrew towns are covered with the same staff working in the cities. Make it state operated so it is in the state retirement system. There goes that complaint of no retirement. In the words of the immortal Ozzy, "I'm a dreamer....."
  3. "An orphan whose parents whereabouts have never been known, she spent six years working in the underage sex-trade, several more years in foster homes, and now needs a new home. She’s since discovered our Lord Jesus Christ, pledged a vow of chastity, and has been free of the sins of physical flesh for more than six-months, though suggests that this may be open to negotiation." --As in, she's willing to go back to "sins of the flesh" for adoption?? About Xian: Her father was never known to her, and her mother could not be located when she entered into state custody. Xian, or “Shena”, as she might like to be called, would love to learn about pasta as a staple to her diet, in place of all the rice she’s stuck with every day. -- Now, that's just wrong. About John: A strong, strapping, handsome boy, and one of the very few males available for adoption from China, John has charmed our representatives with his limited command of the English language, despite his severe learning disabilities and lack of thumbs. John enjoys tending to small, household animals, but would also like to learn about cooking, cleaning and being a faithful household servant. --Um, missing thumbs?? About Muriel: Her mother is an infamous criminal who is not yet in state custody, but is sought. If you have any information, a reward may be offered. Muriel is a “genuinely gendered” person, despite the prevalence of those who live otherwise in Singapore, and would enjoy a family situation where she can maintain her gender, regardless of what other conditions are placed upon her. Our interviews and background checks are thorough, but as long as parent and child alike are pleasured after adoption, we do not become involved in it. --What's that supposed to mean? She's both genders? What?? Anoyone?? About Angela: There is no record of what happened to her family, or to whom she may be related, but she is a dedicated Catholic, already baptized and well on her way to confirmation. Angela has thick, dark hair, and flawless kidneys. --Cause that's how I describe children. Flawless kidneys.. About Jorge: It has been suggested that his parents may have been involved in regional conflicts, but this has not been confirmed. He does enjoy play with toy guns, but there’s no reason to believe he’s “off” in any emotional ways. -- :shock: OMG. This has GOT to be a prank. There is no way....
  4. That's what did it for me. That and a two tiered system. I got tired of stupid BLS who would have us come in for completely useless calls. Or the all to famous "Well, we were going to recall you, but since your here you can evaluate." AHHHHH. Or I'd get the CHF'r bubbling over on a nasal @ 2 lpm while the FF/EMT (loosely) sat in the captains chair writing their report. I still work once in a while to TRY to keep my skills in check. Now I work handing out medications to whiny inmates. But, since the pay is damn good, I can handle the boredom. Plus, most of time, I get to work alone, so there's no bickering. I got to the point where I thought every call was BS, and I'd hate responding. When I got there, I'd work if need be. But if it was BS, I just got angrier and angrier. That's when I knew I had to change paths. Other people I've seen : clues were, inablility to start an IV, inability to start an IV without making it look like a bloodletting ceremony, inability to intubate, basically skills diminishing, so on.
  5. That's why I went Federal. And the pay is better!! Leon county, FL swears they're not laying off, we'll see...
  6. YOU ARE WRONG!!!! The Marines are only on Navy ships becuase the sheep are too obvious! :twisted:
  7. You obviously haven't met Mr. Banks. Although I think he's dead now?? I think he's somehow survived at least two Jitney crashes....
  8. Yes, I heard that part, and it means nothing to me. Newspapers always say that to make it sound better. If TWO off duty people showed up, that means they ere listening and being whackers. Why were the volunteers there if there was a paid crew? Oh, because they jumped the call like they do to be glory hounds? Would they have jumped it if it was the little old lady who fell and broke her hip and layed on the floor for the past 6 hours? Nope. Would they jump the nausea/vomiting call? Nope. This again goes back to professionalism and why I couldn't deal with volunteers anymore. They all come out of the wood work for an MVC and yet if its the 3am N/V call, I'm sitting there by myself in the ambulance (not bus) waiting for some other shmuck to show up. And they never do, so it goes to mutual aid, blah blah blah.
  9. I don't know...it's been happening quite frequently lately...
  10. Oh, I've had to stop if I came up on something. But if I was dispatched as a volunteer, I always went for the truck, unless like you said, it was on the way.
  11. Yes, they were doomed. It's obvious they wouldn't have survived more than likely. But what if it was some injury or drowning that had a chance? That was my main point of concern.
  12. I tried that too but I gave up. I read the language as this : (1.) 2 people responded so they must be part of that covering ambulance squad (2.) The dispatch software also screwed up. (3.) The chief of the said squad listed him as a volunteer too. So, therefore, I get that all of these people are from the same squad. Also, even though the software screwed up, the two people in personal vehciles found the right place. So this goes back to, get the ambulance next time. I know, I know, I wasn't there, so I should give the benefit of the doubt, but I can't. I can almost guarentee you, the 2 responders O/S personally knew the caller, heard it go out as pediatric and got all "ba-gock" (chicken noise), and FAILED to realize they should get the ambulance first.
  13. [web:39cb17b266]http://www.emsresponder.com/article/article.jsp?siteSection=1&id=7309[/web:39cb17b266] See, this is why Dust is always saying volunteers are useless. I may have missed something in this article, but heres my take anyway. Two whackers showed up in personal vehicles. Which means they didn't bring the ambulance. Not once, but twice they did this. Um, hey, jackas*, how about you bring the god forsaken ambulance instead of your personal vehicle? I don't care if you have to drive passed the residence to get the thing, do it anyway! See the result???? I used to volunteer (yes, I admit it) but I got so tired of loser whackers showing up on scene with their little blue lights and radios. You couldn't get the ambulance to respond to the scene because all the idiots went to scene. Especially if it was an MVC. Oh dear lord, don't bother looking an ambulance if it's an MVC. It's sitting back at the building. God this infuriates me!!!!!!!! This is why is turned all my crap in and said "I can't deal with you people" and left. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I feel better now
  14. My Name : Sonny 1. Famous singer/band: Sonny & Cher (HAHAHA) 2. 4 letter word: Sony 3. Street name: Sanddune 4. Color: Silver 5. Gifts/presents: Silk shorts 6. Vehicle: S10 (Chevy) 7. Items on a menu: Shrimp 8. Girl Name: Summer 9. Boy Name: Sam 10. Movie Title: Saw 11. Drink: Sprite 12. Occupation: Sanitation worker 13. Flower: Sunflower 14. Famous Person: Samual L Jackson 15. Magazine: Spin 16. US City: San Ysidero 17. Famous Sports Team: San Diego Padres 18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Shit your pants (HAHAHA) 19. Something U Throw Away: Shrimp peels 20. Things You Shout: Shout! Shout! Let it on out!! 21. Cartoon Character: Stewie (MY MAN!)
  15. Acute epiglotitis. Caridac arrest secondary to respiratory failure secondary to acute angioedema. Surgical cric with assisted ventilations. If HR doesn't improve after that, deal with it. Maybe that whole neb epi thing after cric..
  16. you are GODS! Why couldn't I google that earlier? Thanks a million!
  17. Yes, I goolged AND I searched here first. I am searching for a web site, or your own pics if you've got some, for 12 leads. I am specifically looking for GOOD ECG tracings that I can incorporate into a slide show presensation for training. I am looking for MI's and your basic rhythms. I am doing a training session for the docs here and I want some good examples. Like those from a lifepak 12 that are easy to read. Thanks for any help!!
  18. As a comedian once said : I like to bring a book a read during the interview. When he asks me what the hell are you doing, I say this. If you are in a vehicle traveling at the speed of light, and you turn the headlights on, would anything happen? When his reply was "I don't know..", I said "Then I don't think I can work for you."
  19. We had a jumper with a 2 year old and of course the mother lived. I think she was vegged out but still. It's like the drunk driver who survives the crash from hell from everyone else dies from the minor accident.
  20. (Chuckles) You want firefighters and medics to play well together?? Boy, now THAT wouldn't turn into a huge competition or nothing. The Water Fairies and the Band-Aid Boxers.
  21. This hasn't been locked yet?
  22. I would hope so. But I doubt it. There are so many people who believe that medics do not have the mental capacity/skills to perform RSI and therefore a LOT of places rip your chart apart should you RSI someone. In New Jersey, your individual project immediately QA'd your chart and had to forward it the State Dept of Health along with the tape of your conversation with the doctor about the RSI. Then you heard back from everyone about the case. I'm not saying this was a good thing or bad thing, but it was what it was.
  23. Allow me rephrase myself. I have no doubt this is probably what that service needs, along with many others. What I was conveying, was that the medical director was very candid to the news about his lack of faith in his own service. I was surprised that he didn't say something more to the effect of "This is something we felt we need to do. Let's wait and see what happens." Something like that versus telling the newspaper that you have no doubt that some of the people employeed by you, don't belong there, or are too stupid to function. What my comments were geared towards is his way of building morale amungst the people he oversees.
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