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Everything posted by scratrat

  1. Moncock sucks. Ask them which councilman they pissed off to lose the Atlantic City contract. Even better, ask them what they DID to his family member rather... It'd be interesting to hear their answer. I don't know....something about walking a femur fx to the stretcher cause they were pissed....
  2. I wil reply to the topic at hand... Yes, please
  3. And also, I prefer the blue ballpoint pen. Up there, we still had paper reports, so it showed up better on a black background......in case I missed an all too famous checkbox
  4. Temperature topic...no. Occassionally I've been curious to know what it might be. We used to get nasty GHB overdoses in AC all the time, and when the ambient temperature outside is 20 degrees, and they are pouring with sweat, I'd be curious to know what their temperature is. I've never checked because it won't alter my course of treatment. I've had the ER tell me numbers like 106 or 107 degrees with GHB, thought that was neat to know, but I'd never take the time to check it in the field being that close to definitive care. (Don't start tearing into to me about "definitive" Dusty.. ) I've used it once on a pediatric febrile seizure, but thats about it. On the pen topic, we did the same thing up north. We used the Jelco needles for IV access. I forget the name of them, but I know when you thread te catheter off of the needle, it locks into position. You can use a ballpoint pen on the opposite end to push a small amount of blood back out of the needle to get a reading. The needle never came back out to my knowledge, but yes Dust, the possibilty of stuck exists. On the glucose topic, I do it depending on complaint. I had a guy with an acute MI who just kept stating he felt tired and weak and required a lot of intervention to keep awake. Yes, I understand that the MI probably caused most of that. But I checked his sugar anyway, and found it to be 35 mg/dL. Am I not supposed to fix that? I want your opinion of this Dust. Because I did correct it, or in your previous post, I guess made it worse?? But if his sugar is low, and I don't correct it, isn't that going to be worse on the heart? Wouldn't that cause more problems? I understand that the dextrose wears off quickly and he needs to eat, but most likely he would have been NPO for cardiac cath. So, weigh in. And as a side note, for all cardiacs here FL, my employer requires a blood glucose on all these pts.
  5. Monmouth-Ocean Hospital Service Coorperation
  6. [web:2df020d791]http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070524/OPINION/705240423/1030[/web:2df020d791] I don't see where the "ill-informed" part is... seems right to me...
  7. I don't know about them (Sumter) but we don't use L&S on every one. We get sent code 3 for certain things and code 2 for others, no lights. Tax cuts aren't necessarily a problem for us. LEO, fire, and EMS still need to function. We are still hiring people here, HOWEVER, things like our new trucks and new buildings have been put on hold. You should still be able to get hired.
  8. No, it was VERY smart. Don't look back! Ever....
  9. I guess I did. That's a shame. Oh well.
  10. Wow. I wish that were the case here. I can't say it doesn't happen, but rarely have I ever had someone who had an "exacerbation" of a chronic illness. I've had a few, but most people I've seen with chronic pain conditions, state "its been going on for weeks" and they "just can't take it anymore". Apparantly the scripts for vicodin, oxycodone, oxycontin, morphine patches, and so on, aren't doing the trick. See, when some one shows me their medication list, and it includes 5 or more narcotics, I'm not going to give pain control, at least 95% of the time I'm not. Call me what you want, but I'm not doing it. If something changed, or its a new injury, maybe. I'm not giving pain meds to someone with back problems (or whatever), who has already been prescribed 5 different narcotics. Not to mention the potential for side effects when mixing all those happy little pills.
  11. I know you'll probably blow up as usual, but whatever. Why is it you say we need to work together as a team, then make statements such as this? I'm confused about this. :roll:
  12. I thought it was Ventura Blvd? There's a freeway, running though the valley. Move west down Ventura Blvd. ----Tom Petty, Free Falling
  13. Thank you. For the love of God, thank you.
  14. I was never taught about putting the leads on differently, but I guess that makes sense. I did treat a 15 year old for a syncopal episode who had it. No one told us until after the call. At first, it seemed BS, like he was playing. Beautiful sinus rhythm, all vitals normal.. then he suddenly went junctional then ventricular to a rate of 30. It continued for a sort time, then increased to 50 and junctional. We found out about the tranverse heart after the fact. He also had it fixed. I learned that it is the same as a heart transplant, IE atropine won't work, and so on. This was a first for me, so I learned that much about it, but the doctor was a little busy to go into more detail with me.
  15. I worked with someone who is very openly gay and kind of queeny at times. Dispatch : Security states to use the rear entrance. My partner : I am intimately familiar with the back door. I couldn't even help treat the pt because I was laughing so hard. One of our idiot dispatchers who finally got fired (even after falling asleep on 911) Dispatch : **** can you repeat. Unit : Repeats whatever it was they tried to say the first time. Dispatch : **** can you turn the volume up I can't hear you?
  16. Where did you find that old patch??? They're still around???
  17. Another reason I pack my lunch...
  18. Hence the name "Happy" meal....
  19. Do we need to visit this again???
  20. We use the EZ IO on adults here. No real protocol per se, just inability to gain regular access.
  21. Two things. First, and definately foremost, what the hell is that avatar? Is that two chicks? Thats hot. Second, now that I'm past that, to answer your original questions : yes, very often! I can't even say much more because I don't want to get involved in the pissing contest that seems to have started in this thread. But yes, I've been called, VERY frequently, for patients who did not need ALS, did not even have an ALS issue, or flat out had no complaint. End.
  22. I can't do anything for abdominal pain without a doctors orders. That said, I ironically had a guy this morning with bilateral lower quadrant pain associated c/ N/V and CP from the repeated wretching. I called for orders for phenergan for the nausea. He vomited at least 5 or 6 times just with us. Instead, the doctor gave me orders for 12.5 of phenergan and 4 mg of morphine for the abdominal pain. Someone enlighten me. I was always taught that morphine was NEVER to be given for undiagnosed abdominal pain??
  23. Thankfully our doctors got to know your voice and associated it with a face when you brought your pt in. Most of the docs, once they got to know what you are capable of, will give you what you want. That said, I have had problems getting orders for pain control. They do not like us snowing pts up there for pain management. I've had isolated fractures, with nothing else going on (at least not that I had evidence of), and they still refused. Narcs for MI's and such was easy to get. Everyone looks at me funny down here when I say "Doc-in-the-box". Like they've never heard that phrase???
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