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Everything posted by BUBBA01

  1. CNA is not a prereq for RN, it is a co-req. 4 year RN students complete the requirements for CNA license by end of the 3rd semester. You must have a CNA lic, an education certificate from a nursing school, and NCLEX endorsement to be lic in IL. If you are an RN in another state you get reciprocity. ADN students, are eligible to get CNA lic. after the first semester. Dust, You have a chip on your shoulder, calm down. I admire your idealism, but it will not work in an imperfect world. Hold on your idealism, but remember you have never walked anybody elses shoes but yours. Turn about is fair play. Why has your EMT lic expired three times? Why take an entire course all over, review is what mandatory con-ed is for.
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