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Everything posted by pcbguy

  1. There it is! Thank you sir. Not sure why it didn't come up the other way. Can I ask which sandbox you are residing in?
  2. Thanks akflightmedic, I checked that link but it looks like the site is gone. Also I noticed it says your location is in the Sandbox. Same here. Hey scott33!! I should have mentioned that I got the Patient Transport: Principles and Practice also. I found that the ACE book was just questions and rationales. I wanted something that actually taught the material so I got the Patient Transport one. I am going home to the states in June and figured I would try to take both the FP-C and CCP-C while I'm there. I have been assuming the test were similar minus the flight stuff on the CCP-C. Thanks for verifying. My girlfriend is getting ready to take her CEN and CCRN and I am surprised at the ton of study materials for those and how little there is on the medic side of things.
  3. Hello all. Was wondering of those that have taken either their FP-C or CCP-C, what study material did you use? I have a book called the ACE SAT I got that seems to be a good bank of questions. I also got the videos from the same site. Any other good recommendations for study material? Also how many people here have taken either? I haven't been on here in a while(let the beating commence) but I was surprised there wasn't a section for critical care or flight. Thanks!!
  4. I thought I would have gotten a number though. Oh well. I passed :D/
  5. I think I may try to back out of the last 12. I didn't realize my post was so confusing. My apologies. I said I completed Hospital Orientation so I think that implies a Hospital based service. And any games going on are purely coincidental. Thanks for the responses.
  6. I just passed my EMT so I will be in the EMS dept. I am actually working 3 12-hour shifts together. I have to do 8 12-hour shifts for EMS orientation.
  7. I just finished Hospital Orientation and am starting this weekend. My first shift is 36 hrs. :shock: Any words of wisdom or advice for a newbie? or warnings?
  8. I got my letter and certificate but no actual score. Has anyone else gotten a number score?
  9. Congratulations!!
  10. I'm excited to get started now. I start my hospital orientation on Monday.
  11. I DID IT!! I logged in this morning and they finally got it posted. It says "Congratulations on passing..." Whew!!! I feel alot better now.
  12. Still waiting to hear. Must be taking longer because I took it on a Saturday. Congrats on passing your though.
  13. Thanks for the reassurance. Congrats on passing your test.
  14. I took the EMT-B. Have you gotten your results?
  15. I took the NR test today. Questions stopped at 70. Since its Saturday, don't know if I will get the results til next week. It's killing me. Tough test!!
  16. I did a search after I posted this. Sorry, I just got excited.
  17. I got a call for an interview today. I go on Tuesday. I haven't even taken my test yet. I should find out tommorrow my test date. Sweet. I'm excited and nervous. What kind of questions should I expect? Any help appreciated!!
  18. I turned in my app to the state and applied at NR a month ago tommorrow and I am still waiting to hear something. I did get a letter from the state yesterday but waiting on national now.
  19. Her original post was back in November so she probably did it. Then again maybe not.
  20. Excellent information. I am a student and am doing my first clinical this weekend. I have been nervous but the answers I see here have given me some confidence. I just have to remember what I have learned and stay calm. Thanks everyone for the info.
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