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Code 8 Paramedic

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Everything posted by Code 8 Paramedic

  1. are you saying that you would work your normal hours and your co-workers hours... if that is the case.. you would have to be paid OT if that number goes over 40hrs and unless im mistaken thats a federal labor law. They cant allow you to work say 72 or 96 hrs and NOT pay you OT that is illegal.
  2. Underlying electrolyte imbalance is my guess. Does the pt have any signs of substance abuse?
  3. No No No... Diet Coke for me... stop at the 7-11 and get me a super big gulp!
  4. I have really bad seasonal allergies. So when the pollen is high i spend the whole day blowing my nose and rubbing my eyes. And when i say the whole day im not jokeing. I can stop long enough to start an IV but thats about it. One day I took 500mg of benadryl in an attempt to finaly get it to stop, but it didnt work. Im convinced im immune to benadryl...
  5. I can also say for sure that the two CT locations in Waterbury and Bridgeport aren't doing full medic programs
  6. and you wouldnt have that darn DEA to answer too, they dont take a joke real well... LOL
  7. from my research NEMSA started in Northern Cali but now they are all over the USA. they have a large group in new england.. www.nemsausa.org
  8. So where I work we are considering kicking out our current union and getting NEMSA to be our new union. And before anyone says "use the search button" I did. I want to know what people think about NEMSA. Have they kept there promises? Are they still active like they were when they came in. Do they keep you informed? Our union doesn't seem to like to communicate with us, we have a bulletin board with spider webs on it. And union delegates who are clearly in more favor with the organizer than others. they get 100% of her attention and she does what ever they say. So opinions and experiences on NEMSA would be of great help. I did read some old posts but i want to see if any opinions have changed :-k
  9. so does this mean i dont have to work your shift monday?
  10. I think for the most part it is true. Either the patient is so obtunded that they can take the laryngoscope, or we have to wait for them to get that way. And if they are that obtunded they are almost dead. I agree that we see plenty of patients who need to be RSI'd, I think with "my other service" our being able to use etomidate to intubate will slowly move out to the rest of the region. Also did you know that at "that college hospital" every service with R5 control gets RSI?
  11. Ill back you up here... AZCEP I think your taking the definition of irregular to new heights. When your looking for something to be irregular your looking for longer and shorter r-r, IF any of these are longer its by less than .04 And I ppersonal marched this strip out prior to giving it to Fiznat. and if you look at his underlying A-fib, you will see it is very irregular and it speeds up and gets regular as these wide complexes show up (edited for spelling)
  12. with the pt moving back and forth between v-tach and a-fib, I was pretty confident that it wasn't an electrolyte imbalance. And had the pt gone into full on v-tach with out a pulse cpr could have been more effective at perfusing the heart tissue if he was alittle bit vasodialated. And im sure the first round of epi would counter act my NTG.
  13. Ok well I'll own up to this call... It was mine and thanks to Fiznat for posting it for me. He's a much better writer than I. Overactive hit it right on the head. With the patients Hx of IDDM and having HAD chest pain as the reason for the call. I was leaning toward the V-tach being due to irriatable tissue secondary to ischemia. Even though the 12-lead doesnt have any ST changes jumping out at us. Ectopy is a sign of ischemia, so I increased his 02 from a n/c at 4lpm to an NRB at 12lpm and i moved forward with the ACS protocol. After the first NTG his runs of V-tach stopped and he remained in a-fib for the next 5 mins of transport. I didnt go with Amio or lido because I felt if i could increase perfusion to the heart the v-tach would stop... and it did... There is a better strip of the V-tach if Fiznat can post it.
  14. definitely looks like runs of v-tach
  15. I thought this was just a joke, like a fake movie.. but IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0775536/ says its comming out in 8/27/07
  16. :boxing: :violent1: :violent3: Medic Smash!
  17. hypoethanolemic! thats Awesome! Thats gonna be my new term next time I have to wait in line at the bar for a drink!
  18. what about straight out of the bottle alcohol? anyone heard of anyone doing that?
  19. Has anyone ever heard of anyone taking alcohol IV? I was discussing the alcohol nebs with someone the other day when they asked me if you could give alcohol thru and IV. I wasn't completely sure if it would work, or be safe(safe as in not loosing your arm safe) I had heard in medic school that grain alcohol IV was the tx for anti-freeze poisoning... any thoughts? Oh and I just remembered I saw it on House for the same thing
  20. yeah if you could decode BM<4mml... cuz that doesnt mean anything to me. Are you refering to his blood gulcose level?
  21. Based on my feeling and our protocols the pt should go to a trauma room, now if hospital a is not a trauma room its out... if hospital c is a trauma room and he is ok with c, go there if not call medical control at hospital a and see if they are ok with accepting him.. if they say no then you can tell the patient "they wont accept you" we have to go to b. convince him that he can have them stabilize his leg and then transfer him to another hospital for ortho follow up if he wants.
  22. I do ok with puke, but poop is a whole other story... i cant handle pts that have pooped on themselfs... or have a dirty brief... I once ran a code while nearly puking my guts out... they almost had to call a medic for me... LOL
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