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Code 8 Paramedic

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Everything posted by Code 8 Paramedic

  1. I like EMTS alot more than i like dispatchers!
  2. :laughing3:
  3. Awww the perfect system... 1) EMD that ACCTUALY gets the nature of the call 2) The abillity to treat and release 3) The abillity to tell people you dont need an ambulance or ER! 4) Progressive Medcon with good CME's 5) Good working relationship with MD's and RN's at Hospital 6) Educated Medics and EMT's What it is to dream! :D/ :brave:
  4. dispatchers SUCK... there ive said it.. .now i feel better!
  5. Very true I forgot that :thumbup:
  6. Sweet! Miggets dressed up like KISS how cool is that!
  7. Ok well this thread is going well... and heres something that will really stir up the pot... I think we should have EMT-B's. Some one has the to the shitty calls I don't want to do! EMS is abused and broken, today i had a woman called me because she stood up once today 15 mins ago and it made her leg hurt for a second... It doesn't hurt now, or the last 5 times she stood up in an attempt to repeat the event... But she wants to go to the ER for an Eval. Or the person who has a headache for the last hour who by the way hasn't bothered to take any ASA or APAP yet... or the person who is nauseous and vomited x1. Granted some of these complaints could in a galaxy far far away have been symptoms of life threating illness... but i promise you i was there and they weren't! Someone has to tech these calls, and thats where the EMT comes in... that is there role... thats why we need them
  8. The manager of the Pizza Hut i worked at was a vol. firefighter EMT, one day we took a bunch of pizzas to the fire house and I thought it was really cool, I was 16, but they didnt have a junior member program. So 2 years later, a few weeks after i turned 18 and graduated High School. I was driving around aimlessly and came upon the fire house again. So I stopped by and joined, then sent me to MRT school a few months later. And like any fire house we did 90% EMS calls and being an MRT i couldnt do a lot... and I have a bit of a control problem... So I went to EMT school... worked as an EMT for a few years and slowly learned that I still cant do very much... and these guys called Paramedics seem to know alot... so I went to Paramedic school... which was probably the most fun I ever had!
  9. congrats biotch! saturday night we party!
  10. well as a medic, a few things that I want from my EMT. They need to be very good at their BLS skills; vital signs, bleeding control, splinting, moving pts... the last thing i need to worry about on a bad call is if i can rely on the BP my partner gave me. They need to have education and not just training, like its been said here before, i dont want you just to know that bradycardia is bad, i want you to know why! And im willing to teach, if my partner has questions ill give them a whole AP lession after the call. They need to be able to reconize that the call is bad, or the patient is critcal, and if they dont know they need to be able to pick up on my clues that we need to pick up the pace. just my feelings
  11. I work with Shane, and that protocol has been around for a while at least a few years
  12. I agree, we need some major fixes... and no offense to the vollies but the longer you do it for free, more it hurts us... you dont see vol. doctors running hospitals, or Vol. Nurses at nursing homes... and im not saying you cant do EMS, but that you should be getting paid just like me. I dont want to rant about this, but I do plan on reposting that article anywhere I can... this is a message that needs to get out.
  13. our drug mods are in for the stat pack! and i have mine all set up... maybe ill take some cool pics like fiznat...
  14. So I get dispatched for the Cardiac Arrest, I arrive on scene and im greeted by some concerned looking family members... I walk in the house and I see an elderly woman very upset almost in tears... I look to my right and see a fortyish year old woman sitting at a table with her head in her hands... she looks up at me and I ask "where is the patient?" she looks back at me confused now... and says "I am the patient".... and with out missing a beat or having time to think about what was falling out of my mouth, i say, "Your not DEAD?!" She looks back at me and says.."no i have abd pain"
  15. Fiznat, I have simlar keys but ive never lost them or had them pop off... but i do know one medic who has misplaced his whole narc kit while precepting... but i guess if you lose the keys its just as bad... LOL
  16. I happen to have the Honor of working with Mr. Canning
  17. Hey so I was reading this article in JEMS and it says that about 40% or so services reported being able to deny transport to patients. Now I know this doesnt fly anywere ive ever worked... so I was wondering can anyone here deny a pateint transport to the hosptial? and if so under what cirrumstances can you deny to take a patient?
  18. I would just like to say FU$K ABC network! if that show comes on ABC i wont watch it... why you ask? becasue evertime the put a good show on the air they cancel it a few weeks in after your hooked... did anyone see Daybreak... i loved that show and i was hooked and BAM! no more episodes... I hate ABC! ok im done ranting
  19. now get me ambulances humping!
  20. hmmm find me a picture of two ambulances humping! ok i was alittle late! edit for being slow!
  21. Shane, I would have to agree... i was really surpised that she didnt know more about the IO... but she was one of my instructors... so i didnt quesiton it too much out of respect. I dont even have the drill's and knew more about them then she did
  22. a few people mentioned that you need to flush The IO with lido when you do it on a CAO person, does anyone know the dose? I had a medic from another service the other day who has an IO drill tell me a story. she did the IO but she didn't think it was working right, because the patient was screaming when she tried to flush it.... when i asked her about the lidocaine she said she didn't know about flushing with lido... and asked me the dose... but we don't carry the IO drills so I didn't know.... can anyone enlighten me?
  23. CT also doesn't require Associates
  24. Well I have to say what your going thru is normal. I've been in EMS for 6 years, 5 as an EMT and now Im on my first year as a Paramedic. The class gives you the background knowledge that you need to do the job.. but now you need to learn HOW to do the job. Talk this over with your FTO tell him/her that your nervous, and you feel your making mistakes.. but that you want to do this right. The FTO process is for you to learn how to be an EMT in the field. After you go on a few calls, the nerves will settle and you will develop a style.
  25. :roll: thats about all i have to say about that
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