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Everything posted by rocketjaw

  1. Well I love San Diego but I've been here all my life. I just want to get outside of California and experience living a few other places before I get settled down in one area. Luckily I am still young enough to do so! Hey thanks a lot guys for the replies theres a lot of good info in them and they helped me a ton. Thanks again, -James
  2. I'm from San Diego and I've heard good things about Doctors in the O.C. If they are hiring I would definitely jump on it since its so hard to get a job anywhere in so cal right now.
  3. Hey all, my name is James. I am a 21 y.o. EMT-B from southern California. I am planning to move out from San Diego and begin looking for a job in the area of Boston, Massachusetts. I've been working on a BLS ambulance for the past year and a half. I've already been out to Boston and done a little bit of research. I know there are many different ambulance companies to choose from, just like in San Diego. Does anyone have any advice they can offer me on which ambulance companies I should set my sights for? Also I am under the impression that if I am nationally registered I will be able to get my Massachusetts EMT card without much difficulty. Other than that I wondered how the pay was out there on the east coast. If anyone can offer me any insight at all about working in the Boston, Massachusetts area, I'm eager for information. - Thank you all
  4. AMR has a pretty good rep down here in so cal. All I really have to say after working as an EMT for almost a year is that you are always going to have disgruntled employees and penny pinching BLS ambulance companies.
  5. Hey I'm starting my job for Americare next thursday and I'm pretty excited. I was just wondering if anyone has worked for them before and can tell me how their experience was with them. I know they run 24 hour shifts and they run their new people through a lot of simulations and tests to make sure they're prepared. The uniforms are really cool too. Can anyone tell me anything else about their experiences with Americare in southern cal? Thanks a lot!
  6. ^^ Didn't take proper BSI precautions 8)
  7. I thought jugular vein distention occured when the right side of the heart got backed up (rt side CHF) and blood got backed up into the jugular (correct me if im wrong.) How would a pneumothorax cause that? Will a pneumo cause the right side of the heart to fail pumping blood?
  8. I don't believe it is in our scope to rule out c - spine. They teach us that WHENEVER there is a significant MOI to ALWAYS take c - spine precautions
  9. NickD - I too am a student about 3/4 through the class. I'd have to agree with what you said. They give us lots of scenario questions on the tests that talk about almost this exact same incident, where theres a mva (significant MOI) and when you arrive on scene the patient is up and walking around. The correct answer is ALWAYS the most cautious one - to take c spine precautions anyways. ps - we use that same book too, Brady's prehospital emergency care. I wonder if all EMT's in the U.S. learn from that book...
  10. My buddy in my class was convicted of a DUI when he was 17 and had his license revoked for a year. Hes thinking about quitting the class and forgetting about a career in EMS because of this. Someone told him that no company would take him when they saw a DUI on his record. From my understanding the ambulance companies are pretty strict about DUI/substance abuse charges... The thing is that he was 17 when he did this (a minor) and now hes 20 (an adult). Does anyone know if he would still be able to get a job or if the charge would still be on his record? He wants to be a paramedic one day, I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience in this or knows if he might be alright. I'd hate to see him throw in the towel if the DUI wouldnt get in the way of what hes trying to do. I've known him since high school and hes not a bad guy. I think the DUI was the only trouble hes ever had with the law. THanks guys.
  11. Can't believe only 3% voted box! I live in San Diego and most firefighters/emts around here call em box's. ie "You're riding in the box today."
  12. BSI!!! common now
  13. Hey I'm new to the forum. So far it seems like a pretty cool place to just come and read about EMS related stuff. I'm about to start my EMT classes and I'm really excited. I'm in an accelerated course, so I go to class every saturday and sunday from 8 to 4. By the end of march I should have my EMT license. I heard the class is really tough, does anyone have some pointers or tips for getting prepared for this course? I aced my first responder class no problem, but from what I understand the EMT/Medic classes are on a whole different level. I also have one other question. I was flipping through my EMT book and there are some gnarly pictures in there. Now I'm not squimish or anything, I know what to expect getting myself into this profession that I have such a personal interest in. THe thing is I have never seen anything really graphic in real life like an amputated arm or a massive avulsion, so I dont know how I am going to react. My first ambulance ride along is in like 2 weeks and I'm a little nervous. How did some of you guys react to your first site of something really bloody or disturbing. Thanks guys
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