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Everything posted by 911Laurie

  1. So I am thinking of applying to Edmonton EMS and under their list of requirements they say a Functional Capacity Assessment is needed. Does anyone know what this is?
  2. Thanks Siffaliss! I'm trained out of province and I just recieved the info for their next course and I am allowed to attend. Just have to decide now if I really want to spend the 800$$ but thank you for answering my question!
  3. Hi There, Thanks everyone for all your imput! Who knew asking for a book list would get so many replies! I am thinking of taking their EMT review and I just wanted to see what books they use so I would be prepared.
  4. Thanks for the imput! I am already a PCP in Ontario looking to take a refresher course before I write the EMT exam and just wanted to know what books they use. Which school do you recommend?
  5. Does anyone have the book list for the EMT course at PMA?
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