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Everything posted by studyems

  1. Just the other day.....received a call, had to take a HUGE man to the hospital for various reasons. We finally got him onto the streatcher but his fat was hanging over the side so I couldn't buckle him in. I figured I would simply raise his fat and then strap him in...so I tried...several times, not realizing I was sufficating my pt with my breasts each time I bent over to lift his fat!!!!! I of course apologized perfusly....he said it was ok, and that it was the most action he's got in a LONG time. Yes...that would have been a hard one to explain to my supervisor! "YOU KILLED YOUR PT HOW???" #-o
  2. :roll: i'm ashamed to say......I could probably fill up about 3 pages worth of confessions..... :sad11:
  3. Most people take antidepressants for a short time.....something to help them cope or deal with negativity going on in their life. There are also people that have been on them for years. I can almost guarantee, there are several people you know right at this moment, whom you thing are fantastic medics/doctors/nurses/etc. that have been taking them. You can't tell who is and who is not on antidepressants. You can tell however, when someone is depressed, antisocial, easily aggrivated, and so on. I would much rather have them take antidepressants for a while then for them to hurt.
  4. Phil....You are a HOOT!!!!
  5. well for petes sake!
  6. LOL, OMG, who comes up with t his stuff. I'd be doing the same darn thing though.
  7. OMG, my first day on the rig!
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