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Everything posted by ladyemt51_2000

  1. No Wendy, but thanks for asking. Once again, a comment taken completely out of text.
  2. quote: anyone have any suggestions castration comes to mind :evil:
  3. When, instead of replying 10-4, ect., the dispatcher receives an "okey dokey" confirmation. And yes, it really has happened....I heard it myself over the radio :roll: . I almost died of embarrassment.
  4. Your situation breaks my heart. I don't have much else to say or add to what the others have said but that you and your family will be in my prayers.
  5. The starting bid is too high. As a seller, I never start my items out high nor do I start my bid price out so close to a Buy It Now price. The pics need to show more detail and should be a good quality. The shipping is very high as well. Hence, looking at her feedback, the seller is doing something right.
  6. My wedding would have been veiwed a bit whackerish then but we loved it and it meant something. There wasn't a dry eye in the firehouse!
  7. I know I need reminding, even of the simplest things, after being an EMT for 10 years. Things I know but need to read again to help me be as efficient as I can be. I thank the OP for sharing this with us to read.
  8. Good points Somedic! I appreciate them greatly. I'll be all ears, dressed in a sensible black suit with my cell phone in the car. I seldom carry it with me when I am in a place of business anyway. I actually was in Paramedic class this past Fall but had to drop this semester due to my husband's urging at working more hours (I work two jobs now). If I get hired, that solves that and I am back in class next spring as I already completed one semester. This business is grueling. I've been at it for 10 years and know far too well how it is a dog eat dog world. I have worked paid and volunteer during that time and have seen a lot of backbiting. The company definitely needs to feel as though they are number one in my priorities and I want to assure them that I have an excellent work ethic. I am taking the time to do a thorough history on the company I am interviewing with. I want to know call volume, radius, ect. and be armed with that information. I want them to know I have done my homework and that is actually how interested I am in seeking employment with their company. I am a fan of thank you notes and I use them at every interview I have ever been on. It leaves a good taste in their mouth and hopefully they will think of me next time, even if I didn't make the cut this time around. And of course, I will flash them a smile and a hearty handshake at the end of the meeting:)
  9. I am just so excited! The interview is in the next few weeks so I am going to use this time to prepare for it. I am also going to check out the pointers given here at EMT City to help with my interview. I put in my application a few months ago and even though I had followed up on it a few times, I never expected to be called. They are an aggressive service and I hope they feel I will be a perfect fit for the position. Ok, time to come back down to earth........
  10. I would take it to the sup too but I wonder if the skiing resort is going to get slammed with a lawsuit in regards to this guys fall. Perhaps the mixture of pot and beer had something to do with it? Maybe there was more pot in his car or bag back up at the lodge?
  11. $565.....not too bad for this old girl
  12. Days off? I clean, ect. after work or before I go in so I can totally have my days off to myself to do something fun. It's a pain but it's worth it to me. I love to go shopping, surf Ebay or just stoke my fireplace and snuggle on the couch with my blankets and my furbabies and watch the snow fall.
  13. I don't know about what stays on a record or for how long. What I do know is that I got a DUI when I was 24. I went through classes, counseling and paid the appropriate fines through doing community service. Years later, I went through my basic class and got my first job on an ambulance. During the interveiw, I was asked if there was anything that would show up on my record. I explained what happened and they appreciated my honesty. I did indeed get the job. People can change and I am living proof of that, in so many ways. Getting a DUI doesn't make an otherwise good person a piece of crap. In my instance, I did a very stupid thing and thankfully didn't hurt or kill anyone in the process. It was a wake up call for me and helped turn my life around. Honesty is the best policy and I tend to think there are alot of us here who shouldn't have been driving (or doing some other not-too-smart things) at one point or another, but that some of us just got caught at it. It sounds like your friend is trying to take a positive step in his life. Even though he may be sited for his indiscretions, I hope he still keeps up on his studies and perhaps someone will give him that chance to do something he obviously wants so much. Good luck to him and you:)
  14. Why would you want ADA to accomodate a potentially dangerous situation? You said yourself you would like to keep your husband's injury stabilized. Knowing how much he has suffered, why would either of you inadvertently want to hurt a fellow EMT or patient, putting them through what he has experienced? Factor that in with the probability of a patient dying because he was waiting for additional help. You also may face the prospect of having your ambulance shut down because you didn't have a crew to go to the call. It has happened to many a volunteer agency. Frankly, I am suprised your ambulance is willing to take your husband on, regarding their liability insurance. Suppose the ambulance is involved in an accident and your husband is paralyzed? Who is going to pay that bill and settlement? Who would you expect to take the ultimate responsiblity? There are so many factors here and it is reminiscent of a bad train wreck waiting to happen. As his wife, I would suggest you encourage him in other areas where he can function fully and without worry. There are some excellent programs in which people who have injuries like this can gain employment by entering a work program in which he would be trained for a job that is better suited for him. In some instances, they will pay for additional education, if needed. ADA might be able to direct you to those programs. I think you know in your heart this is not an ideal situation and what needs to be done, or NOT done, in this case, in the interest of your husband, his partners and his patients.
  15. You got in with a bad department and chances are, it wasn't anything you did that got you termed. EMS is a tight community and most likely the word is out about your past employer and their hiring and firing practices amongst the other agencies. They sound shady and it is probably best you got out now before something major went down. You were upfront with them from the get go and they back peddled for reasons which you may never know. Go back, get some more education under your belt that will enable you to gain decent employment at a department who deserves you. Beef up your resume and if needed, go to your community college and talk with someone who can help you with downplaying your stint with the previous employer. Perhaps someone else here can help you with that as well. If you have to work a gig for a while that isn't paramedicine, so be it. You will be better for it in the long term. When one door closes, another door opens.Good luck and keep us informed!
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