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Everything posted by mhull

  1. Toronto EMS' (part of Local 416 which also includes the garbage workers - remember that strike two years ago) contract is complete Dec. 31 2011. (We still have not got actual printed collective agreements). Toronto has recently approved privatization of garbage pick up for half of the city (west of Yonge) even though the union stated that privatization "would never happen" (Why half of the city? This way all permanent Garbage Jobs could be kept (they would work East of Yonge) and all temporary jobs could be laid off. Those temporary workers have still have been paying union dues all this time AND now they been hung out to dry by Local 416!) EMS is pushing to be 'Essential' and I feel this will happen in Toronto just before the summer of 2012 prior to the Local 416 strike that everyone is expecting! TTC has been deemed essential so it is hard to believe that a bus is more essential that an ambulance but what do I know. (Yes the majority of our patients could easily take a bus to the hospital!) What does this all mean? Who the hell knows. If you have been following TO news the last few days there is a feud brewing between the Fire Department and just about EVERYONE else from the public, councillors, EMS, police and even other Fire Fighters as to their need to be as funded as heavily as they are and weather or not that money could be put to better use. On top of that, Mayor Ford wants EVERY city department to present a 10% budget cut recommendation. Further more - some very high paid consultants think that Fire and EMS management could 'easily' be merged. Of course these are the same people who think that the City of Toronto should NOT provide daycare for anyone. (People who are consultants don't utilize city run daycare for their kids but many low to mid income residents do!) Many interesting weeks and months ahead for Toronto the least of which will be new contract negotiations between the city and local 416! Congrats on what you got - yes it would be nice to actually get your lunch breaks - please know however, here in Toronto, Local 416 gave away our Provincial Labour Law Right to two lunch breaks in a 12 hours shift for ONE - Yes ONE! and we don't often get that one on time - if at all - either!!! (and say hi to Brent for me!)
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