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  4. This is a very interesting topic to me as I am both a Paramedic and a nurse. In my opinion I feel that all nurses (especially those that work in the ER) should be required to do some ride time with the ambulances so that they can see what we have to deal with in the field sometimes. This way when you bring a pt into them they won't sit there and go what did you do that for or why did you bring him here and not take the pt to a different facility.
  5. I was just looking to see if anyone else has run in to this situation. I do like you all said and ask what the exact reaction is and then inform the patient of the risks and benefits or taking the ASA and if they still refuse to take the ASA I document the living daylights out of it so that I CMOA. Thanks everyone for your input.
  6. We have been running into a lot of people telling us lately that they have an allergy to aspirin. What we have found out is that most of these people have been told to tell people that when they are on Coumadin or Plavix. So just question them if this is in your protocols to give aspirin.
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