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Everything posted by Alcomedicism
Use of Drugs among EMS workers..
Alcomedicism replied to Ridryder 911's topic in General EMS Discussion
Also on a side note I have firend who is an EMTB is an alchoholic as well as substance abuser, but until I can find hard evidence to prove the substance abuse theres really nothing for me to report, although said EMTB supposedly used purex to purify the urine during a drug test. Its a tough situation, not exactly sure, but one day eithe she'll end up taking her own life or she'll get caught doing it and lose everything. -alco -
Use of Drugs among EMS workers..
Alcomedicism replied to Ridryder 911's topic in General EMS Discussion
having dealt with my own issues in the past I say let him have one chance to clean up, suspend until either proven not guilty or succesfully completed rehab. If he messes up again fire him on the spot. For some people a rehab and a fine are enough to scare them out of the substance abuse others it will have to have a heavier consequence, such as a job loss and revocation of certificates and licensures as well as jail time. and I agree that for some people no matter what you do to them to get them to learn will not help, the only way they will stop substance abuse is by ending their life. -Alco -
New Madrid Fault Line.... are we ready? (GDG)
Alcomedicism replied to Alcomedicism's topic in General EMS Discussion
DANG!!!! I was onto something when I posted this, I just felt the preparedness of the nation against a natural disaster was low so.................................................. HOLY SHIT< this is freaking me out...................................................... -Alco -
probably not Rich, but alot of good toeys have been banned with all of these supposed choke hazards, safety hazards. I really dont understand the paper tube size testing. Most young kids that would swallow something probably cant even get their mouth around the end of a paper tube. :roll: Not missing the point, as I understand it is a way to see if an object can fit into a kids mouth possibly a choking hazard. Kids are going to stick things in their mouth ragerdless,its there way of exploring the world. Whatever happened to actually watching your kid play???? My my the days have gone by, now the TV is the preferred babysitter. Thank god my kid doesnt have the attention span to even sit and watch a TV for longer than a min or two. I would rather her be out side playing anyway. -Alco
I think my brother got that toy one year for his birthday because I remember a little toy robot that had fake guns on its hands
How did this thread go from discussing 2008 Elections b/t Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, which BTW isnt even an election year yet, to discussing EMS using firearms??? Seems as this thread has derailed, time to put it back on track so I will reiterate the opening questions again.... Who would you decide in the 2008 elections if there were a run-off between Hillary and Jeb, and please state your reason why, being respectful of course.
these devices may not get used much but when we do use we should be glad that they are there. -alco
Here EMTBs are restricted greatly in what they can and cannot do. They however can start IVs as an ALS assist skill, Im very iffy on that decision I am not so sure if the Medical Director understands the possible consequneces of allowing this into the BLS SoP at this time w/o any professional training, the EMTs are being taught this skill/procedure by their medic partners as per directors orders. -Alco
Medics with science backgrounds...or...not...
Alcomedicism replied to PRPGfirerescuetech's topic in Patient Care
I agree that sciences should be added as a part of the standard ALS curriculum with perhaps some basic sciences in the BLS curriculum. Part of our knowledge should also include the science behind what we are doing, why is the effect happening, what two chemical mixtures inside the body would be dealy or helpful?, etc. This is the "why" part that we should be learning. -Alco -
Merrie Melodies/ Luney Tunes Smurfs Rainbow Brite Stretch Armstrong Thundercats DinoRiders oh and my favorite toy I wish I still had: the pink Power Wheels Barbie Corvette. Sweet!!! -Alco
Im going to say my piece and leave, I cant be a troll with this thread, so here goes. For one, what the hell ever happened to personal responsibility??????? We have fingers pointing in ever goddamn direction trying to find one agency or person to blame. Whoever said it should have been the state and local's agency to evacuate the citizens out is very correct. FEMA deviated from its original purpose to focus on counter-terrorism after 9/11, which didnt leave much room for development of natural disaster preparedness. FEMA is the back-up for the state and local agencies when a disaster occurs. People knew for an entire week this Catagory 5 Hurricane was headed straight for the Gulf Coast, but sadly even the Weather Channel professionals didnt predict good enough and storm went 75 miles further west than what was prediected. Also people at the National Hurricane Center said that the levees in NOLA would not hold and the entire city needed to be evacuated. Why were these warnings from the professionals not heeded? Even by city and state officers? NOLA and all other cities should ALWAYS have an evacuation plan and it must be rehearsed once a year for everyone to learn so that things will run smoothly in an actual disaster. While people are dying in our own country from disease and dehydration our gov't and officials are "sending down prayers". Yes Im glad your praying, but if you can, DO something. There will surely be an independent investigation on the response to Hurricane Katrina, lets hope that for once change will actually take place. This is just a small slither of my thoughts, so I am stopping here. -Alcomedicism
New Madrid Fault Line.... are we ready? (GDG)
Alcomedicism replied to Alcomedicism's topic in General EMS Discussion
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How do you relieve the stress?
Alcomedicism replied to jtward01's topic in Burnout, Stress, & Health
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Here in AR we are allow to assist the pt with taking their albuterol and epi-pen only after we have contacted med control and they have OK'd it. -Alco
My input for what its worth: Ive noticed students saying "push for more requirements" etc, but when they get into it they gripe about all the requirements, makes alot of sense. Now for my opinion- the letters behind you name mean you have gone through the training and have skills and and knowledge (I hope that you have the ability to retain it). Tests are tough, but there wll always be dummies that will luck through it and get the letters and certs so what should we do?? Make them tougher?? Make them easier?? Make them jump through flaming hoops?? As Steve said more education can open more doors for the majority of EMS, I may be talking out of my ass but if there were higher education requirements we could go from vocational to professional and we would start gaining more respect and recognition for what we do. I think the certification vs. degree debate stemmed from this.................... -Alco
The Little League World Series is definitely a world series. They have countries from America, Canada, South America, Carribbean, Asia, Japan, Germany, etc, all competing for the glorious title of World Series Champions. Maybe MLB should take some notes from Little League. -Alco
Ok I guess I'll chime in with my piece. Do I believe in a God? I dont know. Like it was said earlier, you cant disprove something that cant be proved in the first place. I too had a falling out with God and the church. I tried being a bible thumper for almost 3 years of my life. After the minister pretty much molested me and I tried to stand up to him and everything went sour. The church abandoned me in a time of need so I said screw god and all the little children that he supposedly loves. I dont care to get religified anytime soon. Soon thereafter I witnessed several tragic events that pretty well soured me for life. This is when I first started struggling with alcohol and drugs. I have always struggled with depression and oddly church seemed to make it worse, always striving for perfection in everything. I felt I could never measure up so I ended up worse off mentally even though on the outside everything seemed to be going smoothly. Sure I could tell you the story of my salvation, but I have say that anyone who is considering becoming a Christian, not to scare them off, but at first EVERYONE will pat your back and will encourage you for the first 3 or 4 mos or so and then they will dump you for something better, a new Christian that is completely uneducated about the bible. I can tell you after I got "saved" I went from nearly flunking out of high school due to an "I-dont-care attitude" towards school. I finished 9th grade with a 1.8 GPA. My 10th grade year I made honor roll everytime. Got perfect scores on damn near everything, maintained a 3.9 GPA 90% of the time. I was elected to represent my school as a delegate to Arkansas Girls State that summer, went on to become a camp counselor at a childrens Summer Camp. Was elected as worship leader for my church's vacation bible school program. I looked like I had it all going for me. But what most people didnt realize for the most part was this: I was struggling with anorexia/bulimia at the time, I would not eat for fear of being impure, sounds lame but its true. I would not eat for up to 3 weeks at a time. I was running on fumes. I weighed at my lowest 108 lbs on a 5'4" frame. Bones. I would run for hours on end, as well as run for the school track and cross country teams. only 2% body fat at my peak. I was also being molested by the youth minister, being molested by family members, that was not a fun part of my life at all. The only good part I remember is Susan and Jeannie, my two biggest encouragers at the time. Susan got married to rich man, allowed the money to go to her head and we had a falling out then came along Jeannie, I was on the brink of suicide and I was only 17. She held my hand and helped me through as best she could. Sure they were both Christians but the odd thing was they listened. I felt abandoned by Susan, and I still do, but maybe in the long run it was for the better. After I tried to stand up for myself against my youth minister, everything went downhill. I was practically thrown out of the youth ministry, my YMs wife called and harrassed me at work on a daily basis, I was being blamed for their hardships and eventaully I started blaming myself for everyones hardships. I carried alot of weight on my shoulders. After I left the church, I became very involved with alcohol. Drinking up to 10 drinks a day, even more on weekends, going to class hungover, still maintained my grades, my home life wasnt that great so I started couch-hopping around town sleeping on various friends' couches, mostly Jeannies though. And then we started a relationship, best one I've had yet. sShe showed me compassion and helped me through my first bout with alcoholism. i would often show up at her place drunk, but she took me in and chewed me out everytime, I still love her for it. Then she got a job offer out of state that she could not refuse, I told her to follow her dreams and with that I let her go. We still talk occassionally. Then I went off to college to make something of myself, still on a drinking rampage though. I still maintained a high GPA of about 3.2 taking Honors courses. Then I met who is now my ex-husband. We were both drunk we got into an argument, he raped me I ended up pregnant, had a child, and we got married for the sake of the child, big mistake on my part. That marriage ended up being an abusive one from the beginning, then I ended up dropping out of college to support the child on my own. We seperated last spring and my divorce became official in October. I lost my house and all of my furniture due to bills that he ran up and put my name on that Im now legally responsible for. Me and my daughter currently live with my parents in a small 10x12 bedroom. And yes there is an extra bedroom, but my dad will not allow either me or my daughter to move in there. I started dating another guy but he soon became very controlling and started stalking me everywhere. I could not go anywhere w/o him looking over my shoulder. He even came to my parents house demanding to know where I was at. He called himself a Christian. The only place I could go to get relief was the EMS station. He followed me to my daughters daycare he stalked me at work, everywhere. I felt safe in that station. One more reason to have perfect attendance to class. I didnt tell anyone about my stalker for fear of retaliation, but at least now I felt safer. Then I met Rose and Lenny. I met Rose through my EMT-B course, she was my instructors partner. We hit it off immediately. Soon thereafter there was another relationship that went bad. Her and Lenny broke up over jealousy so Im currently seeing Lenny. This is the first relationship that Ive had with a man that I didnt feel bad about. He treats me well and he tries to get daughter to take to him. After everything got snafu'ed, I was blamed by Rose for a relationship gone bad and I was literally bad mouthed around the station. Made me feel bad so I decided to move on. Then one of my church going friends decided to run her mouth and caused me ALOT of pain and suffering. She went around town telling everyone about me and Rose, which made Rose even more upset. So I lost a good friend that day. I was definitely suicidal. And now here I stand. Still hating god. My life hasnt changed much. Still dirt poor, still getting nowhere. And at least once a week I have someone calling me from the church inviting me to their next Sunday service. Kinda irks me since a majority of those churchgoers are very hypocritical. No one there truly cares, and now that its out, I cant bring myself to ever walk into a church again knowing what I will get in return. Christians have been some of the meanest people I have ever met. As it was said before, they will chastise each other for not believing correctly. I also believe if given the chance most Christians would kill each other off for not being a certain way. I'll let them fight their own holy war and have their crusades. I dont believe in anything. I guess Im a bonafide atheist. So in short, do I believe in evolution or creationism? I dont know, I guess we'll all find out in the end wont we? :wink: -alco