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  1. When I first got out of school I was assigned to work with a gay partner and I am going to be honest, I didn't like it. I didn't like him and he really didn't like me. I did everything I could to get out of working with him and when i did work with him we talked very little unless it was job related and it was not the best working environment. After realizing that we were stuck with each other we decided to at least try and get to know each other. I quickly realized one very important thing, he is the best partner I have ever worked with and is by far the best basic with our service. He knows his job, he knows a lot of my job and when it comes time to get to work I wouldn't trade him for anybody or anything. When I agreed to take a supervisor slot my only condition was that I got to keep my partner if that tells you how far we have come. He is in medic school now and I am very proud of him and the progress he is making but I hate the fact that in just a few short months I will have to have a new partner. I never would have imagined that I would actually be upset about losing him as a partner. Remember a hot blonde partner that doesn't know her ass from an IV pump isn't much help with things go south and to me that's what matters most. I do this to help people in a time of need and I will take every advantage I can get to accomplish that goal, having a jam up partner is a huge advantage no matter what their sexual orientation.
  2. To make a long story short I currently work rural EMS in West Central Al and I am thinking about relocating south to the coast. I was just wondering what the EMS system was like down there. I am looking at either the Foley or Spanish Fort area. Just wondering if there is anybody here in that area that could offer any advice. Thanks in advance for any help guys.
  3. I ran on an elderly man in a nursing home once and met his wife whom he lived in the same room with. He was all she had and she was all he had, he never came home from the hospital. Not long after that I took her to have one of her legs removed and not long after that I took her to have her other leg removed as well. I go and visit her several times a week and to see the expression on her face when I walk in the room makes me realize that even though I usually meet people when things are bad I actually do make a difference in some peoples lives.
  4. I learned it from a guy who works on a chopper part time, apparently its a common practice with those guys.
  5. It all depends on my mood :twisted:
  6. This not only applies to burn patients. I have seen medics that will roll into the ed with no line going on a pt because they couldn't find anything to stick. Take off their shoes and they have veins that look like two ropes!
  7. I have also used 3in tape to write triage information on and stick it on the pts forehead. Our supply guy doesnt think we deserve or need triage tags :boxing:
  8. Busiest Trauma center in my state does it this way and it is probably the best system I have seen. DCH Regional Med Center in Tuscaloosa Al.
  9. We have cards that have all the company info on them so I keep a few of those in my shirt pocket and write my name on the back if need be. They are also handy to give to families so they know who to call if they need non emergency services or just scribble notes on. Best part about it is they dont cost me a dime!
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