When I first got out of school I was assigned to work with a gay partner and I am going to be honest, I didn't like it. I didn't like him and he really didn't like me. I did everything I could to get out of working with him and when i did work with him we talked very little unless it was job related and it was not the best working environment.
After realizing that we were stuck with each other we decided to at least try and get to know each other. I quickly realized one very important thing, he is the best partner I have ever worked with and is by far the best basic with our service. He knows his job, he knows a lot of my job and when it comes time to get to work I wouldn't trade him for anybody or anything. When I agreed to take a supervisor slot my only condition was that I got to keep my partner if that tells you how far we have come.
He is in medic school now and I am very proud of him and the progress he is making but I hate the fact that in just a few short months I will have to have a new partner. I never would have imagined that I would actually be upset about losing him as a partner.
Remember a hot blonde partner that doesn't know her ass from an IV pump isn't much help with things go south and to me that's what matters most. I do this to help people in a time of need and I will take every advantage I can get to accomplish that goal, having a jam up partner is a huge advantage no matter what their sexual orientation.