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  1. Salem, MA is another "Man, it's cold out there!" place. Being an EMT in the rugged, old cold of South Dakota where the deer and the antelope play, I would like to suggest a class action of EMT sympathy to present that sue-happy victim with a deluge of vast quantities of cups of boiling hot, fast food coffee, since there is already legal precedent to sue the good samaritans for providing steam heat comfort during treatment with such, clearly, lethal intent to injure!! At least we can all enjoy a good cup of coffee, while we wait for our verdict and sentence to be levied. Was her wrist treated with supplies from the jump kit, perchance? I believe I see reason for a civil countersuit for payment of unneccessarily depleted public supplies and professional time for skills utilized to treat a negligently- acquired injury, in the course of emergency safety work dispatch. I think it a shame that such litigation stupidity be only uni-lateral. If we were not actually involved in provision of care and compassion above all else, we could certainly fill needs within our services by the insanity of bi-lateral litigation. I am proud that we are inclined to provide life-saving treatment and comforting care for the non-monetary, utter love of helping our fellow human beings, knowing that it may be myself lying on the ground, broken, one day. This reply is suggested as tongue-in-cheek, but it does give pause for thought, doesn't it?
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