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Everything posted by Buckbo

  1. happened here in San Jose recently shutting down our systems busiest ER.. I assume hydrogen sulfide is the subject of the article you posted. The linked articles in the OP all seem rather elusive on listing the actual chemical product. Oh and..... RIBS RULE! Edit for link to San Jose Event http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/nationalb...ing/ci_11689084
  2. Steth around the neck, wallet, keys personal/handcuff/amby, trauma shears packed under back belt loop, smokes and a lighter, Von Zipper sun glasses propped on top my head for maximum awesomeness, 2 pens(should probly start tossing em after having pts sign with them) and a penlight, ID badge, cellphone and Alpha pager. I keep it pretty simple. trying to avoid looking like Wharf from Star Trek TNG
  3. oops thought 5150 was a country wide code thanks JPINFV
  4. I got a call last week and we were dispatched to the ambulance entrance at the hospital we just left. We arrived on scene to find 3 PD officers surrounding a homeless man in his 50's just 50 feet away from the ER entrance. We were still on Hospital property, we were in the fricking driveway. So the cops put the guy on a 5150 for threating to "kill himself" cause his buddy died today. We were on scene at hospital in one breath. Walked him into the ER and the cops bailed. Gotta love short transports.
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