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Everything posted by CodeBlueEMT

  1. Found this on another forum this morning. America’s New Mentality – “Cower and Die” - Skip Coryell I’m a stay-at-home dad and the primary caregiver for our 1-year-old son. Even now, as I type this article, there is a 40 caliber semi-automatic pistol on my right hip. I carry a pistol 24/7, 365 days a year. Sometimes it’s a nuisance, but I will never kneel at the feet of a madman and whimper while he shoots me and the ones I love. Instead, I will take careful aim, and double-tap the center of exposed mass until the murderer falls to the pavement, no longer a threat to the innocent in society. When faced with a weapon-wielding madman, I don’t hide beneath a desk, cowering in the hopes that he’ll shoot someone else and then move on. I don’t roll the dice and hope for the best. Instead, I take responsibility for my own defense, and I attack. That’s what real parents do. They protect those unable to protect themselves, and they do so aggressively and without apology. Having said all that, I, too, would have been helpless to stop the killing at Virginia Tech, or Columbine, or Pearl, and even at the University of Iowa. What do these places all have in common that render a normally competent, personal protection instructor impotent? They are all pistol-free zones. I like to call them criminal safe zones, where bad guys can feel safe and free to exact all manner of evil upon us, the unarmed public, upon our unarmed defenseless and innocent children. Our government, in its infinite folly, has disarmed us, then broadcast for all criminals to see, exactly when and where they can kill the most unarmed people. It’s like a bowling pin shoot: the government lines us up, and the bad guys shoot us down. And when questioned about this insanity, the legislators and other politicians say; “we’re doing this for your own good”. I haven’t heard that since I was a child. But I’ve got news for you politicians – I’m not a child any longer, and I know what’s best for me. When the government starts making laws that preclude me from protecting my one-year-old son, then it’s time I campaigned to replace them. Consider yourself forewarned. The people hired you, and the people will fire you. Yesterday, a crazed, lone, gunman, executed 32 people at the Virginia Tech campus. Today, politicians (our leaders) are calling for more gun control. Call me daft, but I don’t get it. Where’s the logic? Isn’t one definition of insanity “doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results?” We’ve tried gun control. It didn’t work. It failed us, and it failed our children. It failed us at the University of Iowa in 1991. It failed us at Columbine High School. It failed us in Pearl, Mississippi, and now, it has failed us again in Blacksburg, Virginia. Why is everyone on television acting so surprised? This is logic 101. If you disarm everyone except crazed murderers, then only crazed murderers will have guns. Let’s face it, most people don’t have the expertise or the guts to disarm a gun-wielding madman. Forgive me for sounding harsh, but gun control is killing us. It’s killing innocent children all across our country, and it’s been killing them for decades. Why? Because we don’t have the guts to stand up to our politically correct legislators and tell them no! Enough is enough! Stop killing our children! All across America, even in states where tens of thousands of people have been trained and licensed to carry a gun for protection, people are hiding under desks, jumping from 2nd floor windows, and cowering beneath the muzzle of a deranged killer. As a general rule, the people who cower in the face of determined evil, are the people who die in a pool of their own blood. It’s time America – it’s time to fight back! But do the people of America still have the guts to stand up against elected officials? I honestly don’t know. Are we Americans? Are we men and women determined to protect our families, or have we all become sheep, content to follow the shepherd over the precipice to the jagged rocks below? Columbine and Virginia Tech are not good omens. The victims there were unarmed sheep, who hid beneath desks and chairs, simply cowering before they died. They said “Baa” as they were being slaughtered. Something basic to our society has to change. It’s time to stand up and fight while we still have the means to do so. And if our politicians tell us we can’t protect our children in a daycare center, or a post office, or a church, then we show them the door. We vote them out. We recall them. We take out the trash. That’s the attitude that America was founded on. Somewhere along the timeline, America has lost it’s way, we’ve lost our instinct for survival; it’s no longer “fight or flight”; it’s just plain “cower and die”. Where did Americans ever get the idea that they could successfully outsource personal protection? I know a guy who won’t trust another man to mow his lawn, because only “he” can do it right and to his own satisfaction. But that same particular, finicky person walks around all day long trusting total strangers, who aren’t even present, to protect the one thing he cannot replace – his own life. A word of caution: don’t think that the terrorists aren’t watching, because they are, and they’re taking notes. Once they realize that most Americans are nothing but sheep waiting to be slaughtered, then it’s Katy bar the door, because every terrorist and his grandma will be over here killing as many American infidels as they can. America has ceased to be the “land of the free and the home of the brave”, and instead has become a target-rich environment, the “ignorant and blissful land of cower and die”. The police cannot protect us; it was never so. The police have their place and their job, but it was never their responsibility to be the bodyguards of every man, woman and child in America. That job is a personal responsibility that most of us have forsaken. It is my job to protect my family; that’s why they’re called “my” family and not “your” family. I feel silly saying things so basic to life and truth, but, sadly enough, these things need to be said. Trying to outsource personal and family defense will always be a losing proposition. Take responsibility for protecting yourself and the ones you love. Go ahead and outsource your lawn, but no one can protect your family better than you. It’s your job! Do it! Don’t give in to the “cower and die” mentality. Instead, crawl out from under that desk and fight for your life. It’s a decision you can live with. Skip Coryell is a Michigan native, now living in Iowa. He teaches the NRA Personal Protection in the Home Course for those wishing to obtain Concealed Pistol Licenses. Shayne
  2. Dustdevil, who says volunteers are cheapening our services and our image? Is that your opinion? Do you speak for some organization? You don't speak for me. The rhetorical dissertations you create are meant to impress who? I can't believe you typed that crap. Do you believe it? Maybe a smart guy like yourself needs to reevaluate things. Certainly an educated person such as yourself is intelligent enough to find gainful employment elsewhere. The passive-aggressive responses are great. Try getting real. Shayne
  3. What a load of self-centered rhetorical garbage. Shayne
  4. LOL. Good one. Shayne
  5. Blah, blah, blah, blah.."Homosexuals, why do people still care?" Blah, blah, blah..."Do you have a problem with homosexuals?" Who cares? It really doesn't matter to me what your religious views, sexual orientation, or political affiliations are. What DOES matter is the type of person you are. PERIOD. I can be intolerate of whatever I choose. Don't like it, tough. Religious zealots and Bible thumpers. Guess what? Somebody is wrong. Ooops, I should have stayed with the "fill in the blank" religion. Why is it churches don't pay taxes? They get all that political influence for free. I have to pay taxes. Maybe I'll start the CodeBlueEMT Church for LaZBoy Recliner Apostles and Wayward Women. Only 15% gets you salvation. I'll take 10%. It must be so hard to come out of the closet. Where's my sympathy? Pass me a Kleenex. You poor thing. So misunderstood. Basically, I don't give a crap what the other people do with their own lives. Have at it. Funny how the "misunderstood" want others to condone and validate their needs. It's your skin, live in it. Shayne
  6. They were using that in Durham, NC ( Durham County EMS ) in some clinical trials with Duke University Medical Center. Haven't heard much else about it. Shayne
  7. Black ones. Steel toe. This year got the low quarter shoes. Whatever the free shoe/boot trucks bring to the parking lot every year. Used to wear boots. Found it more comfortable putting my feet up on the desk with shoes instead of boots. Feet don't fall asleep when I do. Shayne
  8. We can only control OUR actions behind the wheel. That goes whether you are driving an ambulance, fire truck, or your personal vehicle. Lights, sirens, and air horns do help...don't expect them to part traffic like Moses. Red light, green light, whatever...if you are operating an emergency vehicle, you better be on your A game. I've come to a realization. Most people don't drive very well. I don't care what kind of lights, sirens, air horns, signal activators, or onboard warning devices that are used or being invented. Most drivers are busy talking on the phone, listening to music, yelling at the kids, reading, applying makeup, seeing how far back they can lean in their seats, or looking at THEMSELVES in the mirror to notice or give a damn about an emergency vehicle. It's a fact. Get used to it. It will only get worse. There isn't any magic pill we can take to become better drivers. Education, evaluation, and experience are helpful. There are some "professionals" I won't ride with. PERIOD. The roads today are truly an "it's jungle out there" senario. I'm always aware of my responsibilty when driving emrgency vehicles. If I make the wrong choices, the consequences can be deadly. I like to go home every evening in the same condition that I arrived, if not better. Take care. Be safe. Shayne
  9. It was the toast, ask Michael. Shayne
  10. Hey Michael, what kind of car do you drive? Can I borrow it? Shayne
  11. Michael, what's confusing about ripping a 20 year old kid apart? Does that fall under the "we did it for his own good" category? Shayne
  12. Fire tactics and strategies have been fine tuned to make the job safer. It's still a dangerous job. Don't think for a minute it isn't. Unfortunately, proper nutrition, cardiovascular health, and physical conditioning haven't evolved as quickly. Shayne
  13. vcfd35s, I'm doubtful the positive feedback you were looking for will be found here. If you decide to be a politician or perhaps a pompas professor of rhetorical wordsmithing, pull up a chair. Don't let this get you down. Keep your chin up. Shayne
  14. Hopefully things will work out and you'll get the job. Due to insurance and liability, employers have to hire folks with good driving records. Don't worry about the hardcore, "stick up the butt" comments. We're all human and make mistakes. Let this be a lesson learned. Good luck. Shayne
  15. The article linked doesn't surprise me at all. I've been reading line of duty death reports for several years. Firefighters dropping dead ( or dying enroute to the hospital ) from heart attacks is nothing new. It's just making the spotlight now, which is a good thing. This is a growing concern among paid and volunteer firefighters. Fighting fire is an inherently dangerous job. It's a very physically demanding job. There's nothing "lightweight" when dealing with equipment and tools. Put on your turnout gear ( boots, pants, coat, hood, helmet, gloves ) and you're almost ready. Now grab your SCBA ( Scott Air-Pak ) and you're ready to fight some fire. Here's where I might hurt a feeling or two. Bubba already weighs over 250 pounds. Let's give him another 60 or so pounds to carry. Not to mention the tools and/or hoseline he might be dragging. Now Bubba's strong as an ox. He can fight fire with the best of them. Runs through doors, swings an axe, and handles a Hurst tool like nobody's business. Bubba's been fightin' fire since he was 18. Now Bubba's in his 30's. Been eatin' mama's good cookin' all his life. Never been sick a day in his life. Who needs doctors or annual physicals? Gets all the exercise he needs fightin' fire. Bubba dropped dead of a heart attack right there in Mrs. Johnson's front yard. He was responding to a "possible gas leak". Made it 10 feet from the truck when he went down. At least the insurance money will be good since he died in the line of duty. I made Bubba up. He ain't real. Or is he? Not picking on firefighters here. I've been a volunteer for over 7 years. We've got some "big boys" on our roster. Hopefully I'll never have to perform CPR on ole Bubba. Or worse, try to drag Bubba out of an actual structure fire. EMT's, don't think you're off the hook. I've seen some pretty big "good ole boys and gals" around these parts. I guess we need to take better care of ourselves. Me included. I'm 46 years old, smoke a pack a day, get my exercise running calls, and doing my "honey do" list at home. Love that red meat and hate doctors. Bottom line: If we don't take care of ourselves, how the hell are we going to take care of someone else? The other thing killing firefighters (especially volunteers) is MVA's responding to calls. POV's and department apparatus. Think about it. Shayne
  16. I worked in a detox center for 5 years. Met a gentleman there (frequent flyer) that explained the Listerine thing to me. I asked him why he drank Listerine instead of real booze. This gentleman had a decent job and income. He explained to me that the Listerine gave him a different type of buzz than store bought liquor. He drank up to two quarts a day. Here's another winner. My RN had just finished a patient intake assessment. She called me to the med room to ask me something. During the assessment, patients are asked about their drug(s) of choice, frequency, and how it's taken. Well, this guy only "drank" wine. When she asked if by mouth, he told her "no". Seems the gentleman hated the taste of wine. He was "drinking" his wine via an enema. That had to be one of the weirdest "strange but true" ways to get drunk. Cheers. Shayne
  17. I've worked in a psych hospital for 17+ years. Rarely have I seen a patient charged with assault, let alone prosecuted. If you feel so inclined to pursue pressing charges, go ahead. Maybe a judge will convict the patient. What will you gain? Taking a day off to sit in court? Dealing with psych patients can be difficult. Learning to recognize their unpredictable and agressive behavior has helped keep me safe. I have one rule. Return home in the same condition that I arrived to work. Watch your back ( and other's too ) and expect the unexpected. Good luck. Shayne
  18. I quit saving bacon grease. Still speaking Southernese y'all. Shayne
  19. Lew Rockwell is a complete idiot. He works for liberty, property, peace, and the purely free society. He's anti-war, anti-state, and pro-market. Amazingly enough, he accepts donations through PayPal. My heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones in Alabama. It's easy to sit back and criticize local, state, and even our national government when tragedy strikes. I get so sick of media coverage when" Tonight's Top Story" is a 7 year old child being accidentally run over by a neighbor. Or, just last night, a mother saving her infant child from a structure fire. Unfortunately, her 2 year old child couldn't be saved. She had to watch this child die because she was restrained from trying to go back inside. Her 2 year old child was at the window, banging to get out. Did I need to see that? Here's a quote, "Nobody cares in what direction you want the wagon to go if you won't get out of it and help push." Shayne
  20. It's been my experience that not all patients will allow C-spine immobilization. I've responded to horrific MVA's with a victim already out of the vehicle upon arrival. If a patient refuses treatment, I do my best to explain what's in their best interest. Every call can present difficult situations. Do any of you just grab a patient and hold C-spine? The classroom and reality are two different arenas. If you've been doing this job long enough, you know what I mean. Anybody remember their first call? Did you have to respond alone? Think about it. Shayne
  21. I can never keep enough gloves on hand. Never have a pen when I need one. I do remember my watch every day, and it sure comes in handy. My L.A. Rescue bag keeps all my other stuff close by and organized. If I respond in my POV, 4D Maglite is an absolute necessity. Makes would- be- troublemakers think twice. Shayne
  22. Gasoline vapors are the real danger. Gas vapors and nylon stockings...deadly. Shayne
  23. My personal favorite is the "general sickness" dispatch. Shayne
  24. Those are the 50 reasons I hate Walmart. Shayne
  25. 14) If I told you ya have a nice body, will you hold it a'gnst me? Shayne
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