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  1. I'm a resident at a fire station in NC and we have had some freaky things happen around here. Our station is divided up in three parts. One being the bay where all of the apparatus are kept, the other being Chiefs office and Asst. Chiefs office, Kithcen and Conference room as well as our full timers office. The third division is the "day side" where the residents bed rooms are, as well as the "living room" and other part timers bedrooms. Well if anyone is ever on the side with Chiefs office at night you will, without a doubt, here foot steps coming toward you in the hall, but they stop just before the person you would expect to see comes into view. People who have been here longer than myself say it is our first chief just checking in on the station. Another happening that happened TO ME.....One night I was getting ready for bed and I heard the bell on the front of our engine ring three times......then it rang again three more times. I didn't know the significance of this until the next day when i was talking to my Chief. He explained that when the fire trucks used to return to the station after being on a fire the capt. would ring the bell one time for each fire fighter who lived through the fire. And sure enough, the ghost rang the bell 3 times and there were 3 of us on the truck that evening.....weird....
  2. Well, I checked this morning and.............I passed! Once again, I'm sure this website was a huge part in that! For those of you who are getting ready to take the NREMT-B. Be ready for alot of airway questions. As everyone else has said, there are alot of scenario based questions as well. Thanks again guys!
  3. Just took the NR.....and, like everyone else, feel like I failed! It stopped me at 70 questions, so I'm not sure of what that is indicative of. I'll post results when I know!!!!! Justin
  4. Haha. I hope the crying is a good thing?!? I take the NR test tomorrow at 3, so wish me luck! I'll be sure to let you all know how I did when I get my results back. Justin
  5. Dust, I totally agree with your advice.....Which is why I have followed it! I attended a four year university last year and got my english and math prerequisites done. In addition, this semester (along with EMT- I took A&P. I'm in an associates degree program, so as far as next semester goes, I don't have much choice as to what classes I take in the EMS curriculum. But I agree, A&P was the most beneficial class I have taken. You can't be a great medic unless you understand WHY you are treating a patients condition, that's where A&P helps! Justin
  6. Dust, I appreciate the ecnouragement and the quick reply. Coming from someone like you who is obviously a well respected Medic as well as a storehouse of relevant information, it means alot. I will be starting into my intermediate/medic level classes in the spring. My classes in January consist of -Advanced Airway Management -Pharmacology I -Intermediate Intervention -Clinicals Needless to say I am very excited. Thanks again for your help!
  7. I've been on the boards for a while just reading all of the topics and gaining information. Needless to say that I have benefited greatly from all of the topics that have been discussed. I just wanted to take some time and thank you guys for this website and the great people that post here. I took the final for my basic class today and found out that I passed with an 85%. Better yet, only 9 of 35 people actually passed the final. I felt like this website played a big part in that! So thanks again for all you guys do. Wish me luck on the state (NC) and NR exams! Justin
  8. If the embolism occurs superior to what is visible of the jugular veins than of course the veins will not be distended. However, I'm sure the statistics are against the formation of an embolism superior the jugular veins. Can anyone verify this?
  9. Here in Guilford County, NC. We usually say "high flow" is delivered using a NRB anywhere from 10-15lpm.
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