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Everything posted by tiedyedbeth

  1. I realize that most people aren't going to tattoo their medical history or allergies on their bodies, or a MedicAlert type tattoo. I'm not very experienced in EMS so I don't have much to chat about here right yet (my medic clinicals start next semester, so maybe I'll have more questions and thoughts then). I'm a volunteer in a very rural area, and when I'm on it always seems to be quiet. I'm learning what I can from these forums, and I enjoy it here. However, I wasn't trying to start any sort of discussion on if it'd be something to add to our patient assessment right along with DCAPBTLS. And THAT, Aussie, is the point. Simply that I thought it was neat to see, and thought I'd share it here because I thought maybe people here could appreciate it. I'm a straight up kind of person, and if I'd wanted to say "Hey, I've seen a couple medic-alert type things tattooed on people, is it a new trend to start looking for in our assessments or just something a few people are doing, what do ya'll think?" then I'd have started that kind of thread. So, I'll be the grown up here Aussie and I won't take offense at your "grow up" comment. You don't know me well enough to know that I simply say what's on my mind as it is. It was neat, I didn't know there was apparently a symbol for a pacemaker. It interested me, and I thought it might be interesting to others here. And FireMedic, thanks for sharing that pic of the arms. It is definitely a unique tattoo, and I like that it's with the ink that glows under a blacklight. The artwork itself is very detailed, and having just come off a midterm for A&P that included the skeleton - and the nearness of Halloween - I got a big kick out of it.
  2. Thanks for the link JPINFV.
  3. I thought I'd share this. I thought it looked pretty neat, and I hadn't realized that there is apparently a symbol for pacemakers. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/loom/2008/06/11/beats-a-medical-bracelet/
  4. There is also a thread in the Drama section of the forums at Television Without Pity http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com
  5. Yes, a couple others in my medic class and I plan to watch entirely to make fun of it tomorrow.
  6. Thanks. I've been thinking about it and I don't think that my heart would be quite into it. I don't think it's something, even training wise, to get into without being into it 100%.
  7. Ideally, I'd like to get hired civil service. The base I'm local to has a combined FD/EMS. I intend to get up with them shortly to find out if I'd have to qualify FF I and II. While I've been around FDs - my mother was a fire inspector for the Navy, and for a couple years in Bermuda she was a FF because they'd required it for her position, I don't really know anything about the training. Mom is supportive of me going for it, and says there's nothing like heading out at 0200 in a truck in turnout gear. But I'm a little hesitant for all that I'm attracted to the idea - I never had as strong a burning desire for FD as I did for EMS (pun intended LOL). Any thoughts?
  8. I wasn't able to fit it into my schedule for this fall. I'm going to get a textbook though, work through what I can, and hang out in the math lab for help with the rest.
  9. Thanks, VentMedic. I may have asked this before and not remembered. At any rate, after I posted I thought about it and went and looked up the classes for the Bachelor's EMS I want to obtain, and I realized that Algebra is required along with three Chemistry classes and a couple others so I'm going to go ahead and get Algebra done this fall.
  10. I have a some classes transferring towards my degree, leaving me with just EMT-Basic, EMS Vehicles/Communications, and Anatomy & Physiology I this fall. Algebra isn't required as part of the degree program I'm in, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't take it anyways? I'm not the best with algebra, so I'd rather avoid it - but then I haven't done anything like it since high school 15 years ago. How much of algebra plays into later things that I will learn like pharmacology (which I'll have in the spring)? Or is it more useful as just in the higher-thinking that it encourages?
  11. I just watched The Bucket List last night. Great movie...I can't say that I HAVE a bucket list, but I can think on it some. Off-hand the first things I can think of would be to visit Jerusalem; visit NAS Rota, where I was born; and to return to Bermuda for at least a couple months if not to move back there. Visit Scotland, Ireland, and Wales with another go-around through England.
  12. I found this place thanks to a google search back when I first decided to go into the field.
  13. I just looked at my books for this fall. I think I'll just pay for it without looking at the total LOL! $120 for the Paramedic text, and $243 for Anatomy & Physiology. This semester I have it easy, but after this, I am not sure how much I'm in for. BUT compared to the cost of NOT seeking an education, the books are priceless.
  14. This sounds vaguely familiar, like I might have heard it before. My dad is big into country music. I'm enjoying listening to the songs you found. I'll have to look and see if I can find the album anywhere.
  15. They do roll, but it's barely shown - you see the knockdown first and it cuts away as they end up rolling. I love the Eagle. I tried to get assigned there, but didn't get it - or either of the Polars (Polar Sea, and Polar Star - they get to go to Antarctica which I thought would be really cool to do). I ended up here in NC. Oh well LOL. I can look up which cutters were shown if you'd like.
  16. Congratulations!
  17. Richard, the history of the CG is pretty fascinating to me. I did a long article on it for a military spouse magazine back before 9/11 and the CG being transferred to DHS. My husband (who is Heavy-Surf qualified, one step below the ultimate Surfman quals) says yes, they'd fail the course if they go beyond a 50 or 70degree pitch depending on conditions and circumstance. Here's a good clip that show a couple knock-downs, DH gets a kick out them saying (imagine with a slap on the hand) "Bad Coxswain! Bad!" (coxswain is pronounced cox-un or cox'n similar to boatswain being bo-sun or bos'n) http://www.quarters-one.com/lipsFTCG.html This one is "Feel the CG" There's some other good ones on CGClips.com. Look under "Other Clips" KHET-11 is one of our favorites, and B3 if it's up has my husband's old cutter, The Diligence, in it.
  18. Thanks, AK - I'll try to not be so sensitive.. :oops:
  19. I'm a former Coastie, married to a Coastie. ....The Guardian was not the most accurate look at what we do, for one thing. It IS a fictionalized account. It's no more accurate than Officer and a Gentleman was for the Navy. If anyone would really like to know more about what we do, and how, or otherwise discuss the Coast Guard in a nondisparaging manner, I'd be happy to do so. (and I don't mind the teasing of us Coasties, just so long as it's understood to be teasing and not really saying that Coasties don't do anything, etc. - because that I'd have a problem with) In the meantime...I'm happy for the guy. I think it's cool that he caught his own child - and that the child was ok. I'd have insisted on landing at the nearest airport but that's just me.
  20. From what I'm hearing here in Onslow County, the base will be hiring like crazy for EMS/Fire with the increase in troops to the area. I don't know about Onslow EMS itself. I've heard some good things about New Hanover down in Wilmington, and it's a really nice area to live in (in my opinion anyways). Here's a link for Onslow if you're interested. http://www.onslowcountync.gov/emergencyservices/default.aspx Also, just in case you might find it interesting, here's a link to Pender County EMS. Pender is between Onslow and New Hanover Counties. http://www.penderems.com/
  21. I used to live on Staten Island. I can see them sending SI over into Brooklyn for something just over VZ but not all the way into Manhattan without it being an MCI. But apparently they did....
  22. Jars of Clay's "Dead Man (Carry Me)" ...So Carry Me, I'm just a dead man Lying on the carpet Can't find a heartbeat Make me breathe...
  23. After I graduated high school, I enlisted in the Coast Guard. After I got out, I flipped burgers for a little while, had a child, became a CNA; then stayed home for the past 8 years. I am have been a freelance writer for the past 5 years. I always wanted to become a medic, it just took me awhile to decide to go for it.
  24. Wow. That was pretty cool - and I actually pretty much understood it. I'll be bookmarking it for the semester of Cardiology.
  25. That Simple Plan one is great. I'm thinking of showing that seatbelt one to my oldest child. I'm always on her case about buckling up.
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