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Everything posted by mrmeaner

  1. "All Those Other Ways To Skin a Cat"
  2. So why is it Octo-mom The Useless has a website for donations and this lady is getting the shaft. Oh, that's right. We traded our common sense and morals for an iPhone and an X-box. If she starts a fundraiser to get the 25k, I'm in for at least $20.
  3. So, has does anyone done a 6+ hour transport with a diabetic patient?
  4. So here's a question: What goes around in circles more, a race car or this thread.
  5. She has to die to be eligable. She may want to at this point...
  6. I must have missed where he said that. Hmmm. Did it get deleted?
  7. Looks like there will be a long line of people waiting to do that.
  8. It's quite possible that this is the only honest part of the story. Perhaps she isn't the best unbiased judge of proper medical care in the prehospital setting.
  9. I think He'll decrease the number of drownings if he teaches everyone else how to walk on water.
  10. Dude. What job have you not had?
  11. A big thing for me is the display. I know color displays may be viewed as unnecessary, but the display on the MRX beats the hell out of the dirty yellow display from the Lifepak's. It takes nearly no time to recognize the waveform or data point you are looking for whereas you have to double check what you're looking at on the Lifepak due to the mono color display. The MRX connectors also stay attached to the monitor much better. I've had specific issues with the Lifepak's ECG cable coming unplugged. Maybe it was just worn out. Also the ECG cables on the MRX are much longer than on the Lifepak. The 12-lead plug is better on the Lifepak, however because of a better connection and the fact that it doesn't start out as a 3 lead like the MRX does. As far as controls, I don't think one is really superior to the other. The MRX has a quicker control for energy settings, but until you learn the monitor well, you can spend a lot of time looking for a specific function. The Lifepak has a simpler menu and I believe more options for descriptions for manual time stamps. The dial for the options works well as long as the ride isn't bumpy. Very easy to press the button/dial in by accident. The buttons on the Lifepak could use a little more tactile response but I believe that is a longevity issue. I think a good setup would be a combination of the two, like two dials and about 6 buttons. B/P and SPO2 monitoring are a crap shoot in either case. For anyone who I am really interested in watching their SPO2, I use the disposable sensors for either monitor. B/P, well, they're both machines. Take the reading with a few grains of salt unless the patient is completely still. Then only a couple grains of salt are necessary. ETCO2 monitoring is something I haven't had to do very often with the Lifepak as I haven't done a vent transport with a Lifepak. Usually the pt. is newly intubated (within minutes) so the capnography isn't being utilized through the monitor. The MRX has been very dependable on capnography, but I don't really have an accurate comparison between the two monitors. The MRX is nicer for charging as you don't need to bring the charging center with you if you are changing rigs. With the MRX you only have to bring the basic cord. I don't think either monitor has a decent pouch system. It's a minor complaint, but it is a daily issue. That's all the complaining I can think of.
  12. Is this a new problem in the area or just a slow news day story?
  13. Sorry, this struck me as funny.
  14. LOL! I was going to ask about that! Was the video in the back of the ambo? Is dude that short or do you have a lot of head room.
  15. Not to be the bastard of the room, but it's not a hazmat issue so it's hard to be concerned when the guy snorting coke complains of a sore throat. I'm not questioning the fact that you posted this, but it seems odd that it was on the news as this doesn't seem to be a new issue.
  16. Good info! If I don't ask now, someone else will shortly; what are the care levels and what are the training standards for those levels? Thanks for the post.
  17. Really? There are a few things that I like about the Lifepak more than the MRX, but overall I'd prefer the MRX. What issues do you have with it?
  18. Good find! Makes me wish even more that I could pick up BBC.
  19. She lost track of the doctor? Was he working out of a storage unit?
  20. Really? No cockpit jokes? Weird.
  21. My guess would be that the IFT rig would be maintained and operated at the cost of Aspirus. The FD will provide housing for it and staff it with a driver (with reimbursment) and in return, Aspirus will help fund the launch of the FD's 911 medic program. The 911 rigs would be owned and operated by the city.
  22. Considering that a majority of the city calls are nursing home runs, I don't see much revenue there to begin with. Even if Aspirus pays the FF's salary for running calls, I don't see where the money to the city is coming from. As far as driving emergently, I would guess very few as any call will get them out of station duties.
  23. Yep. There are now two medical groups: Ministry, who is a religously based hospital who has been the only game in town for a while, and Aspirus, who is fairly new, but moving in fast. The IFT's would, from my understanding, utilize a FF as a driver and Aspirus medical staff. Apparently the FD plans to house the IFT truck.
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