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Everything posted by mrmeaner

  1. Appalachian Emergency Room "Okay Tyler, what did you stick up your butt today?"
  2. I was called to a residence for a female with smoke inhalation. We asked if there was an active structure fire. Nope, she was just cooking. After that shift I told my wife I would try to complain less about her cooking.
  3. I don't know that it would solve the problem so much as it would change the problem.
  4. Spenac, were you one of those kids who was always the banker when you played Monopoly?
  5. The only thing I have to add is regarding med control. The impression of your patient's LOC I got from your first post is very different from the impression after subsequent posts. I don't know how your conversations went with med control, but this would be a case showing the importance of "painting a picture". You may have very well given a perfect report, but if not, maybe this will help next time.
  6. Step one. Call for Law Enforcement. Step two. Mom and dad out of the ambulance. They can open the door when they have the same story. Step three. Keep working the kid on scene or transport the working code, whatever your flavor. They had a valid DNR that mom want's to uphold. Dad doesn't want it anymore, apparently. If they can't agree, upon their collective wishes then I would treat the pt. as I would any other kid.
  7. I would assume you got the point about driving after syncopal episodes so I don't really ned to rehash that point. Has anyone else in your family had this happen to them? Did you get the same feeling each time you passed out? How long did you pass out? Have you had heart problems? Family hx? Knowing what your heart was doing during these episodes may have been very helpful.
  8. Only if Shatner hosts it.
  9. I only know of one way to change the term used for an ambulance: have the term used in a popular emergency based show. Third Watch was referenced earier and gives a prime example. I had never heard that term until that show came on the air. A couple years ago, a guy in Tripoli, Wisconsin (you'll need Google to find it) used the term over the radio. His only connection to New York EMS was his worship of that show. Of course, the next morning his Chief had a few new messages requesting tickets to ride on their new "bus." While I would never accuse this guy of being a medical professional, regardless of his training, he picked up on the term just like any other viewer. Hell, watch ER so you can see how to defibrillate asystole. Then watch House to find out about all the diseases that aren't Lupis.
  10. True, but wasn't there a story about someone in Japan selling worn women's underwear. Plus, I still blame them for karaoke!
  11. How can such an intellectually based culture produce something so f***ed up? Then again, watching your friends pee or watching American Idol...not sure which is worse.
  12. I think there is more useful information in college physics than useless as it applies to paramedicine. Then again, I really liked physics so I may be biased. Is physics required for a high school diploma anymore? I was under the impression that either physics or chemistry is acceptable. Maybe it differs by state.
  13. If you did get one, what would be the most important feature to you? Volume control/mute? Cooking skills? Other?
  14. Chuck Norris died 7 years ago. God and the devil have been flipping a coin since to decide who has to tell him.
  15. Which one is Spenac? Regarding the heat problem, wouldn't cooling with water while cutting work as it would also lessen flying particles? As far as heating the impaled object, there may be a couple situations out of a thousand where it would work, kind of like CISD (stolen from Dust).
  16. Pay is about the same as what I'm making now, but I'll be able to see my son twice as much. Plus I may be able to work/volunteer for the state EMS office which is in dire need of help. That would not be an option at my curent job. I expect that in order to get a positive experience from working IFT, it's going to require a considerable effort on my part. I just was checking to see if there are any traps I should look for.
  17. I'm interviewing for a interfacility transfer job tomorrow and am checking to see if their are any questions I should ask specific to this type of job so I don't get burned later. I already have a FT job that's not EMS (my PT job is EMS) so I'm not in a dire need for this job. I want to work on getting more patient care experience and the FT job I have now is not going to get me there. However, I don't want to take a job/work for an employer that I'm going to regret later. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Out of curiosity, have you ever been in a position to hire and/or fire anyone knowing that you were responsible for not only their work performance, but also for their decision making ability regarding patients. I don't intend that to be offensive, I'm just trying to get a better idea of your stance.
  19. Hmmm, missed the bashing. Must have been deleted already.
  20. Seems like a strange solution. Then again the problem seems strange, too.
  21. Don't know. Never been to Amsterdam.
  22. Imagine my surprise when I read definition #3 while I was trying to figure out what the hell at touque was!
  23. If they are that crapped out, would you still want to give nitro?
  24. Yep. And I always wanted to know the rest of that joke.
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