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Everything posted by mrmeaner

  1. Maybe some one told him to go f*** himself, and he thought, "You know..."
  2. I'd love to see the looks on the OB nurses' faces when "he" comes rolling in to the OB floor.
  3. The I-85 level is gone from NR, no?
  4. That kid is going to have a very interesting world view. So, who gets the card on Mother's Day?
  5. I understand the want for knowledge of major events during a war, but how do media members get enough current information to be dangerous? Are the military posts pushed that hard to cooperate with them that they discuss current strategies and tactics? Sorry if these are obvious questions. Not a military man.
  6. Just goes to show that if there's insurance, there's insurance fraud. This doesn't directly apply, but the parallels are there. Back when I ran the office of a body shop, I had a customer who brought in a car with only hood damage. It's typical to paint adjacent panels to blend the new paint to old paint as some color codes are difficult to match. In this case we had the replacement ahead of time, so we prepainted it. When the car did come in, we replaced the hood and looked at the color match. It matched better than the original. There was no need to blend the fenders so I called the adjuster to remove the items from the bill. When my manager found out he acquired a new onset of Tourette's. His justification nearly to the letter was, "The overcharge on stuff like this makes up for the times they refuse to pay for other charges." Apparently the relationship is based on the theory "Screw unto others before they screw unto you." My employment was short lived after that. Since then I'm amused by "Business Ethics" classes as they seem to have little to do with each other.
  7. Yeah, we all say that.
  8. No surprise, but Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. 2nd would be Stewie. I'm drawn to cynical smart-asses for some reason. :-k
  9. And this is the theme song. Not kid friendly. Or PETA friendly. Seriously. [align=center:95d4a45811] [/align:95d4a45811]
  10. Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer. Unfortunately, he never cries.
  11. Man did I f*** up!
  12. "We gotta get out of this place" starts playing in my head whenever I walk into work(non-EMS day job).
  13. It doesn't sound like you're being lead astray. You are far better off for having the prereqs that you do. Do not take them as something you have to do. They will definately be an advantage. I didn't have those classes and had to study harder to get concepts others were familiar with. The classes will be tough, but not impossible with effort. You will not resort to hobbit status, but it may feel like it at times. Be proactive with your clinicals when you get to them. Help others when you can, you'll probably need it later. Become an expert at time management. Come back to this website with questions, it can be a very good resource. But they're not going to do the work for you. Good Luck.
  14. To quote Smokey from "Friday": "You ain't catching no crackhead!"
  15. Good on you for posting this for others. Strong work, Gaelic. I would just like to make the point for people who are new, do not expect these jobs to expand your knowledge or utilize your skills as a provider. Calls are typically low and training is usually minimal at best. You should either be a good provider with a strong skillset or have an alternative for training and education. Expecting to maintain EMT skills in some of these jobs is like a graduate of a cullinary school expecting to keep up his knowledge by working in a public school kitchen. I'm not saying not to work in these jobs, just know what to expect.
  16. What about having groups go through a scenario that is as realistic as possible, write a run report and then defend the report and their actions? It wouldn't be easy, but it could be a good training exercise if done right. Other than that, donno. Haven't had a refresher yet so I don't know what a bad one or a good one looks like firsthand.
  17. Which is a great selling point for the Sprinter style ambulances that the most services don't seem to like. The overall risk envolved is not enough to make people concerned I guess.
  18. I was thinking more along the lines of one of the Emperor's Club girls in a librarian's outfit, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
  19. Always a good check before lighting the torches and pulling out the pitchforks.
  20. That's a good point, Spenac. Considering the laundry list of excuses that are given for the situation, I don't believe this guy is being hung out to dry. If only for the fact that a rhythm strip from four days ago was on her report. I wouldn't deny this guy the ability to defend himself, but that's going to take one hell of a story to explain. I'd have to agree with Dust regarding what skills were called into question. It sounds like they got rid of him because they saw this day coming and later brought him back, for what reason I don't know. To venture a guess, maybe because there aren't a whole lot of people willing to work there.
  21. Yes, that is an unfair comparison. The average truck driver makes much more than the average EMT.
  22. Ace Hardware is having a sale on rope... It's people like this that give you a moment's pause to think, "Maybe China's on to something." It's an old joke, but I still find it funny that you need a breeder's license for animals, but nothing for humans.
  23. Sorry, Dust. "I do." is the longest sentence. Ever.
  24. ...and this is where I thank you all for a spirited discussion and make my deperture.
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