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Everything posted by mrmeaner

  1. I hope that's the 2nd funny thing you found.
  2. I feel sorry for the poor SOB who stared a the picture of a dog's rear long enough to see Jesus.
  3. No, probably a few hundred lashes and a couple decades in jail. Had he enclosed a picture of Mohammed serving God, that would be the death penalty. :wink:
  4. Wow, the American christian male has lost another right. The right to tell a joke in a forum that has a specific warning regarding content. :roll: The joke wasn't that funny, but good God... wait, for Pete's sake...no, for the love of some mythical being that you may or may not pray to, HIT THE BACK BUTTON AND GET A LIFE!
  5. How do you think he got it in the first place?
  6. Dust, who drove the tank on your patio block and busted it up? Man, can't have anything nice! :roll: As far as wasting drugs in the home, weren't they telling people to put them in coffee grounds and "disgusting" food products to deter people from taking them out of the garbage last month? Still funny.
  7. I haven't used the program personally, but from what I've seen, Dust's comments are right. It'd be faster and cheaper to start your own nursing school.
  8. Here's a site by Dr. Nadine Levick. I had the opportunity to meet her and discuss EMS safety. I would be very surprised if you didn't get a response by e-mailing her at the address in the contacts link. http://www.objectivesafety.net/ It would difinately be a good idea to find out about the triple K standard for ambulances, but, if you were include some of the shortcomings of the federal standard, that'd be a paper I'd love to read. Sorry, it's your paper. Good luck!
  9. I don't know why, but this makes my day. I even thought about getting the music for a ringtone. The video is probably old, but it's new to me. [align=center:1258265d9d] [/align:1258265d9d] Oh, please watch the whole video.
  10. What state are you in Kat?
  11. The EMT. A fisherman's arms are only so long.
  12. But permissive hypotension doesn't sound like a cool treatment!
  13. Has anyone used one of these for calls? Specifically anyone who works in BFE like me?
  14. Fix Windows Vista? That thing if f-ing magic!!
  15. In my area, unless the officer is so inclined to keep up with skills on his own, the first responder class s/he had in class will be the last time they are taught anything more advanced that first aid and CPR/AED. This doesn't exactly compell them to be involved in our jobs. I'm not saying that they're not helpful overall, it's just that some of the new officers are not excited to jump into a medical/trauma emergency. The ones that do help do so because we have a very good relationship with our LEO's. As far as safety is concerned, (spenac jumped on the soap box before I got a chance ), I remember reading somewhere that emergency response coming from different directions is a significant cause of accidents in emergency response. This may be a factor in their decision to run without L/S and give the right of way to EMS. In my area, LE response has typically been with the use of L/S if appropriate based on the call. I'd rather have a LEO =-respond non-emergent than hurry up to get there and not be helpful. If nothing else, we've had a few of them drive. They find out how spoiled they are with the Chargers.
  16. Wow, I just got flashbacks of Hee Haw where they were on the front porch singing "Doom, dispair, and agony on me!" Yes, I know. You might be a redneck if...
  17. Wow, your wife tells time like mine: a little bit = 2.5 hours, imminent = whenever she stops looking for something she doesn't need but won't leave without. Didn't assume it was. Neither would most married guys. If it was anything like that, you'd be writing in a different forum. :wink: Back to the scenerio, search the area as much as you can. Check known structures or shelters every couple hours. If you find this guy, most likely it will be due to audio contact.
  18. :sign5: My brother's getting one for Christmas!!!
  19. Yep, and he's not the only one. http://www.wemsa.com/docs/Emergency%20Vehi...0Operations.pdf 4. Whenever possible, emergency vehicle drivers should ordinarily be between the ages of 25 and 70. All vehicle crash data clearly shows a significantly increased risk for those drivers under the age of 25 with a graduating risk for drivers beginning at age 65. Emergency vehicle crash data show the same results including four out of the five last fatal crashes involved drivers under the age of 25. Because of the nature of emergency services, some EMS organizations may have limited options with regard to driver age. Whenever possible, emergency vehicle operations should ordinarily be completed by those within the 25-70 age bracket. It's all about safety.
  20. Darwin 4, Georgia 0
  21. Referring to yourself in the 3rd person does not look goofy. SOPHRENOLOGIST Sends.
  22. Joe Pesci saying "youth." See below for more information, beginning at 9 minutes if you want to skip to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q7mjoxHzm4
  23. ...when they don't know how to fix the problem at hand, they look for a cause that they can blame on someone else?
  24. Yep, about 1 hour west and 45 minutes north.
  25. Better yet, don't go to Detroit!
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