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Everything posted by mrmeaner
Just as likely as the polar reversal of 2012. [align=center:0fe946214c] [/ram][/align:0fe946214c]
So I shouldn't have learned to RSI soley from my InforMed book? :oops:
It seems like it's getting harder and harder for Basics to find FT jobs anywhere. Most places I've seen are looking for medics only. Unless you want to work as a ER Tech, which, depending on the facility, I wouldn't discourage.
Yeah, regardless of the system it will probably be abused. On a related note, yet unrelated to origional topic, I have heard that if an ED doc sees a patient whose bill never gets paid, the doc won't get paid either. Any truth to this or does it vary by locale and/or contract?
Depends on which shift I'm on. Depends, does he/she have a better schedule than me. Move up! I don't think they'd go with assless chaps. I had better not reply to that topic. :twisted:
Anticipating a "Would you allow yourself to be shot by a Homosexual?" thread are we?
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. I was going to ask if the victim was killed by a drag queen, but the thread was already well underway.
Strong work, man. Make sure you take care of yourself during this and in the months after. Sending you a PM.
Sorry, missed this post. Right, plus the walk-ins and wheel chair vans makes for a lot of non-emergent people in the ED. I'm not saying you guys don't get more than your share, but it's everyone's problem. I can't imagine it's going to get better if nationalized medicine becomes a reality, either.
I wish I could say I was drinking so at least I had an excuse. #-o
I don't know that I'd agree. Granted, in acute anaphylaxis an Epi-pen or epi ampules are a life saving tool. However, if I remember correctly, ASA is the only medication given by any level of EMS proven to increase morbidity and mortality in acute MI. I would think that ASA has saved more lives in acute MI than epi has in anaphylaxis. In any case, it should not be a matter of one or the other. Both should be available.
The emergency and critical care version is the one I use. Just realized it's a couple years old though.
Most guys are, until bar closing.
Dude, you sound a little dark and angry. Did the hockey players strike? I don't know about a hero, but I do agree that the world would be a little better off if the VT shootings had been at Virginia State Pen. I agree all lives are created equal, but the value of a persons who grew up to be a rapist does not equal the life of the average citizen.
Your home health nurse?
Same person who will end up raising these kids. "Somebody Else." People have to apply for adoptions, but is there no application process for artificial insemination?
That's not my opinion. Why are you arguing that to me? Restrained patients are not the only ones who get agitated enough to eventually become violent in the ED. One of the VA hospitals I go to is a great example of pissed off patients. They usually end up waiting for several hours in the waiting room. We transported a patient from a VA ER to another local hospital because he had chest pain and had been waiting several hours and had not yet been seen. One of the triage nurses is known for making people wait for no apparent reason. When a patient finally does get upset enough to become violent, they call the PD and have them held until they can be transferred to another VA because now they are considered a psych patient and, "Unfortunately, our psych department is not taking admissions." That is intentional. It has been reported. It goes nowhere. They just call another service for transports. You said, "Unfortunately, some of the assaults in the ED come from patients who have been thoroughly agitated by EMS prior to arrival." As I said before, if it is intentional, it needs to be reported. If it is not intentional and it is justified, than it is just unfortunate. Wrong. You inferred I was talking about your employees. I said don't hire morons. No morons = Less problems. Show me anywhere that I stated that you hired morons. So was I. I said it was a failure. Saying you failed does not necessarily mean you suck. Do you think things would be handled in the same way now? There were a lot of failures in the way things were handled. I understand why they failed. From what my family tells me, Chicago was more like a war zone than their home during that time. The phrase “desperate times call for desperate measures” was applied. However, answer me this: Other than that during the riots, how often did your rigs get shot at? That is a ridiculous statement. So if you don't work in politics, you can't criticize the president? Must be nice to never have to face scrutiny. Where did I insult all medical professionals? Where did I say they don't know anything about violence? That's a shame considering that I'm starting nursing school this fall. I wonder how I'll deal with the self-loathing? :roll: Wrong. You see, we don't have a security department at the smaller hospitals where I work. If there is a problem with violence in any of the departments, the EMT's are expected to assist and/or restrain the patient or visitor until law enforcement arrives. Many times we are in the rooms already because the nurses have had problems in the past with the patient or they anticipate problems. So, who sits with these patients when they are admitted so the nurses can take care of other patients? WE DO. Don't tell me I have a problem with nurses. I am related to several and my mother works with the ED in one of the hospital where I am. I understand what they deal with on a daily basis so you can drop the omnipotent attitude and have the intestinal fortitude to stop hiding behind BS statements like "You don't know how it is." Take the time to read what I'm saying and don’t just look for something to get pissed off about.
Or, watching a county cop tell a first responder, "No, I can't jump start your car with all the lights on it." = Priceless!
Nope, just work for hospital based EMS in several communities and Medical transport in a large city. Poor sheltered me. Oh, right. The people sitting in the waiting rooms just love the nurses. I'm surprised they don't get many Christmas cards. Why are patients brought to the ED by EMS patient restrained? Because they were violent or they need to be immobilized. How is this the EMT's fault? Well then, it's a shame that the state's EMS association has published a stance promoting the requirement of standardized training and the legislature will be making driver training a requirement for any EMS provider (which all services I work for have proactively completed) within the next year or so. We'll just have to tell them that apparently we don't care. I don't know where the hell you work, but if you have a co-worker with a substance abuse problem and you don't say anything, you're just as guilty as the co-worker. If the employer does nothing then they need to be reported. Is this honestly a problem where you are? Really, not a failure? Then why were you exposed to shootings so often that counting bullet holes in you rig was a daily part of your inspection? Just because it was the best you had doesn't mean it wasn't a failure. Why do you keep going to the point of only having consealed carry as a requirement? I have said specifically that it is not enough. Let me say it again: FROM WHAT I'VE SEEN, A CONCEALED CARRY CLASS IS NOT ENOUGH TRAINING TO ALLOW EMTS AND PARAMEDICS TO CARRY FIREARMS. Besides, why can't you be educated in defence tactics, ensuring safety and the appropriate use of a firearm? Right, because that's what I was suggesting, firearms on aircraft. :roll: Nevermind, I guess it's just easier to imply someone is ignorant and misquote them than to defend a point.
Are you referring to home health calls or 911 calls? When I said 911 calls that’s what I was referring to. I understand that home health nurses go to residences. So do the mailman, the gas company, electric company, the ice cream truck, Jehovah’s witnesses and census workers. But they typically don’t respond to domestic disturbance calls, MVA’s, shootings, stabbings or codes. Neither do nurses, docs or RT’s. I must have missed where you told me about this. Regardless, the comparison to this issue is apples and oranges. Shooting their way into a scene?!? INTO??? Do you seriously think that’s what will happen? Your apparent dim view of EMS is starting to explain your position. So are you saying that they are impersonating officers or is this about the inappropriate attire, which I would agree with? It’s a reference to walking on water. If “you counted bullet holes in your truck as part of your morning inspection”, then your system was an epic failure, you were working in a warzone, or you’re exaggerating, alot. Shouldn’t it be expected that you would live to talk about it? Assuming that it came in as a potentially dangers call, then yes, most would.
Still chasing. Bastard still owes me a quarter. How old were you when you realized you should have listened to your parents more?
Ever since "fleshlight" made it into the word cloud on the main page my wife thinks this is a porn site! Sent you a PM.
Politician. :wink:
Dude, you must be getting desperate!
How can people be pro-choice, but against the death penalty? It's a sick sad world. :dontknow: