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Everything posted by mrmeaner

  1. Well, there was a time when reports were based on facts. Now it's a matter of what gets attention.
  2. Hope he has a speedy recovery.
  3. He was in the OR into his 90's?!? I'm sorry for the other's who will miss him, but I'm more envious of him than anything. Sounds like he lived a greatly prouctive life.
  4. gt3454, I understand your point. It is embarrassing to see something like this pop up and cast an ugly light on what may have been a joke, said in sarcasm or as a statement to blow off steam. However, judging by the article itself, it would not surprise me to find that the writer in this case had fabricated the statement. In fact I disparaged the article itself on the linked site due to it's tone and statements. If you go to any forum that discusses employment, you will find at least one story that illustrates someone's abuse of trust. There are bad people in every occupation. The internet gives them a voice just like everyone else.
  5. If they can't do the job, joint replacement is a fine reason not to offer employment. Your first responsibility is to your patients, not to hire a subpar employee because of the Aw/DA. How hard is that? Easier than explaining to a patient with a back injury as a result of being dropped that you hired a person unfit for the job because you were afraid of litigation.
  6. It was written by the kinder, gentler Spenac. I've heard that after every right answer, the test displays, "Good job, Buddy!" and "That's OK, pal. Sure you killed this patient, but there will be others!" for every wrong answer.
  7. Probably the probing. Most abductees are not fans. Either that or the lack of FAA licensing.
  8. Strong work! If you don't mind, what did you take as an undergrad?
  9. Ha, I almost forgot about that one!
  10. ...no, I'd worry about the chance of your offspring making it to college, though.
  11. Given the current administration, I don't think it's any better to make a president out of you and me than an ass.
  12. 100 years ago, indoor urinating was a luxury. Forgive me if I don't take their meteorlogical records as gospel.
  13. For the wacker who has everything...
  14. Exactly. I don't see the need for him to chase the ambulance down in a pseudo cop car. On the other hand, there aren't many people whose feelings would be hurt by Southern California ceasing to exist. If he doesn't know how to get a hold of his crews by either radio, phone or nextel, speeding ambulances are not his only problem. Right or wrong, as you said before, 15 MPH over may not be that uncommon for any vehicle traveling that stretch of road. Also, the story stated he traveled as high as 14 MPH over the speed limit according to GPS. It's possible that speed was obtained for a short amount of time. I'm not familiar enough with GPS tracking to say how reliable they are at assessing speed. I've had my personal GPS go down below the minimum of tracking satellites and lose direction. If he was operating outside the company's guidelines (which it sounds like he was), then yes; he needs to be disciplined.
  15. Cool, I can use that line the next time a cop is behind me, "Sorry, I thought you just wanted me to slow down, not stop!" :roll: He was using an unmarked vehicle to chase down an ambulance. He wanted to see why they were traveling so fast with out emergency lights, sooooo he chases them down (higher speeds required) with a vehicle that has no emergency lights. :violent1: Next time, maybe he could just use his farking radio if he has a question about an ambulance's assignment. This retread shouldn't be driving anything faster than a desk. If I were working for this ass clown, I'd be handing in my notice.
  16. :roll: Sounds like the administrator (Deputy Barney Fife extrodinaire) should be given a new mode of transportation. Either a Schwinn or Trek bike. Whichever fits the budget better. Not that the driver of the ambulance was right to be driving w/o lights and sirens for an emergent pt.
  17. Don't have any idea what brand it is, but I have one that I got from an EMS swag bag somewhere. I remember to grab it about 20% of the time.
  18. Sad part is, if it were a vehicle that had animals in it all day, the company would probably be fined for having such a policy. :x
  19. From a maintenence standpoint, I usderstand that idling for a long period of time may cause some minor damage, however, automotive batteries are not made to be run down on a regular basis. And with ambulance batteries, when one goes bad, the other two tend to follow shortly. I would see that as a bigger problem.
  20. :shock: You WANT to work for Ministry?!? j/k. A lot of great people work for Ministry. PM me sometime. I work for Ministry. Can't guarantee anything, but I can at least make sure you're getting to the right people. The apps go through HR so sometimes there is a delay.
  21. The smell of shame may not have come from him. :wink:
  22. Congratulations on passing. Now that you're a medic, you will no longer be able to afford another iPhone, so don't break it.
  23. I took the class as a Basic and it was a great experience. Some of the information was over my head, however it motivated me to learn more. I would try to find someone that has taken the class at the facility you're considering attending. Just because the course has good information doesn't mean it will be presented well. Good Luck.
  24. I thought the same thing when I took my medic test only to find out I passed. You passed, too.
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