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Everything posted by mrmeaner

  1. Had a former coworker ask the doc for a "courtesy stitch" before his wife's repair surgery. He slept on the couch for a couple nights.
  2. Anyone else tired of hearing this?
  3. Good one! So did you go home smelling of Ben-gay and shame?
  4. I'd have to agree that there are no right answers in that situation. Sounds like you did well.
  5. This further solidifies my belief that the real money for nothing is in consulting. Most of the problems they will find in an overworked and understaffed department are due to the fact that they are overworked and understaffed, which any of the employees would have been damn happy to tell each administrator for a few grand (and probably for free). No true problems will be addressed. If you don't know how your department is running then you suck as an administrator/manager. If your company would like, I'd be willing to offer to tell them that on expensive looking paper with really pretty letterhead. PM me and I'll let them know where to send the check.
  6. My new co-workers all seemed to know these guys as local pillars for EMS and it's advancement. I wish I had a chance to meet them. My condolences to those who knew them.
  7. Congrats, Kaisu!
  8. Sorry, but this statement made me laugh at first as it reminded me of the "Spanish Inqusition" sketch from Monty Python. On a serious note, I believe surprise is only one of a few factors left that influence the use of guns. Another would be morality. I can't morally justify shooting someone because they trespassed onto my property unless I felt a threat against my family or myself. Yet another would be my assessment of risk. Even if I could justify shooting a trespasser, is it worth the risk of potentially going to prison? I believe that most people have enough self restraint and moral fiber to know when it is appropriate to use deadly force. The problem is that it's the 10 percent that screw it up for everyone else. The ex-cop sounds like part of that 10 percent. What I got from the stories was that his initial complaint was that kids were often hitting tennis balls into his yard. The FF got involved when the ex-cop's language became foul. Fighting in front of the kids was wrong on both sides. I can't find anything in the story that justifies the shooting, though. However, this is a story and not a report, so as was stated before, there isn't enough info to convict.
  9. Yep, real quality system there. Good thing they can't kill patients, wait, the patient is dead. Oh, they just let them die, that's better.
  10. Hope it works out for you.
  11. Well, I hope you didn't come here looking for a job now or any time in the future. I think if someone is going to use illegal drugs, they'll find a way to get there regardless of their occupation. A stressful job is one of about a thousand excuses.
  12. This post got me thinking about another aspect. There opinions out that PTSD is being used as a blanket diagnosis like ADD. If they can identify a treatment for PTSD, would this not help identify the existence of PTSD itself?
  13. Sorry for the late post, man. Congratulations. Are you remembering what free time means again?
  14. Maybe he only speaks English.
  15. Don't see the point anymore. The Unions' focuses seem to have shifted from "protect the worker" to "screw the employer". Labor laws have been added and changed. Unions don't seem to have a meaningful role to play in improving situations anymore. I understand that most likely every employer could improve how they treat their employees in some aspect. However the average employee isn't a great catch either. And the employees the unions are typically defending are the ass clowns that should have been fired years ago. The biggest tool the union seems to have anymore, is to strike. Great idea. Can I pay a bunch of people $40 a month in dues for them to tell me when I'm not happy with my job to quit working and loose even more money. Wonderful! After 3 weeks of striking with no income the union and management can have a pissing match to at best increase my wage by 5 percent. Wow! That will come in handy because I just lost just over 5 percent of my yearly income by striking for the last 3 weeks. No thanks. If I want to lose my job I can figure out ways to do it without the help of a union, thank you. In fact, that could be the new motto: UNIONS: When you're too lazy to f*&$ up your job on your own. So no, I'm not pro-union.
  16. You know, It's just much easier to just wait for Dust to post again rather than once again realize how long it takes me to type up a response. :x Maybe I'll just throw in a smart ass comment occasionally and call it good.
  17. First off, sorry you took "do a better job" as a shot at your pt. care skills. I was referring to the times, signatures and other requirements for your bonus. However I did leave it open to interpretation. If it's outside your control, then do what you can. Just don't use it as an excuse to lower your efforts. Yes, I am in management. Actually, was. I quit my management job yesterday (I'm feeling much better now). I said things the way I did is because most likely you will get no favorable response from your management without a lot of work. Most likely you will lose benefits as a punishment for complaining about the pay situation. The job market sucks right now. People are watching the news and hearing about high gas prices, a crashing housing market, stock market slumps and increased unemployment rates. Employers are not really worried about losing employees. Especially large companies. Yes, it may take a little while to get people trained, but they are typically willing to bite that bullet rather than admit fault and restructure their pay system. In order to make a change, you will need to put in a lot of work. There are a few people on this site that I would believe could give you ideas on how to approach this task if you post the question in another thread. I understand the point you are making in that you feel like you are losing money. The company will see it as you are failing to meet standards that they have placed emphasis on by offering a bonus to achieve them. Plus they even gave you 60 days at the higher rate because they wanted to get you started off right and gave you the opportunity to maintain the bonus status. Not necessarily how I feel about it but I'm sure it's the way they feel about it. Dwayne gave a great explanation (also showing why part of NR testing should be essay based) illustrating the difference between a bonus and a penalty. Perspective. In the end, my advise remains the same: do a better job, get a better job or get a better education. Personally, I would suggest all three. If you have to stay long enough to uphold your end of the bargain, then that's what you have to do. Also, thanks for addressing your post format. This is the internet, but it's still nice to believe that English is still part of our school systems.
  18. I'm not a military man myself so this is an outsiders perspective. From what I've seen, read and heard, many things that the military men and women have received could be best described as "half-assed". Giving them a half-assed education is not going to remedy the situation. The military seems to train their enlisted for...the military, not civilian life. I do agree that efforts to assist vets should and need to be made. However, I can't see an angle where this isn't a bad idea. Also, as I don't know that I've said it before, to the posters who are current and former military members or contractors: Thank you.
  19. Easy fix to this problem: the 60 day "grace period no longer exists. This will eliminate the employees becoming accustomed to the higher wage. You said yourself that you are officially hired at the "c" wage. Just because you have to maintain standards to continue to receive a higher wage does not mean that the employer is taking money from you. If you don't like the wage you are maintaining, you have the following options: do a better job, get a better job or get a better education. Personally, I would suggest all three. Or, you could just get used to the taste of hot dogs.
  20. Wouldn't that be an appropriate time to hit a woman? Ok, I know. I'm going to hell.
  21. Gotta love a story with a happy ending.
  22. I'll have to check the library at work to see if we have either. I viewed them a little at amazon. After looking Caroline's book over, I seem to recall my medic instructor mentioning her book. She discribed it as a love it or hate it book. You're dead on about Dubin's book from what I saw. It was very interesting, but it was written like I should be reading it to my toddler son. Thanks for the info, Vent.
  23. A who and a what?
  24. Thanks for the links, Anthony. I've been talking to coworkers about these change and have been a little surprised to see some genuine interest. I won't really have a chance to submit anything until tomorrow night though.
  25. One of the first vehicles I owned was a '81 Toyota Corona (yes, like the beer) which had a 5 speed manual transmission. Like most manual trans vehicles, the shift pattern was on the gearshift handle. The first couple times I drove it, I had to look to make sure I was starting out in first gear and not second which would kill the engine or worse yet, reverse which may prompt a conversation with a fellow driver and/or cop. But after a few trips I didn't refer to it at all and replaced it with the high school dream handle: a beer tapper handle. I view mneumonics the same way. They'll help at first, but if you can't function without them, you're going to crash.
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