First off, Einstein would b**ch slap you if he was still alive. Second, your "theory" completely ignores decades of validated research on the subject. I realize that this is your theory and that you are entitled to your opinion but even theories have to have some research that supports them, no matter how trivial. Before you say there is no research and that is why it is called a theory let me just say that most of these theories that everyone speaks of are only called theories because they can't be proven correct in 100% of instances. So they are never stated to be a law of physics. Every researcher would insist on some type of plausible evidence to support your idea before they would grant the title of even being a theory. If you would like to do some research on this subject then I would be very interested in the results so please post them. You mentioned elsewhere in your post that there might be researchers working on this currently. If you have links to that info then please post those as well. I try to stay up to date on the latest physics research that they are always coming up with, so this would be of interest to me.
Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe you don't wake up before a call because you know it was coming. Maybe it only seems like this happens. I find it much more likely that you probably wake up numerous times a night and don't ever think anything of it when you don't get a call. Your mind rememebers the times that you wake up and then get a call more than when you don't. It only remembers when something out of the ordinary happens. Occam's Razor states that the simplest answer is most likely the correct one. Is it more likely that it seems like you wake up before calls due to some type of time paradox in which a future reality channels back through a time loop into your brain so that you know to wake up, or that your brain just places more importance on times you get calls after you wake up creating the illusion that you have some kind of combination between precognition and some weird time loop that its meir presence would negate a century of research.