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Everything posted by Krysteen

  1. Hello! and welcome! I also recieved an error message. I am sure it will be fixed.
  2. Yeh, guess that may mean other things for other people elsewhere.
  3. Sorry :oops: Posting error.......better, still learning here.
  4. ...........and Maury now....yikes :shock:
  5. 16, Algebra.............when I had to take it over or I would not graduate. I think I was more into goofing off than homework. I did graduate by the way. Few summer classes helped. Go figure, I thought I would never have to use it. :roll: :shock: Drip Calculations! How old were you when got your first job?
  6. Well hey, lets throw them a party for not volunteering anyways.
  7. Think this one will come back to haunt you.......yep.....uhuh.
  8. Whats even more interesting is reading the comments below the article from the people in that community. For 100 EMTs in the service, you'd think someone can respond.
  9. They may deserve recognition for what they do. But come on! Close to three times the amount spent on education! Seems like they may be more well trained on how to throw a bash.
  10. I too have been looking. Only found additional info that the female medic also stated she heard what sounded like punching coming from the back. I think when the 30+ page documentation from Denver Health is released we will hear more. I will check when I have a chance. Sounds like it could be a long ordeal. It did take them about a month to arrest him.
  11. Maybe in the end thats what this will come to. If there were cameras none of this would be in question.
  12. Old enough to know better.
  13. Its a good way to keep in touch with people. I am not a phone person at all. But I am completely against posting things that can come back to haunt you.
  14. Any comments on how one would handle this? Say this was your patient who wiggled out of your restraints, and began to become a danger to you and themself. What would you do?
  15. My mother has access to mine. I would get a whoopin.
  16. Obviously this person is not very smart, or just does not care. There is a way to let only your friends see your page. Does not need to be displayed publicly to the world.
  17. So.......his legs were not restrained but his arms were??
  18. Good thoughts though. I see both your points. It will be interesting to see what more info comes of this.
  19. Would it not have been more appropriate to contact med control? Say if it was in your protocol to move onto another form of restraints, such as chemical. Could this all have been avoided in the first place? I say yes. What would you have done?
  20. And then she said?!........
  21. http://www.clipsyndicate.com/publish/video/832774 :shock: Quite Disturbing More Info: http://www.vaildaily.com/article/20090206/...069900/1062/rss
  22. Absolutely! It kinda goes along the line as to reasons why not to throw an antibiotic at your child every time they get the sniffles. I am a strong believer to let nature take its course and for that my kids have been very healthy for that reason. Was I the only one who loved making mud pies as a child? :shock:
  23. As Charlee said, we work the same way. Basics have yearly training to be able to recognize anaphylaxis and the usage of epi-pens. It has been this way for a couple of years now. Some services are limited in ALS and this can be a valuable life saving tool.
  24. Having a good instructor is always a plus, but it all comes down to the time and effort you put into the program. :wink:
  25. I have been in EMS for six years. Three as a EMT-basic, three as an EMT-I, and now I just became an NREMT-P. If I could take one thing back, is that I would have gotten my paramedic 5 yrs ago. Imagine how much more educated I would be if I had. I would not say that I was absolutely not a benefit to my patients, but what good did it do when I had no idea what I was treating? Sure I was able to attatch the AED and follow the directions, put on a non-rebreather, start an IV. Did I have any clue as to why those patients presented as they did, was I able to do anything to reverse the possible causes? NO. I would have benefited with a year experience as a basic just to learn operations, to determine if EMS is really for me. Now all I am is behind. As someone said earlier, too much experience as an BLS provider or lower level ALS just leads to more bad habits in need of breaking. My mindset changed when I entered paramedic school. I had no idea what I was about to venture into. I thought it would be a breeze. It was not by all means, there is so much more to being a prehospital care provider, and by all rights, every patient deserves to have an educated EMT in there time of need. With that being said, it is a good idea to get out in the field as soon as possible to make sure that this profession is right for you. Otherwise do not waste your time as I did, increase your knowledge. It is a benefit for you and the patient.
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