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Everything posted by jobberman

  1. The local Fox affiliate here in Jackson,MS last night ran a story about a shooting that occured here. Not once is anything mentioned about looking for the shooter, or where the PD was to secure this scene. The ambulance staged to close to the scene, and that is on them. For this station to only tell one side of the story is amazing. the video is here..http://www.my601.com/news/local/story/amr-texaco-michael-olowo-ake/tikOZ0lMykKMWfCqZS7WIg.cspx please tell me waht you think. Fox 40 News in jackson has a facebook page and it has been bombarded by ems personell giving their opinons. a group called Fox 40 News owes AMR and its employees a public apology!! is on facebook as well. please feel free to join if you feel an apology is owed. all opinions are welcome. God Bless Gabe Smith NR-EMT-B
  2. I work here, just to let you know we run about 250 calls a day. just like every other service there are bs calls. The two medics who just came from arizona said they loved working here and i hope you do as well.
  3. Charlie Gibson said it leading into the story.
  4. not worried about the comments on here, as letting the abc guys know how we feel about that. heck they may even say they are sorry.
  5. link to the story were fellow ems are commenting. http://abcnews.go.com/WN/story?id=4098992&page=1
  6. On tonights ABC World News Tonight, Charlie Gibson refered to us AMBULANCE DRIVERS. I really enjoy his broadcast but this really chap'd my butt. Got so mad that I even sent an email to the news broadcast. If you want to do the same you can send it here... http://abcnews.go.com/Site/page?id=3271346...harles%20Gibson It may be nothing to some of you, but it truly is the only time I feel degraded as an EMT/Firefighter is when I am called that. My two cents.
  7. con ed is great in most states, but when you are very very limited in your scope of practice in a state, classes are very, how to say, mundane. within our company, all con ed are on the medic level as well as the classes the state gives. I'd rather go through a test and knock it out, than go to class's in which nothing is accomplished. if i were in another state that allowed basics to do more, i would be con eding out the wazoo, but since i have no plans to relocated anytime in the next 30 years, the test will be my first option.
  8. Has anyone taken the new computer recertification exam for basics? the test where if you pass, you dont have to take refreshers or ceu's is the one i am talking about.
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