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the brit

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Everything posted by the brit

  1. anyway I am bored with this now............24 is on............good night and thanks for the interesting, if not predictable, debate!
  2. correction: not the qu'ran but the other holy book used by muslims..... The Hadith are much more explicit about what should be done. A few examples: “Kill the one who sodomises and the one who lets it be done to him.” – Tirmidhi. “Lesbianism by women is adultery between them.” – Tabarani. (Consider that death is the penalty for adultery.) “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.” – Sunan Abu Dawud, 38:4448.
  3. "baseless facts" -- hmmmmmm you havent read the Qu"ran then have you............funny that! "not about sex" you ever seen a gay rights parade ! I understand that many gays are private and loving - no problem there - but visit a gay bar, go to a gay rights parade or watch gay tv - I know - let your kids watch it - let your kids go to the parades - yeah right! By the way - I admire what you are doing over there - thanks for that.
  4. Homosexuality is largely genetic. Give me a break - that has NEVER been proved - shesh!!!!
  5. I am pleased to hear that.
  6. Hey Yummy = good point - one of my best buds is a gay man!
  7. Oh just another point to upset you some more......... Several years ago in the Uk, they were discussing passing a new law to lower the age of gay sex from 18 to 16 - the march on Downing Street was not 16 and 17 years old asking for "rights' - but the mob was old, bald, leather clad men- of average age around 50, demanding this!! Hmmmmm - then the very next day after this law was passed - to help 16 year olds come to "terms with their mature choice" - the same OLD MEN were campaigning for it to be lowered to 14!!!!! JUST A THOUGHT!
  8. What it all boils down to is religion (mainly Christianity) versus homosexuality. Ironic isn't it? The love all, forgive all religion can not tolerate an alternative lifestyle. Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of man and it will never go away. OK OK I can not let that liberal statement go............Christianity, Mormons and others may disagree with this choice BUT please be honest here, the muslim faith says that gays MUST DIE!!!! KILL THEM. So please if you are going to be all pc and wam and fuzzy about this - get it right! You ask why are so many afraid of gays - pppllllleeeeaaasssseeee - they are not scared, but fed up with it being shoved down their throats. Gays have always been around - yes - but hey, why dont people in wheelchairs have the same radical, intolerant, loud shout that gays have? We should have wheelchair-bound people advertising trendy clothes - in EVERY (yes, I mean every) sitcom. We should have redheads screaming for more rights in schools - that all teachers should teach how redheads live and that it is a real choice for every brunette! If gays shut up and just did what they do behind closed doors - just like many others who dont like anal sex, then all would be well - well until the great day of judgement. REDHEADS UNIT!!!! WE HAVE RIGHTS TOO!!!!!!
  9. Timmy you wish you know my opinion - so basically this thread is wanting to know about stuff being put inside someone's bottom? Hmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Greetings one and all. How can I help you?
  11. p.s - you state "Occupation: Mind opener" = as am emt, I believe that means you are at risk of having your brains fall out!
  12. Hmmm how strange that you defend homosexuality (well you have to be pc dont you) and yet you have a sign that clearly states how intoleratant you are toward christians. Would you dare have a sign that shows your comtempt for Muslims? or is that just toooooo scarey - I mean, a fatwah could come against you and the New York Times could cancel your subscription! How odd that it is ok to offend many and yet you suck up to the few!
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