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About Seanchai

  • Birthday 04/11/1985

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  • Occupation

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The place where the pretty colors talk to me
  • Interests
    Music, Ireland, EMS and firefighting

Seanchai's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. trying to figure out where to recert

  2. trying to figure out where to recert

  3. trying to figure out where to recert

  4. guilty I smoke but only once in a while. I sometimes smoke on duty but often try not to because my uniform is so recognizable on campus and I do try to set a decent example in public Sean
  5. I meditate, smoke, or talk with other members of my crew
  6. Seanchai


    You will find that O2 has more uses than listed in the text book. I often use it to calm down hysterical pt.s, and believe it or not it does work. Also it can be used to clear a drunks mental status high flow O2 will kill a persons buzz right away.Keep in mind that O2 will almost never hurt your Pt. So it isn't really a big thing to stress over.
  7. My company is volunteer, we are placed on a one year probation but are allowed to respond to calls and I was issued my pager and key to the hall the night I was voted in
  8. I was just curiouse what (if anything) other people have for uniforms. For the school MERT progam my uniform is tactical EMT pants, a star of life T-shirt and an EMT star of life jacket. My home rig just uses blue jumpsuits and they are optional
  9. Sprague (one red and one blue)
  10. I work as an EMT B at school and I am a Firefighter in my home town
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