To answer your question about the buses now, they are much better because our company doesnt want to lose their contracts. Though I have had problem with FDNY EMT's not knowing where there equipment was on their own bus. We got a job for a peds seizure in the bronx, FDNY gets there has the pt in the back of their rig. Pt stops I am looking for a peds BVM, the EMT hands me a f---ing Adult BVM and tells me he doesnt know where his is, so we grab ours out of kit. Pt starts breathing again we are now looking for a peds nrb which we cant find so we had to take one out of the ALS kit. I searched that rig up and down for a mask and bag and couldnt find either one. Thank god conditions wasn't there and no didnt turn him..but made sure that he had a stocked bus and knew where it was.
As for my comment about 2nd rate citizens...I didnt mean you guys really were 2nd rate, because I don't believe that. I feel you do get treated like 2nd rate citizens compared to the firefighters. The whole money thing? Is me trying to make a means for living in the city. I believe in universal health care and billing a pt is the last thing on my mind when I am on a job. I have been doing my job since I was 16 as a CFR...when I was 18 I took my EMT course...i am 21 now. This has been my life's work. I understand that my position in Transcare is expendible...but I make sure I do my job so I am not expendible, you guys are lucky enough to have a union to back you up. I wish it was a universal union for anyone that gets into an ambulance and does their job. I know it wont be that way. For the radio shit, thats not me. I understand there are morons both FDNY and Vollies. I make sure I am 89 when i am suppose to.
As for conditions, most of them respect me because I give them respect. They can come and put my bus out of service if they something wrong with it such as not being stocked, lightbar not working, ect but I dont have those issues. I make sure my bus is stocked overstocked cleaned and perfect before I go out on the road. I respect you guys for what you do and what you deal with. I have to know my protocols like the back of my hand before I was cleared for 911. My choice in my employer was because of my friends Uncle..who is a A/C in FDNY. My plans arent to say with EMS, I plan on becoming a firefighter in FDNY because thats what I started out as upstate. I just wish there was the same brotherhood there was for EMS in the city like there is with the Firefighters and Cops because we all deal with the same shit and go the same jobs. We back you guys up and you back us up. Thats why when you see somebody with an EMT or medic patch on their uniform dont give us the cold shoulder because we are all brothers in this job. Thats why I brought this up in the first place.