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Everything posted by Tibby
I have already looked into this, buddy, and Dustdevil is right. There are very few places (save Armed Forces) that would have full time, paid wilderness rescue. There are, however, plenty of Volly groups you can join. http://www.mra.org has a bunch of listings under "team info." Maybe you can join a paid fire or Medic service in the Area and be a volly for a Mountain rescue group.
What else would you like to know? Pt was an adult male, working at a factory at the time of the incident. Aside from complaints of back pain, pt had 2 lacs on his left had, with controlled bleeding.
Hey guys! Long time on talk! I just had to come to rant a little. My VFD answered the call for a man pinned in between machine and a truck. By the time we got there, he was freed (they had to use a forklift to get a heavy machine off of him) He complained of Back pain. Well, we had gotten the back board out about the time the EMS showed up, and guess what? The Wise, all-knowing Medic decided we were not going to package him, so they helped him up, and loaded him onto the cot for Bx1 transport. :x Any thoughts on this call?
The smells gag me sometimes, but nothing ever come out the wrong way.
welcome back buddy!
I whine about it on my favorite EMT site
Tibby replied to THE_DITCH_DOCTOR's topic in Funny Stuff
Yep. I had to make the call, things just got to slippery... :oops: -
It was going find till you jumped in Haven't you screwed up enough gene pools for a lifetime, Steve? Aawww, we still love ya.
But it's fun, isn't that what matters? You've got some time to kill, and some breath to waste, why not?
Rid seems to have beef with us non-PhDs holding Existential beliefs. Damn kids and their loud philosophies!
Hey, if the rest of the world can keep up with America and America II: the Sequal, then why is that our problem?
7 pages, on the issue of Theology vs biology, and not a single "F- you"! Some kinda record! Pat yourselves on the back, everyone!
While I like and totally agree with your Biological views, Mass, I have to disagree with your theological ones. The world Faiths, are not "more alike then different." It is really had to for someone to make such a statement, with each faith split up into many more Sects. Pure land Buddhists and Roman Catholicism, for example, have a Lot in Common, but there is no comparison between Zen Buddhism and Roman Catholicism, they are so different! What few similarities that most faiths do share, I believe, come not from a similarity in the dogma itself, but an agreement on certain universal laws (e.g. Karma). Anyways, my point is, these faith may have a lot in common, however they are different enough that someone has to be wrong. Is Jesus the son of God come to same us from Eternal Damnation? Will we be/have we been Reincarnated? These a questions that aren't a matter of option. Either they are true, or they are false. Someone has to be more right. The problem is finding out who that is...
Clearly, you haven't seen many of these teams! Dominicans, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Japanese, Cubans, South Koreans, Australians, Germans, and French, just to name a few countries that have players in the League! They said there is a 1-9 ratio of Dominicans to other Nationalities in the almost 900 player League! Hell, they even have a guy from the Netherlands playing!
Very interesting find, Vs. I specially like his closing: The emotional objections likely revolve around two concerns: 1) The idea of being 'just an animal' or 'coming from slime and rocks' and 2) worry that science undercuts religious faith. It's true science can undercut some tenets of faith. If the idea of a flat-earth or the Sun-god is a part of that faith then you either ignore the science and live in willfull ignorance-at least in regard to that conflict-and trust to faith, or you adjust your theology. Those really are your only two choices as far as I can see. What your objection more than likely reveals is that you don't like the idea of being the product of 'random' physics and biochemistry, that you feel there is no room for a Creator in such a scenario. I cannot imagine greater natural evidence for the Brilliance of a Creator than complex process unfolding over billions of years through countless steps in exquisite order spanning the entire Cosmos. The technical skill and artistic vision of such is to be admired in awe, and in that context evolution should be worthy of your devotion, not your disdain. Just a monkey? Just slime? Just a rock? ... You speak of these things with latent fear disguised as contempt. But a Creator is not limited to our prejudicial desires about how Creation must unfold. If I were religious, I would teach my fellows to feel honored at being descended from a long line of God's wondrous creations and for sharing the amazingly complex biochemical processes those ancestral benefactors endowed us with. If I were a Sunday School Teacher I'd tell my young students that through the wisdom and creative genius of the Lord we can include Cheetahs and Peregrine Falcons in our extended family; I think they'd eat that up! And I'd praise our evolutionary lineage and thank our Linnean cousins from the primates to the microbes and, yes, all they way back to the comets and the 'rocks'. For through them God bequethed unto us the finest instrument and possession you and I will ever own: Our bodies and our intellect. I know of the cartoon you are talking about. Great cartoon.
So, now we have to be experts on the Field to hold a view on a topic and to defend that topic? This isn't a small, 1-3 room station. If someone feels uncomfortable discussing a topic, then they have to option of not reading the post, or not posting the topic.
SA_Medic, Rid, and CHP, it is just a fun debate. Why are you guys getting so worked up over it? So far, even the argueing has remanded relatively civil, no name calling, just the facts. This has been a peaceful, fun debate. If someone doesn't want to debate, they do not have to reply. Just relax, have faith that the good people of EMTCity are mature enough to disagree without being mean about it.
Matthew 5:29-30- If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. And ofcourse, because the bible says no one is without sin, you have cut off a few body parts, have you not? :roll: Of coruse you haven't, because you picked this verse out as a matephor, am I right? Christians believing in Evolution is not about "pick[ing] pieces out to suit my convenience", it is about knowing which pieces are literal, and which are figurative. Can you please elaborate how what things Biology has shown you that cause you to believe in the bible literally?
The argument is flawed for 2 reasons: 1. The Roman Catholics have a defined, set group of philosophies, they have an 800 page Catechism and an even bigger Bible, so that we are able to learn exactly what they believe. We do not NEED to resort to outside sources such as the Dictionary to learn what they believe. Deism is not an organized faith like that. They do not have a Holy book, they do not have a leader or council that can sit down and set up a statement of faith. Roman Catholicism and Deism are 2 totally different animals. 2. As a matter of fact, I do use Webster's Dictionary. That is what it is there for. When I have a question about a word or phrase, the Dictionary has religious terms in it, and can be a valuable tool. Look up Transubstantiation in the Dictionary, for example. Shortsighted? How is using a tool that has been around for hundreds of years, like a Dictionary, to its expressed purpose shortsighted? Well, unlike you, I have experienced it firsthand, I personally know Deist. Was even taught Philosophy by one in College. Deism is about God making the Universe, then leaving it to its own devices.
Then they are not Deists. Is Washington alluding to God is that really proof that Deists believe in god? It could just ask easily be turned around as proof that Washington was in fact a Christian. Atheists, Deists, agnostics, and Christians all love to put there brands on the Founding Fathers. And it is not hard task to find evidence to prove any one of these groups rights. You cannot say without a doubt that Washington was a Deist. Oh sure, you can post hundreds of sites and quotes proving it, but any of the other guys can to the very same thing, and most of them will ironically enough use the same examples (like the one you gave above) as proof. Noah Webster's thoughts on the subject are a little different. A deist is, had been, a person who believes God set things up, and does not interfere. That is the very definition of Deism, and anything else is not Deism.
Don't make the mistake you are the only person who has faced over-zealous Religious types. They don't attack you because of what you believe, they attack you because of the fact that you don't believe what they do. Some Christians will attack other Christians with just as much zeal as they attack you. You aren't special.
People do that anytime you state a belief they disagree with. Welcome to the world.
Man, you get defensive early. :roll:
That's my view on it as well. There is too much proof to deny it. It is already proven that everything in the physical universe is run by certain physical laws. I believe God and/or the big band set the initial conditions, and everything since then has been energy being played out by the Laws, while, as Umass said, guiding everything along the way he wants it to go. No, EMT_Hound, Deism is the belief that God made the Universe then abandoned it. UMass believes God created the Universe then "kept it rolling in the right direction."