Ok....so I need a sanity check..for a call
BLSGS265 respond to urgent care code 2 (no lights or sirens) for a 33/f c/o abd pain. Pt --> ER for further dx/tx.
On scene at urgent care: 33/f c/o 7/10 peri-umbilical pain and dizzyness. pt just recieved 25 of demerol, 12.5 of phenegran.
on exam, Pulse 152, BP 116/84 R 24. no rebound or guarding, no provoking factors, dull throbbing pain, peri-umbilicial pain. no other findings. pt denies Past Hx.
we stat paged the urgent care doc overhead to the pt bedside, they ran a strip, showed Sinus Tach at 154. SaO2 92% on RA.
Doc said, she should be fine for xfer.
pt begins to c/o "sinking feeling" begins to shivver and complains of "anesthesia" feeling.
what we did: 6Lpm O2, shock position, MD opened NS IV to wide open, and we transported 2 miles to ER code 3. (no traffic on streets).
so, we get to ER they room her, and dispatch calls us back to quarters.......
county med control wanted to know why we decided to go code 3 right off the bat...
our explination: ALS response is 7-10 minutes. our trip at code was 3 minutes......sure a paramedic has drugs...but, they're farther out than the ER doctor is.....
county med control accepted this, but frowned at the code 3 decision right off the bat citing that if we think we need code right off the bat we should call ALS.
i can see their point, but time vs. distance was on our side. input on this??
also: we told the doc of our plan for code 3 and she endorsed it....
was i wrong?
:shock: <---me eager for learning!