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Everything posted by whit72

  1. I ll put a little spin on it. What if it was a 5 y/o Would you load and go? Would you work the code where you found them? Would you work them for 45 minutes call the hospital and ask to cease your efforts? Would they allow you to? Or is the 5/yo worth the bumps and bruises, or busted skull you would receive while transporting to the hospital? We can not cease CPR efforts in the field, whether they are 10 or 110. Do I always agree with it? No. Do I respect it? yes. Is it ok to risk my life responding to the hospital with a drunk? A broken arm? A headache? A CVA? A MI? The chief complaint is irreverent, nothing is worth me risking my safety responding to a call or to a hospital. That however is a job requirement. I understand the risk.
  2. Dust you are starting to grow on me. What the hell is the point of turning them off in a neighborhood?
  3. Yes, its one of my most endearing qualities. LOL Anyway, this post wasn't about me.
  4. I would have performed a stress test in the living room, if the findings were positive, I would have catheterized her right there by lamp lite to rule out any blockages. If blockages were noted I would have moved to the ambulance to possibly do a stent placement and open heart bypass if need be. Of course depending on how close it was to shift change. I don't want to generate unnecessary overtime. Kidding, for those who cant differentiate between the two.
  5. Here is a good article. http://www.jems.com/jems/30-5/13231/
  6. vs-eh wrote: If you saw a doctor or RN post in a similar fashion you would be ok with that Have you seen a doctor write? I dated one for about 3 years I could never figure out if I was suppose to pick up milk or put the dog out. Yes, I agree his post was a tough read, but I got the point. I agree with JW, the worst ODs I have done are the dead ones.
  7. I can count on one hand the times I have been present for an EMS provider trying to sway a person from being transported to the hospital. It may be that are transport times are so short, it is easier to transport them, then to try and educate them on the proper use of the EMS system. I can do the call and be back in bed in as little as a half hour. If my transport times were on the greater side of an hour I might be more inclined to advise a person with a broken toe to have a family member take them. As far as the post op call. Hope you do not have a CQI officer or you might be hearing from them soon.
  8. Somedic makes some good points. I do disagree that they are exclusive to the EMT. Attitude and professionalism is not determined by patch you wear.
  9. First, thank god I do not live in London. “The BMA is opposed to euthanasia and therefore we agree that the active ending of life of newborn babies should not be allowed,” Calland said in a statement. Well I am glad they are opposed to, and can agree on, that the euthanasia of babies should'nt be allowed. I am opposed to people using the word baby and euthanasia in the same sentence.
  10. A few pages, as excruciatingly painful as it was.
  11. I guess your first mistake was asking such an open-ended question. "Where would I get a PA EMS license plate?" What an open ended, loaded question. Who would have known. Well you asked a simple question. You have received career advice. Been called a wacker. Been told how you should plan the rest of your life. Told what you should, and shouldn't be proud of. Has anyone told her where she could get the plate? You can actually find some useful information on this site. However weeding through the useless, chest beating, ego maniacs, and opinionated information. Sometimes is not worth the effort. Anyway welcome to the family. If you do choose EMS as your profession, withholding the shitty first impression you just received. It can be a very rewarding experience, whether you choose to spend a year or 25 years in it. thats your choice. Good luck.
  12. woops my above post was posted in wrong thread.
  13. I believe the changes in the AHA guidelines, have been influenced by the findings that there are three distict phases of cardiac arrest. Here is a link with some information. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlere...i?artid=1557436
  14. I am wondering with his hx of DIC, why his wife didn't immediately call 911 after the fall?
  15. asysn2leads wrote: All right, someone hand me my cane to shake at the whippersnappers and help me up onto my soap box, ahem... One of these days kids, one of these days, you'll realize that medicine, and by extension EMS, is not about saving lives, but about helping others. Oxygen doesn't save a life. It may in the long term prevent someone from dying, but then again, you could say the same thing about oh, drinking water or such. Isn't it enough just to make someone feel better? I mean, today, I didn't do a single lick of emergency medical care. No IV's, no defibrillations, no medications or daring high rise rescues, I didn't treat a single sick person today. But what I did get out of today was a nice quick chat and a hug and a little kiss from a lonely sweet elderly lady who accidently set off her medic alert while napping, just because I made her feel good by showing up to make sure she was ok. So, ummmm, there. Do your job, qive them the oxygen, and stop worrying about it. With liberty and justice for all, amen, God save the Queen. AMEN
  16. I also carry a pad, I used to be able remember three sets of vitals. Not any more. I can barely remember the address when its toned out.
  17. I heard that sodium bicarb could be used in an salicylate overdose?
  18. How much does she weigh? Oops guess it dosent really matter considering she took 50,000 mg. I guess she meets the 150/300mg per kg moderate toxicity theory. She fits nicely into the possibly lethal category of 500mg or over per kg Monitor ABC's Be prepared to assist ventilations. Call for ALS. However transport immediately. Activated charcoal 1gm/kg if not altered. Notify hospital. What was her outcome.
  19. I believe this was a domestic, not a medical. Combativeness is not always linked to an underlying medical condition. Unless you consider being a prick a medical condition. The safety of my partner and I are my main concern. As far as LE personal riding with us, they do at times. With their gun.
  20. Jake EMT wrote: 2 back boards works wonders. Picture and Oreo cookie Interesting concept. How about being able to differentiate what a police matter is, opposed to an EMS matter. Therefore securing the fact that no one including the patient, will be subject to further harm. If he is stable enough to kick, scream, bite and spit. He is stable enough to do it in the back of a police car.
  21. Doctor Death wrote: Comments like this; my word is my blood boiling right about now. If you don’t wish to be a paramedic then why are you in EMS?? If you don’t wish to take your education any further I petty you Dont ASSume I am not furthering my education. I believe the word is pity. Doctor death wrote: this person has no respect for human life! Again your ASSuming. Malicious and unproffesional statements like that, is why this field now, nor will it ever be respected. I dont respect human life. That statement proves what little you know about me as a provider, not to mention as a person. You’re out there to do a job and that’s to provide the best care and compassion to the patient I have spent nearly 15 years in this field dont preach to me what this JOB is all about, I am well aware. not how much the pay check is at the end of the week. Good lord show some guts and determination man, Guts and determination my friend. I have forgotten more about those two words then most will ever know, and I have the scars to prove it. Physical amongst others. Easy for you to say as obviously your salary tops the 6 figure mark. Keep looking down at us and stating its not about the paycheck. I am not now, nor will I ever be defined by the proffesion I choose. Malignent wrote: Congratulations for taking a job that a serious person might have had Thank you, When I am doing my job, there is no more serious, competent, and more prepared person then I. Those above charecteristics are not reserved only for the paramedic, or doctor. Because I aspire to be more then an EMS proffesional. I think you have me confused with your obviously narrow minded, dim witted vision of an EMT. Another egregius underestimation on your part. I am sure of which isnt an uncommon thing for you.
  22. Dont assume you know my qualifications or educational background. We have had this discussion before.
  23. Someone dosent have a sense of humor, funny how when the roles are reversed, I hear words like respect, and we are partners, this is a team. I actually am pretty issue free. I also have a great relationship with the paramedics I work with. They unlike your self realise I dont want to be them. We dont post lists of how to get along with your paramedic partner. If you treat me like I am your driver thats what I will act like. If you want a helper get a monkey. Orangutangs are cool. If you want a partner, the respect me. If you want to treat me like and individual with with a problem solving brain like yours, and dont assume because I am an EMT I was put on this planet for the reasons stated in these posts. I dont aspire to be a paramedic. Never have. Maybe that changes somewhere down the line. EMS was a vehicle for me. The ride is however almost over. Soon I shall sit in a corner office making butloads of money. Rid I might be a dime a dozen. Its actually 17.40 ah hour. any way. Some of the best friends I have in this world I met in EMS. Some of the most twisted people I know are in EMS. And the homeless guy with the shits. I dont feel comfortable with that. Its all you my man.
  24. I got a few, dont piss off the EMT or you will: Make your own stretcher. Clean your own mess. Carry your own equipment. Tell someone else your pipe dreams about your lifesaving quests. Complain to someone else about how the Surgeon, doctor, nurse, or x-ray technician have no idea what there talking about. You will get the scenic route to the hospital with the drunk homeless guy with the shits. This is fun.
  25. Dust wrote: If she's hott (and doesn't have a wicked Boston accent), please give her my apologies and my e-mail address. How about if she is wicked hott with just a Boston accent. :thumbleft:
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