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Everything posted by whit72
Anyone have a list of car manufacturers that produce hybrids? I have a few was just looking for a complete list. And location of battery packs, and high voltage wires. I took a class about two years ago on this subject. I am sure almost every manufacturer must be producing one by now. And possibly any new information you might have to add. Thanks.
Well done. Hero vote in my book.
Whats comical is that I have never once in my career, ever had this conversation in my work place, maybe due to the fact that we don't have much down time. We all realize when your knee deep in it 24 hours a day, that arguing about things that we cant change and probably will never see change in our lifetime isn't really worth the effort. We work together, we both have a specific job to do. I have never heard another medic that I work with state "I wish there was another medic here". There confident in their education and knowledge to be the lone person on scene making decisions. There are 100 decisions made on scene, a handful of them maybe, are ALS. Those are the ones they concern themselves with. The others are left to the other competent providers on scene regardless of level. Do we all stand in a line in order of education and await are tasks. Bullsh*t. We are allowed these privileges due to the fact that we have proven ourselves competent to make those decisions. We have a third year med student that's works with us. Do we question her education, abilities, or competency? No. Would a medics we work with just hand her the reins to run a scene because she is educated. Highly doubtful. Why? Because she has no EXPERIENCE in handling those situations. So say what you want about education, cling to it, praise it, live by it. I ll choose the guy with the experience, and ride with him any day, all day. I have been in many a classroom, with the youth today. You barley have to be conscious never mind oriented to receive a degree. So stick your head in the sand and claim a medic is the only one capable of doing this job. I will line up 100 medics that will tell you to go "YOU KNOW WHAT". Yeah tell me again how I am just an EMT who has no aspiration of furthering my education in EMS. And I will agree with you. Your right I have no aspiration of furthering my education in regards to EMS. I have chosen to further it in other areas.
Its odd how every discussion on this forum ends up going down the same road? Who's better then who?
jpinv wrote: Being proud that you have a "certificate" equates to being a moron, regardless of your level. Providers should be proud of their education, if they have one. The letters behind your name might allow you to do something, but the path to your current locatin determins how good of a provider you are. Oh, most of the medics in this country hold "certificates". I do not judge my accomplishments by the letters that follow my name. Yes I hold A EMT " License" but there also education behind that I don't feel the need to flaunt. This is an EMT/MEDIC forum. Neither of which is a degree required position. They are tech positions, I have no problem admitting that to my self. Put all the fancy dressing on it you want. In the end it is what it is. In the future that may change.
Sorry that was Newport, RI. That was all I could come up with. LOL
druidman wrote: Hey all. New here and i was just wondering what everyone uses as a personal vehicle and what kind(s) of equiptment they have. Personally I drive an 06 Saturn VUE (the saturn SUV) and I have a scanner and CB radio. For responding to calls I have 2 Whelen Dual Talons out the windshield (blue/clear clear/blue), 2 Whelen Single Talons facing out the rear windshield (blue red) which rotate so they still face outward when the trunk is opened, and a magnetic mount Sho-Me dual rotator mini-lightbar (blue/blue). I also carry a personal jumpkit with basicly everything except a tank of O2. Welcome, nice to meet you. I have an am/fm radio. I don't respond to calls. At least in my personal vehicle. I have headlights, high beams and fog lights I have red tail and brake lights or responding to calls I have 2 Whelen Dual Talons out the windshield (blue/clear clear/blue), 2 Whelen Single Talons facing out the rear windshield (blue red) which rotate so they still face outward when the trunk is opened, and a magnetic mount Sho-Me dual rotator mini-lightbar (blue/blue). No offense, but I have been in EMS for 12 years and I don't even know what that statement means. Want some advice? Take all those things off your car, finish high school got to college then work towards your MBA. Open a consulting firm, make your first million by age 25. At 30 you will become independently wealthy you can retire, buy a house on 7 mile road in Newport. Travel the world eperiencing everything life has to offer. Then die a happy person. Or you could take all those things off your car wait till you are 18 to make and informed decision about what you are getting yourself into. At age 30 you will be in debt up to your eyeballs, if your lucky to own a house you will probably be able to see the projects from your porch. Maybe go to Disneyland one every other year, if your marriage lasts that long. Become depressed and introverted, die way before your time. If you choose the latter Welcome to the family. Whatever you choose take those things off your mothers Saturn. Sorry very sleep deprived. I am normally a pessimist......LOL
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." -Mother Teresa
emt 6900 wrote: Thanks to all. After a few days of thinking about this, I really feel that our medical command doc left us hanging. But at least i found out that the pt is OK. I rode past his house today and there he was on his lawn chair in the front yard with a case of beer in a cooler.............SIGH...... Quick question: How would you have handled the situation if he wasn't ETOH? An altered pt can not refuse medical attention, whether its related to ETOH or some other etiology. I am glad it turned out OK for you but the next time you might not be so lucky. This reminds me, we were dispatched to a highway in our area for a MVA on arrival we getting out of the truck and here comes this 250lb gorilla foaming at the mouth and yelling incoherently, we run back to the truck, and I am not talking about a brisk walk I am talking a full sprint. This guy proceeds to pound, shake, kick and punch the truck, as I watch him its obvious he is amped on something. So he is 250lbs and probably has the strength of a small army. Guess what, I am not getting out. I also just cant leave. So we pull up a little further he follows us, continuing on his rampage. Finally PD arrives they take him down with the help of a dog. He gets cuffed, restrained, fully immobilized. Off to the hospital we go. Later we find out its crystal meth, and the guy broke both hands, both feet, and an arm. Did I want to leave this fool on the highway? You bet, but ethically, and legally I cant. So we wait for PD to get there, or until he passes out or knocks himself out, whatever happens first. The pt could be altered from anything, the fact that he is cocked makes me more weary that he is injured. Drunk people fall down, get in MVA's, I have seen them fall off second floor porches get up and walk a half a mile. So the presence of alcohol would make me more suspicious of injury. I don't mean to sound judgmental, these are difficult situations. As far as the kidnapping argument, I have never heard of one provider ever accused. I have seen more then one charged with abandonment.
sorry I was rambling Post deleted
I have a quick question: Dont mean to get off topic here: I was just perusing the FDNY website, a friend has recently moved and is attempting to gain employment there. I couldnt believe my eyes when I noticed the pay scale. Is this right Starting FF $25,100 Starting EMT $27,295 Starting MEDIC $37,346 If it is, we have serious problems. Can you even afford to live in NYC on these salaries. Other note about the website: Every civilian position has a starting salary of more then everyone I listed. Go figure.
I can understand locking threads when they get out of control, name calling and personal attacks. Come on we are all adults here. We work in an R rated profession shouldn't we be allotted some leeway? This thread will probably get locked before anyone gets to comment, but hey I threw it out there.
Ruff wrote: no no no whit this pregnant patient didn't need a helicopter, she could go in a wheelchair van and make it to the hospital 100 miles away. She wasn't a true emergency. Im not one to usually get into the "your a dumb arse" type coversations. But come on, these are the easy ones.
Ruff wrote He obviously doesn't know the difference between an emergency and not an emergency. So Barry worshipper - I guess in your book a person with status epilepticus is not an emergency, cardiac arrest is that one? GSW to head must require non-emergency response I agree lets break it down for him: Altered pt. = Emergency Altered pt + seizure activity = Emergency Altered pt + seizure activity + pregnancy = Get the f*#k'in helicopter Emergency.
cumcoemt84 wrote: So dose fire/rescue help in hireing. I have about 140 fire traning hrs. But I thank you for all your input. SO if someday I wount to move I could just transferre within RM Your kidding me.......right
Speaking of airway adjuncts. I may be dating myself here but remember these to bad boys?
AZCEP wrote: Some people will become less than diplomatic with their interactions with us, but often times it is well within each provider's control to alleviate this problem. Some will get out of bed upset about their situation in life, and take it out on everyone they come into contact with. When we walk into a scene, and we recognize this, it makes things much easier for us, if we are able to communicate in a way that these challenges become less of a factor. I totally agree. The positions we find ourselves in day in and day out. Whether it be with Pt's, nurses, or doctors, police and fire. We are in situations where tensions run high, there is bound to be friction. It comes with the territory. All I was stating was that you have to be able to deal with it and not let it cloud your judgment. I dont walk around all day trying to piss people off. I also cant do my job effectivley if I am worried about pissing somone off.
Dust wrote: Obviously you have. If it needs to be done. I don't allow political or financial beliefs to determine pt care. If you have worked long enough in this field, you understand people are going to get pissed off, that's out of my control. I can't believe a person of your obvious attitude would disagree with such a comment. I am sure everyone you (Dust) encounter in a day leaves pissed off at you.
Firefighter523 wrote: Fire on location shortly after dispatch, reporting a 27 yom, confused, in and out of conciousness. Longest period of LOC is 20 to 30 seconds witnessed by fire chief. I don't really see the question here. Head injury with LOC, repetitive questioning, slurred speech and confusion = flying the friendly skies. That's an easy one. You are making your decision on the possibility of head injury, if all the pieces of the puzzle lead you to believe this person has a chance of significant brain injury. Why wouldn't you fly him. If all he got was his bell rung, that's fine. They can watch him for 24 hours and send him on his merry way. You did the right thing. I wouldn't worry about pissing someone off, I would just get used to it. Your the pt advocate. You have to do whats in his best interests.
JPINFV Wrote: Since when did 120 hours of training that included A&P, pathophysio, skills, medicolegal, microbio, introductions, testing, etc make anyone "competent" or "effective?" When the answer to every medical call is, "15 LPM via NRB, call ALS," then you aren't a provider, you're a driver. As stated before. Don't assume you know my level of education. But here is a hint for you it included anatomy and physiology, wasn't thrown together in a 4 week class like most medic programs. So does that make me an expert? Umm, I wouldn't be proud of being the minimum in this field. There are enough moron paramedics and basics as it is. So being proud equates to being a moron? Noted. Dust wrote: Required of you to do what? Call yourself an EMT like a million other uneducated and unemployed wankers? Again, don't assume you know my level of education. So being an EMT goes hand and hand with being uneducated? I am not unemployed. Really who is the wanker here? There it is. The root of your problem. You actually think a certificate is the same thing as proper education. Did I say that? No. When EMS requires a proper education to continue in this field, then we can talk about that. That is why your drivel is unworthy of response. You are either too dense to comprehend, or you are too dishonest to admit reality because it cheapens your little 80 hour certificate. The reality is I wont be holding my breath waiting for a response from someone who's opinion means nothing to me.
Dust wrote: EMTs are not my co-workers Anyway That would include getting the proper education to do so. Do I not have a certification that is required of me? Thank you, I think I do. Image is everything. If you aren't worried about it, you aren't doing your job in a professional manner. No sir, image is your perception of what other people think of you. That does not factor into the way I conduct myself. I conduct myself in a professional manner, because I see my self as a professional. The view of some one else is just that. Their view, I am not concerned, effected or driven by someone else's view of me.
I can see your point.......LOL
I have black hair. That must be an old picture. Do you disagree with anything I said?
I have an idea: Why don't we require a masters degree for any persons working in a pre-hospital enviorment. Then we wont ever have this argument again we will all be highly educated, knowledgeable and competent. EMS will be considered a profession rather then a job. We will never have another issue with some yum yum screwing up. How could we? If your educated and knowledgeable that translates into competency. We will all make six figures. Live in giant houses, drive expensive cars, and all have summer houses in the south of France. We could all meet in the Hampton's every year and have a big party. Sound good. So does me in a hot tub with Jeniffer Lopez, Denise Richards, and Jessica Alba. However I know its a fantasy. Is it nice to think about? Sure Could it happen? Maybe but doubtful. So why don't we stop kicking around are own co-workers, do our job in a professional manner, and stop worrying about everyone else thinks about us. We are what we are. Actions speak louder then words. You don't have to stand on a roof and shout about how good an EMT or medic you are. "I am a professional." Show up every day, do your job competently and effectively. People will notice. I don't need a Mercedes parked in the driveway of my 10,000sq ft house. To consider my self professional. Sorry for the hijacking
Fire away other EMS-ers..
whit72 replied to mysticlakecasinoemt's topic in Tactical & Military Medicine
Dust wrote: Possibly because it was FOUR FARKING A.M. HERE WHEN YOU POSTED THAT, NUMBNUTS! I don't sit by the computer all night long waiting for your next post. But, as it is, you can go back to waiting because your idiocy is not deserving of a reply. Hmmm......Did that answer my question? "Numbnuts" thats proffesional.