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Everything posted by whit72

  1. I had a pt at the police station when he found out he didnt make bail he decided to become deathly allergic to stainless steel (handcuffs) When we arrived he stated he was under cardiac arrest but they had the wrong guy. I am also starting to believe incarceritis is an actual diagnosis.
  2. good ole nasal trumpet. They should rename them the fake seizure detector.........lol We also used to have this old timer he would flick your eyelids to deteremine LOC. He was a nut.
  3. I was just wondering is it completely possible to diagnose CHF in the field? I know the clinical signs & symptoms, presentation, etc. What I can determine through interview when possible: Onset Meds PMH presence of C/P presence of Nausea/vomiting presece of productive cough What I can determine through assessment: LOC Hypertension heart rate/regular or irregular Pulses alternans Lung sounds Rales/Rhonci/wheezing The presence of edema both pulmonary and peripheral Ancillary muscle use JVD Temp/diaphoresis: in this situation I find difficult to determine the difference presence of productive cough Although my treatment is not going to differ much between the usual subject CHF/COPD/pneumonia Is there more I should be looking for?
  4. Thats intelligent. I am sure they will remeber that when your house is on fire.
  5. Patch: Just be careful, dosent sound like a really good situation to be in.
  6. This one hangs in my locker, not sure who wrote it, but I think its fitting I have seen a few different versions. The emt stood and faced his God Which must always come to pass. He hoped his uniform was clean, He'd gotten dressed kinda fast. "Step forward now, my son How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek? To my church have you been true?" The young man squared his shoulders and said, "No Lord I guess I ain't, cause those of us who wade in blood, can't always be a saint. I've had to work most Sundays, and at times my talk was tough. And at times I've been violent, cause the streets are awful rough. But I never took a penny that wasn't mine to keep... I worked alot of overtime, when the bills they got too steep. And I never passed a cry for help, though at times I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I have wept unmanly tears. I know I don't deserve a place among these people here. They never wanted me around, except to calm their fears. If you have a place for me, Lord, It needn't be so grand. I never expected to meet you today, But if you don't I undestand." There was silence all around the throne, where saints had often trod. As the emt waited quietly for the judgement of his God. "Step forward now, my son You've borne your burdens well. Walk peacefully on heavens streets. You've done your time in hell."
  7. That's fine. We could do without your opinions, or thoughts of me. I believe in the protocol post I questioned more then one of the protocols in use. Did I not. I need to know my role, if you read some of my previous posts before the glucagon discussion. I know exactly what my role is, and I work with the tools I have been provided. You believe what you believe that does not change the facts. The medications are there whether right or wrong. I don't have the time to stand outside the dept. of health with a sign stating I am EMT with 140 hours of training, could you please re think your reasoning behind allowing us to administer glucagon my friend PRPG doesn't agree with it. If you have the time by all means have at it. My views on education mirror yours but we have to work with what we have been given. If the states don't mandate it. It will never happen.
  8. tech medic wrote: Heaven forbid anyone be an EMT and a Nurse!!! And have a sense of humor.
  9. Did Imake this personal, no I didnt review the post please. If its get locked it gets locked, but review who started the assault. PRG wrote: When you have, I will regard you as a step above the trash I pick up on a daily basis. Yil then...well.....you know where you stand. That statement screams maturity. Thank you.
  10. itku2er wrote: I am taking this as a personal attack against my character...... Ummmm this is an EMT board not a nursing board, And if you think what I said about nurses was offensive to you. You should look around this board it was quite minor. If you were offended again I apologize Whit
  11. So, you back up your statements yet again with a decisive lack of information, by trying to tell me your experience stands for itself? You no nothing of my experience. Respect is earned, not expected. I have earned the respect of providers who you'd be lucky to breathe around. Oh people Id be lucky enough to breathe around, Im so jealous.... You must be so impressive, It is my complete honor to share this board with you..........now why dont you gab your hundred dollar stethescope, and go grab that dialysis pt. You have not earned mine. I am crushed thats my sole reason for living, to earn the respect of a 23yo know it all. When you have, I will regard you as a step above the trash I pick up on a daily basis. Yil then...well.....you know where you stand. Thanks I wasnt sure where I should stand around such seasoned veterans like yourself. It would start with one foot in your ass. Just a 23 year old youngins reccomendation to someone who would be lucky to get a grip and realize the truths about something you do for a living. I am quite familiar with the truths of what I do. Thanks for the recomendation junior.
  12. Well I remeber when I was 23 and thought I new everything, so I guess we can let that slide. I have been in EMS since you were 10. So talk to me when you don't live in your parents basement. Please when you make a comment about EMTs, paramedics, docs, and nurses please use in your opinion. Cause at the tender age of 23 I highly doubt you have the experience to make statements about the whole EMS field.
  13. Paramedicmike wrote: If an EMT wants to give meds then that EMT has several options including, but not limited to, paramedic school, nursing school, medical school. The fact still remains we have this drug amongst others. And were used quite frequently when I was employed in that state. PRPGfirerescuetech wrote: A more appropriate theory is the nurse to Doc relationship...at least both are trained in the art of assessments. Neither are trained adequately And now you have the expertise to judge doctors and nurses. Earth to PRPGfirerescuetech I think you have gone to long without oxygen. Even myself with my strong opinions would never make such a derogatory statement encompassing a whole field oh sorry make that two fields. You cant make such a broad statement. Stand clear of PRPG its gonna get hot in here.
  14. JPINFV wrote: but any need to call 911 has to be ran by the manager [who are, at most, only RC first aid certified So he makes the call but it's your ass on the line. Maybe not the best situation for you to be in.
  15. Patch wrote: Here's another recent event, 22y/o female with major cramping pains, she's doubled over in her chair and looks in agony. Tx was lay down on this cot for 1 hour and have an ice bag, then go home. Supervisor informs me with a grin," it's nothing, just her period." Or 35 y/o female with epistaxis for 2hours before coming to work, Tx was sit on this cot and hold your nose for 1 hour, then go home. He will hang himself shortly. If you are not careful he will take you with him. ABD. pain lay down for an hour and go home, no medical attention at all. Sounds good, I ll have to give that one a try, Please advise him that abd pain pts require hospital evaluation to rule out oh let me see hmmm..............about one thousand different things, some of which could be life threatning. You need to talk to someone about him.
  16. dust wrote: In my extensive experience teaching both full-time and part-time for the Red Cross They allow you to teach with those opinions. Of course students are going to shut you out, and wait anxiously for the end of class, Let me guess you list your qualifications on the board behind you so everyone knows who the boss is. Not really hard to figure out why you cant keep their attention. Whats going on with you, your posts used to be informative and helpful, providing people with a direction all the while echoing professionalism. I can say now your posts no longer reflect that. Its a shame you were an asset to this board.
  17. Lone star, Coach If I could give you some advice. Don't waste your time. This has been going on for ever in this forum. If you are not a medic you are useless. They no it all have done it all, seen it all. And will happy to tell you they have done so. Just continue to do your job effectively, and not worry about what people on this board. Trust me they do not echo that of the majority. Most would be happy to explain or talk you Thur something rather then stand over you rattling off their qualifications. or lack there of. Though I do not work in and area that has very many volunteers, I have actually never come in contact with any. Any one who does a job for free with that kind of personal risk involved, has the respect from me. If you want to call them whackers or whatever they are still putting it on line to benefit others. If you cant respect that. And what exactley does being paid have anything to do with being proffesional.
  18. Rid wrote: one should be actively involved in changing local and state regulations and protocols. Either your part of the solution or part of the problem... and not being active or promoting change is part of the problem. So I should be fighting to remove this from the protocol? I agree.... actually my barber appears to have a better understanding of pathophysiology than most basics. As well, I would probably trust him more than some basics I have recently seen. At least he does not profess to be "medically trained" and is aware of his limitations. I know your are busy in all your endeavors, maybe one of them should be working towards a more competent EMT training program. AS you stated if you "Either your part of the solution or part of the problem... and not being active or promoting change is part of the problem. Regardless of your beliefs EMT's are actually out there doing calls. There are probably a couple sitting in a truck close to where one of your loved ones lives. God for bid if the tones go off, what then...............
  19. You may be correct, what I do know is I can much more informed decision on when it needs to be given. The facts are that glucagon is a medication we use in RI, wheather you think it is effective or not for the EMT, it can and will continue to be an effective treatment method for EMT's in this area. I am sorry you have such a problem with it. Thanks for the input.
  20. I think we have beaten this horse to death. Not a real horse so I don't want emails. I have found it both educational an humerus at times. Thanks to everyone that could give an opinion that didn't include derogatory comments, or name calling. later
  21. I believe beneficial I believe that is why it is in the protocols. I also couldnt find one person (docs and medics in my area) that could state an incident they had when giving it.
  22. So if it is so dangerous why would it continue to be an accepted form of treatment in RI. I do agree that I no longer work there. If there were continual disastrous effects from the administration of this medicine, do you think maybe it would have been removed? No offense but the people who write these protocols have significantly more education, and experience with this, then either of us.
  23. Glucagon stimulates breakdown of glycogen stored in the liver. When blood glucose levels are high, large amounts of glucose are taken up by the liver. Under the influence of insulin, much of this glucose is stored in the form of glycogen. Later, when blood glucose levels begin to fall, glucagon is secreted and acts on hepatocytes to activate the enzymes that depolymerize glycogen and release glucose. Ok I must be missing somthing. Anyway The fact that I know way more then I ever wanted to know about glucagon. I have exhausted this issue completely. Thanks for the input. Whit
  24. I thought it was pretty funny, and I wouldnt have wrote it if I hadnt experienced it numerous times. But again I am sorry you were offended.
  25. Probably not the best way to deal with events of the day, but dam it was fun.........
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