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Everything posted by mailmantech82

  1. I'll jump in on this one! PM me if you want....
  2. I'm thankful for my family and friends...without them I would be so lost...
  3. DNR - Don't fear the Reaper
  4. Has anyone heard about the new lifepak15? I've been googling for info but can't seem to get any information...
  5. Sure the 5th amendment is a constitutional right....but doesn't that only apply to U.S. Citizens?
  6. I recently had an "experienced" medic ask me what a Duoneb was... He had no clue...
  7. Honestly, I am amazed at the stupidity of some people in our country! If a terrorist event takes place people bash the Homeland security for what went wrong. But when they do something to try to maybe stop an event, idiots are riding around with video cameras and not letting them catch the bad guys! WTF?
  8. I find this discussion interesting! I'm personally guilty using the word "stable" in radio patches to the hospital, and working to change that after reading. I had never thought of this before, I guess thats why I keep coming back to the city!
  9. We're using the Motorola HT750's for portables... I haven't been having very good luck with them.
  10. Just when you think you've heard it all...someone goes and just amazes you with their stupidity! The old lady should keep the ball until they all apologize! The mother should be arrested for being stuck on stupid!
  11. Where I work we typically get and order for Midazolam if pt becomes anxious and combative during transfer. This usually comes as a written pt specific order that accompanies the pt. I agree with some of the comments here...that the Midazolam or Lorazepam would probably have helped out.
  12. My thoughts and prayers are with the families, co-workers, and friends of those involved!
  13. I heard this one on a hospital call in... Unit xx to xx hospital Hospital: Go ahead Unit: Currently inbound XX year old male pt involved in a MVC. Pt currently immobilized with a cervix collar... I can't remember the rest I was laughing to hard....
  14. Welcome back Cheeky! You've certainly been in our thoughts and prayers! I will continue to do the same for the little one!
  15. Glad to hear that things are improving!
  16. I am not personally familiar with this kind of pneumonia, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife! Keep us updated on how she is doing!
  17. My thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends and co-workers!
  18. Up here in Northern Maine (Southern Occupied Canada) they use the UMBC CCEMTP program for both Paramedics and Nurses. The program is used to train experienced personnel for critical care transport teams. It really doesn't change the scope of practice for the Paramedic in the prehospital setting, but it does help with critical interfacility transfers when a nurse accompanies them.
  19. I just did some clinical rotations with Pro in Cambridge, I was really impressed with their system. They have an excellent ongoing education program, and even have a medic program at their facility. They do have excellent equipment, and everything is well maintained. Don't know much about the others, but Pro would be a good choice IMHO.
  20. I was at BMC doing clinical rotations when this happened! From talking to the staff at the hospital, they are really going to miss him! God Speed Doc!
  21. Hey! I think I've worked with those guys! lol
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